Searching for the Truth in the King James Bible;
Finding it, and passing it on to you.
Steve Van Nattan
CULTIC MISFITSHere, we consider the weird and strange cults.
We will not spend a long time exposing these cults,
Since their very nature ought to manifest itself
In their behavior and words.
PHIL JOHNSON-- Inquisitor General of John MacArthur
This man has made a cult of C.H. Spurgeon.
Spurgeon, a cigar smoking over weight pedant, is the darling of arrogant jack boot Baptist preachers and many other slow bellies. Preachers who love to use one text and jabber on and on showing their gifts of elocution read Spurgeon instead of their Bibles for inspiration. Phil Johnson also promotes John MacArthur's ministry with the bloodless Gospel. See his "Bad Theology" page. The key to being listed here is to question John MacArthur, Johnson's guru and savior. We are also blessed to be listed here. Johnson could link to many of our pages and have some very useful information for his readers, but then, Big Bad John would not be pleased. Grace To You would soon have a new main man. This is a sad case of the Evangelical Mafia at work. Read down the list of "Bad Theology," and you will be horrified at the sound men whom Johnson lumps in with flaming heretics. This is the New Age method used from within the Lord's Church.WATCH THIS CREEP ATTACK A CLASSIC BIBLE CHURCH FUNDAMENTALIST
Phil HATES the House Church Movement, which is the base of the New Testament Church:
"House Church Central For those who want to play "church" but despise authority. The house church movement embraces an unbiblical egalitarianism that subverts the role Scripture assigns to elders and overseers of the flock of God (cf. Hebrews 13:7, 17). From the Web site: "One of the main distinctions of house church vs. institutional church is the use of dialogue rather than lecture and sermon." Now there's an unbiblical recipe for shepherding the flock. But biblical shepherding is inherently out of sync with house-church populism. Predictably, this site is hostile to formal training and full-time pastors. The result is a theological home-brew that is both inconsistent and confusing. Don't waste too much time here. The pseudo-scholarly pontifications on doctrine and church history aren't worth the bandwidth it takes to download them."
Phil is the hit man for John MacArthur. Anyone who deals with the heresies of MacArthur seems to be ignored by John. This gives the impression that John is too busy or too mighty to be bothered with questions. This is the classic Papal treatment, but, like Cardinal Ratzinger, Phil Johnson occupies the office of Inquisitor General. It is clearly his job to seek and destroy those who question John. It is amazing to see who Phil attacks-- some of them are very godly and faithful people. The Mafia could learn much from a study on Roscoe Blvd.
Phil's most effective weapon is used much on the web lately. He lumps godly men who disagree with MacArthur with fully insane heretics. This gives the impression that the godly men must somehow be off. This is done by Apologetics Index also. This is called guilt by association, and it is Satanic and the stock in trade of an agent provocateur. There are those who believe John MacArthur has been sent into the Lord's Church to destroy it. With Phil Johnson wrecking havoc on the saints, and with MacArthur approving of it, why should we not conclude that MacArthur may be an agent of Satan?
Tell me this, was there EVER a time in Church History when the righteous attacked the Blood of Jesus and got away with it? Whenever this has happened, some faithful man stood forth and cried, "Thou art the man," as did Nathan with David. John MacArthur NEEDS Phil Johnson as a resident Pit Bull to strike fear into anyone who deals with John's Blood doctrine.
Lunatic Fringe of the Lunatic Identity MovementEGYPTIAN PYRAMID AND SPHINX CULT
This has been toyed with by some KJV only Fundamentalists,
as well as Dr. Gene Scott, and myriad others.THE GREAT DREAM
A New Heresy of Bible Zeal and Deep Secrets-- This is Deadly.RG STAIR CLAIMS TO BE A PROPHET
His Potty Mouth and Arrogance must be exposed.![]()
Long text load, but it is worth reading!!!!!
Amazing Mafia-type world.SALEM KIRBAN-- Blue-green algae is manna from heaven.
LETTER FROM A READER: Some choice sarcasm
The reason I'm writing is to tell you how grateful I am to you for pointing me to the True Church-- The New Jerusalem Church. Now, let me see if I have this straight: Christianity fell away sometime after the death of the last apostle, and so had
to be RESTORED through this retreaded Hindu guy. Wow! A "restored" church. I've never heard THAT before! Well, except for the Campbells, Jim Jones, Russell, Ellen G White, Armstrong, Moon, Joseph Smith, and now this yo-yo. An old friend used to say that at the county fair he'd see a booth for The Only True Church. Then he'd see a booth for the OTHER only true church. And further on down, he'd see the booth for the OTHER other only true church. Where do these jokers get an audience for that old yarn? Blessings your way, Brother.
2 Peter 2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
Listen to the New Jerusalem message-- Jerusalem has moved to Bombay in case you had not heard :-)
"Not to vorry- thank you please."Read our new article on prophecy as divination
Sterling Institute of Relationships:
Robert H. Schuller is in the Middle East promoting Christian- Muslim understanding. Schuller, of the Crystal Cathedral Ministries and the Hour of Power television program, is on a three-week trip through Syria and Jordan.
He addressed 15,000 Muslims at the Abou Nour Mosque in Damascas, Syria. . . saying, 'We have all failed, Christians and Muslims, to treat each other with respect and dignity, but now that must change.'" (Religion Today, December 23, 1999)
Dr. Gene Scott
This devil did us a great favor and went to hell in February of 2004.
You can be sure the legend will prevail for some time though.Jack Hess damned his soul for appearing on Scott's show.
Here is automatic writing which resulted in a painting of "Jesus." The "Jesus" in this portrait has blue eyes and a very Anglo look. The biblical Jesus was a Jew. The book the lady peddles is also a demonic counterfeit with Catholic notions and pagan forms included. At the home page follow the links to "Jesus" words. You will notice that they deify love and emotions rather than God himself.
Also, this drivel sounds a lot like Roy Masters' Special Knowledge, and the Foundation for Human Understanding as well as Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Love is God, and love is your self. Change is love in action (New Age doctrine), and sin is minimized by zeal. The sacred heart is your higher intelligence. This "Jesus" is a demonic fruit loop! Check it out. The Home PageSteven Hassan--
Not a Christian, but he has done some userful research into the mind attacking cults. EXPOSING "THE WAY INTERNATIONAL": THEOLOGY AND ATTACK ON THE WORD OF GOD-