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Saints and Observers It
is admitted on all hands that the Text used as the basis of the Authorized Version
correctly represents a Text known to have been widely (if not everywhere) in use
as early as the second century (for the Peschitta Old Latin Versions, corroborated
by patristic quotations afford ample proof of that). On the other hand it is not
known that the two Codices we are discussing represent anything but copies of
a bad original, made worse in the copying. Philip
Mauro .
. . but a review and comparison of the present and fashionable opinions of biblical
critics. We call these the opinions now fashionable; for those who watch the course
of this are aware that there is as truly a fashion in it, infecting its votaries,
as in ladies' bonnets, medicines or cravats. R.L.
Dabney The
nemesis of superstition and idolatry is ever the same. Phantoms of the imagination
henceforth usurp the place of substantial forms. Interminable doubt, wretched
misbelief, childish credulity, judicial blindness, are the inevitable sequel and
penalty. The mind that has long allowed itself in a systematic trifling with evidence,
is observed to fall the easiest prey to imposture. It has doubted what is demonstrably
true, and has rejected what is indubitably divine. Dean
Burgon In
addition, the Protestant orthodox held, as a matter of doctrinal conviction stated
in the locus de Scriptura sacra of their theological systems, the providential
preservation of the text throughout history. Richard
Muller The
Scripture is the library of the Holy Ghost; it is a pandect of divine knowledge,
an exact model and platform of religion. The Scripture contains in it the credenda,
"the things which we are to believe," and the agenda, "the things which we are
to practice. Thomas
Watson In
these scriptures God requires all sorts of people, both men, women, children,
and strangers, both learned and unlearned, to read the Scriptures, and to search
after the heavenly treasures that are laid up in them, as men search for gold
and silver in the ore. Thomas
Brooks It
can, then, with no colour of probability be asserted (which yet I find some learned
men too free in granting), namely, that there hath the same fate attended the
Scripture in its transcription as hath done other books. Let me say without offence,
this imagination, asserted on deliberation, seems to me to border on atheism.
Surely the promise of God for the preservation of his word, with his love and
care of his church, of whose faith and obedience that word of his is the only
rule, requires other thoughts at our hands. John
Owen Today
these sacred texts must have none of the smell of the ancient Near-East upon them;
they must be made to speak in an American colloquialism that offers neither a
window to the transcendent, nor an entry way to the religious consciousness that
animated the communities that composed, preserved and transmitted these materials
as a sacred trust. Hence, today we have Bibles that havee been custom fitted to
the immediacy of the modern situation, primarily for marketing purposes, but always
under the guise of "needing to communicate." One publisher alone, the Zondervan
Publishing House, has excelled in this endeavor, aiming for every consumer group
imaginable. This, however, is diversification gone mad: The Quest Study Bible,
The New Student Bible, Women's Devotional Bible, The Adventure Bible, The Teen
Study Bible, Men's Devotional Bible,Couples' Devotional Bible, The NIV Life Application
Bible, The NIV Study Bible, Youthwalk Devotional Bible [?!]. This is scandal beyond
belief. Theodore
Letis Q.
6. What was the end of writing the word? A. That the church to the end of
the world might have a sure, known, standing-rule, to try and judge all things
by, and not be left to the uncertainty of traditions; John v. 39. Search the scriptures,
for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify of
me. John
Flavel If
we would destroy the Christian religion, we must first of all destroy man's belief
in the Bible. Voltaire
strange mistakes have been made by some who have thought themselves able to interpret
Scripture by their own abilities as scholars and critics, though they have studied
with much diligence! John
Newton The
only antidote to this plight is for those small remnant Reformation communities
who still retain confessional and catholic integrity to act as salt and light
in this insipid and ever dimming age. With little promise of success they must
walk by faith and not by sight and celebrate their distinctives with intelligence,
dignity, and winsomeness in hopes of attracting with the full fragrance of the
old classic translations those whose senses have been dulled by the pollutants
of modernity (2 Cor. 2:14_17). Theodore
Letis The
Old Testament in Hebrew (which was the native language of the people of God of
old)and the New Testament in Greek (which at the time of the writing of it was
most generally known to the nations), being immediately inspired by God, and by
his singular care and providence kept pure in all ages, are therefore authentical;
so as in all controversies of religion, the Church is finally to appeal unto them. Westminster
Confession of Faith This
section teaches that the original sacred text has come down to us in a state of
essential purity. A.A.
