![]() Col.
This box is strategically used to grab you attention and keep you reading. Good editorial demands this, and it should be text oriented. Any videos should come down the page as proofs of my contentions. So, this time I change the format because I found one video which tells us much about Jim Ammerman and shows his demonic nature, in spite of his claims to serve Christ. Thus, please WATCH THIS SHORT VIDEO So, knowing that Jim Ammerman believes extra-terretrials come from some other planet, we see that Ammerman believes doctrines of devils. UFOs and ETs are devils manifesting themselves in this Last Days as lying wonders. |
If it were not for the immense power Jim Ammerman held over leaders in the US Military, and if he had not been part of the very elite of the Dominionist Reconstructionist movement, we could laugh the idiot off. But, we need to review this man's life and influence in Christendom, and we need to consider his zeal to start civil war in the United States of America.
Included is a 1997 memorandum from a three-star general calling for an investigation of Ammerman and CFGC at that time. This memorandum includes nine pages of excerpts from Ammerman's radio appearances and Prophecy Club video, "Imminent Military Takeover of the U.S.A.," a video circulated among militia groups. Ammerman's statements included everything from saying that Bill Clinton (president at the time the video was released) should have been executed to inciting the militia types by making claims that his chaplains were reporting back to him that they had inside information that the U.S. military was preparing to attack U.S. cities and claiming inside information from other sources indicating an imminent threat of the United States being placed under martial law. Unbelievably, as Kathryn Joyce reported in her recent Newsweek.com article, "Christian Soldiers: The growing controversy over military chaplains using the armed forces to spread the Word," the outcome of this 1997 investigation was that the DoD found Ammerman's statements to be within the bounds of free speech, and Ammerman retained his authority as a DoD authorized chaplain endorser.
SOURCE HEREHere is a classic case of a man who seems to be assigned the duty of terrifying American conservatives. This rubbish is spread through The Prophecy Club online.
A good part of this two hour interview was about another of Maj. Linzey’s pet conspiracy theories — a communist takeover of the U.S. in which the U.S. government is complicit. According to Linzey, the Chinese are going to to take over the United States with the help of Mexico. He claims that Chinese soldiers are already in Mexico training the Mexicans for an invasion into the United States to reclaim the Southwest for Mexico. In typical fashion, Linzey, like his mentor Jim Ammerman and other Prophecy Club members, claims to have inside information from government officials that there is a government conspiracy and/or cover-up going on.
Ammerman helping plant "missionaries" in the US Military. Trinity Broadcast Network exalts this. This is called Christian Fundamentalism, but it involves ONLY Pentecostal US Military chaplains. Knowing the Identity, Dominionist, and Reconstructionist infiltration of all Charismatic and Pentecostal denominations, this is frightening.
Gen. William Boykin, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence under President George W. Bush from 2002 to 2007… was handled by former Army chaplain Jim Ammerman, the 83-year-old founder of the Chaplaincy of Full Gospel Churches (CFGC), an organization in charge of endorsing 270 chaplains and chaplain candidates for the … Speakers include Jonathan Cahn, Rick Scarborough, Bill Federer, Brigitte Gabriel, Lt. General (Ret.) William "Jerry" Boykin, Mario Bramnick and Kevin … "The head of the Catholic Chaldean Church in Kurdistan said Iraqi Christians have ‘little time left.’ Gen. William Boykin … a Hindu cleric and a Roman Catholic priest. The president said he spent most of that session listening, occasionally interjecting his thoughts. The religious leaders directly addressed their concerns about Boykin, Iraq and U.S
This information indicates that Amemrman was in league with Jesuits, and that explains a lot. This means Ammerman's dealings with the American Militia were very likely a Jesuit plot to start Civil War in the USA. So, does this surprise anyone?
Here is proof that what I just reported in the last citation is not fiction:
For those who don't remember the story of Gordon Klingenschmitt, he's the ex-chaplain who made headlines a few years ago for his publicity stunts for Jesus, such as holding a hunger strike over military chaplains being able to pray in Jesus' name. Klingenschmitt claimed, and continues to claim, that he was booted out of the Navy because of the form of his prayers, when, in reality, he deliberately got himself court-martialed by disobeying a direct order not to appear in uniform at a political rally, an activity that is strictly prohibited by military regulations. But, Klingenschmitt needed to get himself court-martialed in order to embark on his new career as a martyr, and seizing the opportunity to disobey this direct order would do the trick, so he did it.
