of an E-Mail from a reader and two links to a rebel Baptist page. I have
no problem with folks who are pleased with their part of the world and their nation.
The USA is far more diverse than most nations in the world, so this local
"pride" is understandable. But, this hate for others, and the defense of
the South in the USA, is NOT based upon the love and teaching of Jesus Christ.
The pastor involved is a natural brute beast and undoubtedly not born again.
He is simply using a Baptist church and a bunch of bigots in the pews to
promote his hate message. God has a way of exposing these kind of folks,
but we want to warn you of this kind of thing and this local church in particular.
Many of these bigot barns are KJV only, and we are KJV only as well. So,
you need to understand that the KJV issue is NOT the only one out there, AND you
need to stop giving these scum any slack just because they wave the KJV in the
OUR READER: From: "Frank E_______" To: Steve Van Nattan
Subject: a warning Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 Dear Brother Steve:
Recently I visited this web page
It's the web site of Landmark Independent Baptist Church in Archer,
Fla. This is a very deceiving page and I think you should warn Brothers and Sisters
in Christ about it, lest they become deceived by them. You see, my family and
I are originally from Phila. PA. and now live in SC for the past 3 1/2 years.
We moved here for a better life (?) and to live peaceably with our neighbors,
and we still do. Now and then, we do get some persecution for being "Yankees".
So, when I came upon this "Baptist" church, at the bottom of their
page, It asks the visitor, to visit the "pastors" page. Well, I did. The whole
page is devoted to attacking "Yankees", "the South Shall Rise Again", etc, etc.
Not one word to encourage Christians, not one quote from Gods' Word, not one prayer,
not one link to other Christian web sites that would help Brothers & Sisters
in Christ. This
is a "pastors" web page, and I would think that it should offer more than
the worldly cry for war! He even gives web links to other Confederate web sites!
I wrote an email to him to protest that a "pastor" of the church of Christ should
be more concerned for the welfare of men's souls than to encourage hate! Well,
he replied, and I have attached it with this email. My soul, Come sweet Jesus,
quickly! Sincerely in Christ. \Mr Frank E_______
Frank, _______________________ THE ANSWER FROM
THE PASTORAL BIGOT: Letter to Frank E________ I am sorry
that you feel so persecuted in South Carolina. Many of those nasty Southerners
there have not yet learned to lick the boot that kicks them. You see they still
remember the Yankee invasion in which Southern homes were burned, Southern crops
were destroyed, Southern possessions were stolen and Southern women were violated.
We still believe in those dangerous words contained within the Declaration
of Independence. They were true in 1776 and they were still true in 1860.
You say: "If the South were to secede again, would there be another war?"
Only if the Yankees once again violated the Constitution as was done
by the war criminal Abe Lincoln. President Davis well stated the Southern position:
"We just want to be left alone." The South did not invade the North. The South
did not force the North into a union at the point of a bayonet. The
Word of God does not prohibit or condemn slavery. It does, however, regulate it,
recognizing the responsibilities of both slave and master. The Confederate
Constitution does not allow for the impressing of one into slavery who is not
already in that state, so your arguments about making blacks slaves again is a
typical Yankee straw man. You ask: "Do you hate yankees?"
Well, I suppose by "Yankee" you mean all Northerners. No, I don't. My wife is
an Ohio girl. Some of my best friends in the ministry are of Northern birth--most
of them would also acknowledge the justice of the Southern Cause, though I do
not make that a requirement for my friendship. One of my G-G- Grandpas was a Confederate
soldier in the Marion Light Artillery. Another was a Yankee soldier from Ohio.
There children married and were the parents of my maternal grandpa. I do not hate
or blame the individual Yankee soldier, anymore than I hate or blame the individual
German soldier for WWII. The leaders, such as Hitler and Lincoln are the guilty
parties, and their own soldiers were often victims of their hateful lust for power
and blood. Some "soldiers," however, covered themselves with guilt such as the
German SS or Gen. Sherman and his pillaging troops. This entire country
suffers the effects of the Northern "victory" -- both the North and the South.
The out of control, monolithic central government is a direct result of the Southern
defeat. Your ridiculous charges against my personal page deserve no
answer. That page is minuscule compared to our church homepage. It's purpose is
not the same. Our church webpage seeks to glorify our Sovereign Lord
and proclaim His holy truths. I have the distinct impression that you have little
tolerance for an Absolutely Sovereign God and His Absolute Predestination of ALL
THINGS either. It seems that you would exalt the will of man above the decrees
of God with your "plan of salvation." I am always amused at those
who have been specially called to accuse others of pride and to foist their humility
and advanced knowledge upon us lessen enlightened ones. But I should not be surprised,
your arrogant and paternalistic attitude reflects that of the Northern leaders
that instigated that bloody and needless war of 1861-65. There are
many in the North who have come to see the justness of the Southern cause. Please
visit the site of the Southern league ( from there go to the
listing of State Chapter webpages. The webpage of the Ohio Chapter is most enlightening.
Of course many brave Northerners opposed Lincoln's immoral and illegal war and
they experienced the very real persecution of the renegade Northern government.
Many Northern "Copperheads" were arrested, imprisoned, removed from elective office
and even deported to the South. Well, I suppose that I am just wasting
my time, so I will close. D. V., Greg Wilson Editor-
Steve Van Nattan I need make little observation. The pastor involved
damns himself very well on his own. It is entirely possible that Greg
Wilson is possessed of devils. SEND