Hodge I
have just spent the better part of the last five years attempting to localize
just what was the specific dynamic, or chain of events, that led to this bankrupt
state within the modern confessional churches. Obviously we all know that Biblical
criticism lay at the heart of the matter, but what I wanted to discover is how
and why so many well-armed and forewarned ecclesiastical bodies could all fall
in time, one after another, without so much as knowing the process had taken place.
Certainly everyone rightly feared and trembled at the German higher criticism,
with its speculative theories about sources and carrying out an agenda dictated
by the various philosophical schools of German Idealism. But it was while everyone
was staring steadfastly at this Philistine, would-be invader of the Church, that
time and again an apparent out-flanking took place and fall ensued. How and why? Theodore
Letis "For
an orthodox Christian, Burgon's view is the only reasonable one. If we believe
that God gave the Church guidance in regard to the New Testament books, then surely
it is logical to believe that God gave the Church similar guidance in regard to
the text which these books contained. Surely it is very inconsistent to believe
that God guided the Church in regard to the New Testament canon but gave her no
guidance in regard to the New Testament text. But this seems to be just what many
modern Christians do believe. They believe that all during the medieval period
and throughout the Reformation and post-Reformation era the true New Testament
text was lost and that it was not regained until the middle of the nineteenth
century, when Tischendorf discovered it in the Sinaitic manuscript Aleph and when
Westcott and Hort found it in the Vatican manuscript B." Edward
Hills "They
were far too shrewd to feed this disconcerting thirst for ideas with a Bible in
plain English; the language they used was deliberately artificial even when it
was new. They thus dispersed the mob by appealing to its emotions, as a mother
quiets a baby by crooning to it. The Bible that they produced was so beautiful
that the great majority of men, in the face of it, could not fix their minds upon
the ideas in it. To this day it has enchanted the English-speaking peoples so
effectively that, in the main, they remain Christians, at least sentimentally.
Paine has assaulted them, Darwin and Huxley have assaulted them. But they still
remember the twenty-third Psalm when the doctor begins to shake his head, they
are still moved beyond compare (though not, alas, to acts!) by the Sermon on the
Mount, and they still turn once a year from their sordid and degrading labors
to immerse themselves unashamed in the story of the manger. It is not much, but
it is something. I do not admire the general run of American Bible-searchersMethodists,
United Brethren, Baptists, and such vermin. But try to imagine what the average
low-browed Methodist would be if he were not a Methodist but an atheist!" H.L
Mencken "The
distressing realization is forced upon us that the "progress" of the past hundred
years has been precisely in the wrong direction�our modern versions and critical
texts are several times farther removed from the original than are the AV and
TR! How could such a calamity have come upon us?!" Wilbur Pickering
of all, the Textus Receptus was the Bible of early Eastern Christianity. Later
it was adopted as the official text of the Greek Catholic Church. There were local
reasons which contributed to this result. But, probably, far greater reasons will
be found in the fact that the Received Text had authority enough to become, either
in itself or by its translation, the Bible of the great Syrian Church; of the
Waldensian Church of northern Italy; of the Gallic Church in southern France;
and of the Celtic Church in Scotland and Ireland; as well as the official Bible
of the Greek Catholic Church. "All
these churches, some earlier, some later, were in opposition to the Church of
Rome and at a time when the Received Text and these Bibles of the Constantine
type were rivals. They, as represented in their descendants, are rivals to this
day. The Church of Rome built on the Eusebio-Origen type of Bible; these others
built on the Received Text. Therefore, because they themselves believed that the
Received Text was the true apostolic Bible, and further, because the Church of
Rome arrogated to itself the power to choose a Bible which bore the marks of systematic
depravation, we have the testimony of these five churches to the authenticity
and the apostolicity of the Received Text." Dr. David Otis Fuller
one hundred years ago, in 1863, a convocation of the bishops and archbishops of
the Church of England was held. They were meeting to protest and censor the heresy
of one of their number, Bishop Colenzo, concerning the Word of God. They issued
the following statement: "All our hopes for eternity, the very foundation of our
faith, our nearest and dearest consolation, are taken away from us if one line
of that sacred book, the Bible, be declared unfaithful or untrustworthy."