So, here's how Gordon Klingenschmitt led MRFF into the astonishing story that follows. About a month ago, both MRFF and Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU) began receiving a lot of emails about Klingenscmitt using a photo of himself in his Navy uniform and identifying himself as "Chaplain" in order to promote political causes and solicit money, a perceivable violation of Title 18 of the U.S. Code, so MRFF and AU decided to issue a joint letter to the Chief of Naval Operations requesting an investigation into Klingenschmitt's current activities. This letter led Klingenschmitt to do two things. One was to issue an imprecatory prayer calling on his followers to essentially pray for the deaths of AU's Barry Lynn and MRFF's Mikey Weinstein and their families. The other was to post a very strange disclaimer on his website, in which he called Lynn and Weinstein "bone-heads," and defended his right to call himself "Chaplain," stating that he has a current endorsement as a "Chaplain and Evangelist to America" from the Chaplaincy of Full Gospel Churches (CFGC).
It was this statement that led MRFF to take a closer look at the CFGC, a chaplain endorsing agency headed by retired Army colonel and chaplain Jim Ammerman, and authorized by the Department of Defense to provide the ecclesiastical endorsement required by the military for all military chaplains, with several hundred of its chaplains currently serving in all branches of the military.
Right off the bat, MRFF found the expected stuff -- which alone provides ample reason to demand that the DoD revoke the chaplain endorsing authority of Jim Ammerman and the CFGC.
His alleged "church" was only a church on paper. This is a bold face scam, and it is amazing that the US Military went for it. My experience working for Military chaplains tells me this was an inside job. Ordinarily, chaplains have to be approved at the denominational level and licenses to be ministers of that denomination by their leaders at their headquarters level. Jim Ammerman was a typical Charismatic leader under the category we might call minister without portfolio. He was exalted and fawned over by the Charismatic movers and shakers, but his endorsing position with the US Military had no direct roots in any Charismatic entity as best I can learn.Also, in the video you hear that Christians under US Military command are violating Military Code of Conduct to hand out Bibles to Iraqis and others in the combat area. It would be a point of great rejoicing if they did this on their own, but to force the US Military to participate in this is classic dominionism and flagrant arrogance against the code of Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul.
Romans 13:2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
"This investigation, by the Center Against Religious Extremism (CARE), demonstrates an extensive pattern tying evangelist Rick Joyner and his Oak Initiative political organizing front, and leaders affiliated with Joyner who have pledged their lives to implement biblical law in all sectors of society, to Vladimir Putin’s inner-circle ally Vladimir Yakunin."
Remember, you readers who may think a take over of the state by the Church is a good idea, Jesus did not ordain this in the Church Age, AND all Church managed states in history have turned into raging tyrannies dominated by bastard sons who lived filthy perverted lives while "serving Christ."
Photo: Fidel Castro, World Public Forum co-founder and close Vladimir Putin confident Vladimir Yakunin, and WPF co-founder Nicholas Papanicolaou at World Public Forum 2005 “Latin America in the 21st Century” conference in Cuba. At the WPF’s Rhodes Forum (brain child of Jim Ammerman) in 2007 Cuban president Castro proposed an “alliance of civilizations” to oppose “the United States’ empire”.Top left to right- Castro, Yakunin, and Papanicolaou. Bottom left to right- former Undersecretary of Defense and current Oak Initiative board member Lt. General (Ret.) William “Jerry” Boykin, Papanicolaou, Rick Joyner.
What is Fidel Castro doing hob nobbing with alleged conservative Christians unless those alleged Christians mean to bring in a Dominion and Theocracy which includes Communism?
And, how does Vladimir Yakunin "take the kingdom for Jesus?"
In October 2015 Yakunin was dismissed from Vladimir Putin's inner circle of advisors for refusing to stop an extortion racket in England run by him and his son.
Sources told Russia’s independent Dozhd television channel that Mr Yakunin’s dismissal resulted from growing frustration in the Kremlin at rampant corruption connected to the businesses of his London-based son, Andrei Yakunin.
"They continued to extort money from the company even after the president said ‘enough is enough,’" a source close to the family told TV Rain, an independent Russian television channel.
The sources, quoted by Russia’s independent Dozhd television channel, claimed Mr Putin finally drew the line when Andrei Yakunin, a long-time resident of London who lives in a £4.5 million mansion in Hampstead, applied for a British passport.
Vladimir Yakunin and the Rhodes Forum
This is a Forum which consists of a collection of human rights trouble makers from many nations. Yakunin is a co-founder, and the objectives of this Forum are in stark contrast to the alleged goals of Ammerman, Joyner, and other Dominionists who have cozied up to Yakunin. What is going on here. I quote Yakunin in his opening speech of the Rhodes Forum on October 10, just three days before Putin sacked him as his advisor. AND, please remember, all the following lofty talk of righteous moral thinking is in contrast to Yakunin's fraudulent dealings in the UK recently, that is, if Putin read it right.
"Yakunin said: "Our organisation is about embark on a period of major change and development. Having dedicated the last 13 years to promoting dialogue between different civilisations in the broadest sense, I now want to use this base to create a world class think thank that will make practical policy recommendations. "We have seen that a world dominated by a single civilisation does not work. Recent conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria have demonstrated the failings of Western interventionist foreign policy."
"It is clear from the current state of conflict throughout the world that intercultural dialogue is vital. This view has recently been endorsed by the President of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haas, who stated that the over dominance of American foreign policy over the last century has been the root of many of the most difficult struggles that exist today." Dr Yakunin added: "In a world driven by consumerism, people are brought up only to care about satisfying individual needs. This is at the expense of the cultural values that make up different civilizations. If we do not try to control this we will lose the principles and moral standards of society."
The point is this..... These men, especially Doug Coe of "The Fellowship," Ammerman, and Rick Joyner, have the stated, or secret, policy of destroying the US Government and ruling America, AND THE WORLD, under their own New World Order. They claim to be doing this for Jesus Christ. Remember please, Adolph Hitler made many statements that he was restoring the "Fatherland" for God.
Jim Ammerman says Democrat leaders should be hanged. He said that President Obama would be assassinated. The amazing thing is that Ammerman, when brought to the attention of law enforcement and US Officials, is declared free to say anything he wishes. This begs the question, "Is Jim Ammerman an agent provocateur of the US Government to CAUSE revolution or civil war. Otherwise, who is he working for?
The introduction given him claimed he was chief of Chaplains of the US Army. LIE Check it out here. When a man is given such accolades, we know that either he lied about his history, or the people around him are damned fools themselves. This sort of false information then makes ALL the claims around the man suspect at best.
E.H. Jim Ammerman passed away May 17, 2011 right before turning 85 years old. Jim and Charlene had just had their 67th wedding anniversary. He had retired from Chaplaincy Full Gospel Churches and moved to a retirement apartment complex in Cedar Hill, Texas about two years before he died. Col. Ammerman was the founder and director of Chaplaincy Full Gospel Churches which endorsed chaplains in the military, prosons, fire stations and chaplains in industry. He did mission work in many countries around the world and started a seminary in South America which allowed Protestant chaplains in to their military for the first time. Before this only Roman Catholics were allowed to be officers in the Venasuelan military.
Jesus said he would "build my Church," not my Kingdom first. And, ONLY Jesus Christ will build his kingdom. He does not need us to do that, and his Kingdom is NOT being built now.So, the servant of the Charismatic devils has gone to his reward, and he was warmly received I am sure. But, this man showed us how the militant wing of the Charismatic Movement operates, and they mean business. They believe they will one day be chosen by Gog to kill any of us who do not submit to the lunatic manifestations of devils which they preach.
This was the foundational organized movement within Pentecostalism and Charismania which first taught the vicious militancy which Jim Ammerman promoted. HERE IS WHERE I DROP MY BOMB ON THE MSOGAMMERMAN WAS SIMPLY PROMOTING AN OLD DOCTRINE IN PENTECOSTALISM
Ammerman's ghost is still alive and well, or sick, in Charismania.