Dr. David Otis Fuller quoting Anglican bishops So,
what did they proceed to do? They let Westcott and Hort and the Pope persuade
them to pitch all of that confidence in the Word of God into the rubbish bin of
German rationalism and liberal open mindedness. English Churchmen are so open
minded their brains have fallen out. HERE
take a breather. This stuff is Holy Scripture; it is much, much too heavy for
the pabulum-puke baby tummies of A.T. Robertson, Kenneth Wuest, Spiros Zodhiates,
Mike Randall, Bob Jones III, Doug Kutilek, Shelton Smith, Machen, Robert sumner,
David Sarfield, Nestle, Willmington, Dean Burgon, Edward Hills, Westcott, Hort,
David Cloud, Theodore Letis, Arlin Horton or Jerry Falwell. The babies (Hebrews
5:13) need to stay in their cribs." Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
While Ruckman
lists a number of Bible mutilators, some of these men, albeit with their theologically
troublesome baggage, have done some investigation in defense of the Textual Receptus
which far exceeds the work of Dr. Ruckman. In this quote you see the cultic place
he carves out for himself, for his boys in Pensacola are duty bound to avoid Letis
and Dean Burgon. I have seen Letis in action, and he gives NO quarter in defense
of the KJV. To
lump Letis, Horton, and Burgeon in with Westcott, Hort, Kutilek, and Bob Jones
III is damned-to-hell rationalizing. It is false witness and cruel. One wonders
if a person who can do this has ever been regenerated, for he can frame his brother
with impunity and lead his followers to despise men of God who stand before only
Jesus Christ as their judge. Perhaps
the true infant is the one who screams and rages because someone else found a
bigger lollipop than he found. This cultic lust to be the resident guru, with
a wide eyed gullible following, is unworthy of the Word of God which needs no
man to stand on its own. I
have been around, from L.A. to Ethiopia to the Guta Plains of Tanzania, and there
are only two beasts that I know of which devour their own while they are still
alive-- hyenas and Fundamental Baptists. In fact, if you gut a hyena with a bad
shot to the belly, he will run off eating his own entrails. A friend of mine saw
a hyena do this one day while hunting. Some of these Fundamental Baptists hyenas
seem to need to destroy themselves as some sort of red badge of courage. They
are the type that, if told the bunji is too long, would jump anyway. Walk circumspectly,
ye Bible believers-- don't jump with them please. Here
is Ruckman on Ruckman: "Any verse or chapter in a King James Bible is
more authoritative than any set of books that any scholar wrote about them."
As in: Romans 3:4 "God forbid: yea, let God
be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified
in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged."
the way, READ ABOUT
DEAN BURGON Ruckman was only a predestined thought in the sovereignty
of God when Dean Burgon was warring a good warfare at Oxford as he attacked the
two drunks, Westcott and Hort across the way, as they built the foundation on
which all modern corrupt bibles are based. Ruckman stands on the shoulders of
Burgon, and men like him, and bashes away at these lions in the faith. Well, all
lions have fleas, but that does not make the fleas into lions, not even if they
adopt the lion as their logo. Other
quotes from Dr. Peter S. Ruckman-- You tell me what this is. "Those
silly asses actually teach that salvation is the same in the Church age, the Tribulation,
the Millennium, and the Old Testament." Ruckman,
in spite of Hebrews 11, believes salvation was, in the past and in the future,
by works. This is clever of him, and the Pope would love it, but it is not taught
in the Word of God he claims to defend. The "everlasting Gospel" is
one of faith, for which a man is justified. We
end with a quote of Ruckman which shows that the man can indeed get something
right, and, unlike his treatment of Burgon and Letis, we commend Ruckman if he
gets one right: "A
man said one time that you could find all of Buddha�s bones and still be a good
Buddhist; you could find all of Mohammed's bones and still be a good Mohammedan;
and as far as that goes, you could find the bones and corpse of every religious
leader who ever lived, and you still could be a good, faithful adherent to that
religion. But if you found one bone of Jesus Christ, you could no longer be a
Christian. Now, that's what you call scientific, empirical data, man. You can't
argue with what I just said. I mean, there it is..." Take
notice though-- Wrestling with Fundamental Baptists is like wrestling with a hog
in the mud-- The hog loves it and you go away smelling like a hog.
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