I am very aware that
Chaitkin is a long time associate of Lyndon LaRouche. I have had some rather involved
communications with Caitkin in the past, and I found his information was accurate
after I did research on what he reported to me. I do not in any way endorse LaRouche.
"Dominionism" as a Term or Description
The term "dominionism" is used different ways by different people. When new terms are developed, that is to be expected. If we are to use words and phrases to discuss ideas, however, it pays to be on the same page concerning how we define those terms. This is especially true in public debates.
In her 1989 book Spiritual Warfare, sociologist Sara Diamond discussed how dominionism as an ideological tendency in the Christian Right had been significantly influenced by Christian Reconstructionism. Over the past 20 years the leading proponents of Christian Reconstructionism and dominion theology have included Rousas John (R.J.) Rushdoony, Gary North, Greg Bahnsen, David Chilton, Gary DeMar, and Andrew Sandlin.
Diamond explained that "the primary importance of the [Christian Reconstructionist] ideology is its role as a catalyst for what is loosely called 'dominion theology.'" According to Diamond, "Largely through the impact of Rushdoony's and North's writings, the concept that Christians are Biblically mandated to 'occupy' all secular institutions has become the central unifying ideology for the Christian Right." (italics in the original).
In a series of articles and book chapters Diamond expanded on her thesis. She called Reconstructionism "the most intellectually grounded, though esoteric, brand of dominion theology," and observed that "promoters of Reconstructionism see their role as ideological entrepreneurs committed to a long-term struggle."
So Christian Reconstructionism was the most influential form of dominion theology, and it influenced both the theological concepts and political activism of white Protestant conservative evangelicals mobilized by the Christian Right.
But very few evangelicals have even heard of dominion theology, and fewer still embrace Christian Reconstructionism. How do we explain this, especially since our critics are quick to point it out? The answer lies in teasing apart the terminology and how it is used.
Christian Reconstructionism is a form of theocratic dominion theology. Its leaders challenged evangelicals across a wide swath of theological beliefs to engage in a more muscular and activist form of political participation. The core theme of dominion theology is that the Bible mandates Christians to take over and "occupy" secular institutions.
A number of Christian Right leaders read what the Christian Reconstructionists were writing, and they adopted the idea of taking dominion over the secular institutions of the United States as the "central unifying ideology" of their social movement. They decided to gain political power through the Republican Party.
This does not mean most Christian Right leaders became Christian Reconstructionists. It does mean they were influenced by dominion theology. But they were influenced in a number of different ways, and some promote the theocratic aspects more militantly than others.
It helps to see the terms dominionism, dominion theology, and Christian Reconstructionism as distinct and not interchangeable. While all Christian Reconstructionists are Dominionists, not all Dominionists are Christian Reconstructionists.
A nested subset chart looks like this:
---------------------Dominion Theology or Theocracy
----------------------------------------------Christian ReconstructionismThe specific meanings are different in important ways, although the terms have been used in a variety of conflicting ways in popular articles, especially on the Internet.
In its generic sense, dominionism is a very broad political tendency within the Christian Right. It ranges from soft to hard versions in terms of its theocratic impulse.
Editor: Steve Van Nattan: This whole strategy of domination of the wicked world by the Church is sub-Christian rubbish. I has NO foundation in Jesus Christ or the Apostle's teachings. The Early Church Fathers made NO effort to take over the Roman Empire. Only the Roman Catholic Harlot Church joined forces with the state in circa 300 AD under Constantine, and the result was millions of people being killed for refusing to join the state religion. And, that killing era lasted from 300 AD to 1500 AD. This whole theology of dominion taking is VERY Satanic.
So, what is the Church's commission regarding the world outside of Christ?
Mark 16:14 Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.Preach the Gospel, and teach about Jesus Christ. The result is meant to make disciples of people who confess faith in Jesus Christ so that they will perpetuate the process "unto the end of the world." This implies that the Gospel will still be preached by the ordinary Bible believer all the way through the Messianic Kingdom. There is NO period, in the teaching of Christ and the Apostles, in which the Church is to take control of human government.
Now, in retrospect, I must make one exception. There is a time when Christendom will participate in the rule of the nations, but there will be NO Gospel preached, and NO Jesus Christ in it.
Revelation 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.THERE IS YOUR DAMNED THEOCRATIC KINGDOM
If you are fool enough to trade faith in Jesus Christ for a place in the dominion of Satan, you are a damned fool also.
If this is heresy to you and me, and if it is not winning favor with the unconverted, what shall we say about this? We need to blast ANYONE in the face (of in the email or comment box) who teaches even the slightest measure of this filth. And, we need to make it very sure, in our homes, churches, and to the man on the street, that we have no tolerance for dominion taking.
This man is possessed with devils. He blasphemes the plain truth of the Bible. He denies Jesus' Great Commission. This is the sort of beasts working by stealth to take in your mind and invite you to abandon soul winning and charge up the hill to take over the US Government by brute force.Understand please, that anyone preaching this theology is devil possessed. I do not care who it is and how sweet they may seem. They are agents provocateur for Satan.
I personally have felt the sting of mockery of Dominionists I have befriended. Sooner of later, these people will attack your mind and try to convince you that you are not taking the kingdom by just winning souls. One man I knew, a man who had helped me in a number of ways, finally shucked me off because I would not demonized the US Government.
If you have to go out of this life living at the Brook Cherith, with only crows for friends, in order to avoid keeping company with church house devils, that will glorify God immensely. Being alone and right with God is a lot better than being with the trendy folks and feeling filthy every time you head for home.
Psalms 84:10 For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.
What I am now wondering is, do we have a religious war raging in the US Government and the Pentagon to see who will carry the largest religious hammer? Jim Ammerman's life story tells me that there were men and government officials way above him who either tolerated him, or they WANTED his strategy to win. This then begs the question, "Is Obama the porch monkey for Islam and Atheists who drive a planned strategy to defeat the Conservative and Dominionist mob?
For the record, this editor wants to have NOTHING to do with either one of these bastardized warring tyrants in waiting. They have nothing in Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ has nothing in them. They will ALL burn in hell if they do not abandon their man-made religions and confess faith in Jesus Christ. If they happen to confess Christ, they will at once abandon their mongrel One World gospel and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the New Testament Pauline plan, PLUS NOTHING !!
We now have some very complicated possibilities.
1. Is there a far more sinister conspiracy going on by evil men, whether in England or men like Jim Ammerman, of THE FAMILY, who WANT America to go into Civil War, and they are NOT in the service of the US Government or the New World Order? In other words, are all of us Bible believers being seduced by Satanic entities on the far right to do total destruction to the order we still have left in the USA?
2. Or, are these agents provocateur really agents of some deep plot by the US Government, and in the devices of the Hidden Hand, to bring on civil war in order to prevent secession?
Knowing the real nature of the Charismatic Movement, with its demon possessed leaders, and knowing the fierce urge to kill in the heart of the Manifest Sons of God and the Kansas City Seven, Rick Joyner and such creeps, I have to assume that the first possibility above is the most likely.
This also answers another question I have asked for years? Why would sinister men in the US Government totally destroy the order we have left in the USA knowing that civil war would totally destroy all productivity, and tax revenues would dry up to nearly nothing. The love of money is the root of all evil, said Jesus. So, knowing the lust for wealth and enrichment which rises to the top in America and into the deep pockets of our leaders, why would they intentionally destroy this?
In fact, it may be this fifth column movement by crazies in Charismania which is causing the panic in Washington in which all agencies are arming themselves and storing up billions of rounds of ammo. AND, this ongoing agent provocateur program could well be the reason our leaders are so determined to outlaw guns.
This study of Ammerman, Dominionists, and the mob of damnable crusaders for Satan could go on and on. This heresy is permeating every church denomination except the Whiskeypalians and Methodists. And, I believe this war between Satan's Atheists and faggots on one side, and Satan's crusaders for Theocracy on the other, will continue to mellow and stink greater and greater, like mackerel in the moonlight. Will you keep yourself from this pollution my friend?
Jude 1:21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
22 And of some have compassion, making a difference:
23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.