ON THE TEXTUAL ISSUES In spite of burnings, translation
corruptions, and Vatican threats, THE BIBLE STANDS. This
page is here for the encouragement of those who have come along the path from
Bible confusion to the Narrow Way of One Bible-- The King James Bible 1611.
If you are part way along the journey, this page can be a real encouragement.
You won't be all alone with a bunch of wierdos if you take a stand for
the KJV. Out of Southern Baptist Chaos X-Sender:
------------- To: steve@balaams-ass.com From: Darin -------------
Subject: KJV MY testimony : I grew up attending a
Southern Baptist Church where they will carry any new bible that comes along,
I never thought much of it although I still carried a KJV. I now attend and just
joined an independant Babtist church where the KJV is preached from without compromise.
I also read some of Gail Riplingers books which as you know are pro KJV. Thank
the LORD for reveling his true word. Now I tell anyone I can about the watered
down versions ( family included) . Their response sometimes is " the KJV is a
translation itself and men wrote it so it can have mistakes". I respond by saying
, don't you think that GOD who BTW created this world in six days has the power
to inspire men to write his word perfectly? Amen On the
Defensive with No Cause-- Tom learns that the hollow heads prevail in the
Christian Bookstore From: "Tom" -------------------------
To: "balaam's" Subject: Off the Deep End With Ankerberg!!!!
Dear Steve, I have a very interesting link for you
to check out. Has John Ankerberg gone off the deep end? See for yourself !!!
I can't believe he actually put this on his website! http://www.ankerberg.com/ModernVer.html
I cannot believe that he does NOT recognize the devil's fingerprints in the other
versions. Are these so called "experts" so BLIND?....as not to see
the devil is out to distort the Word of God???? Do they not know the enemy of
our souls? Can they honestly defend these other versions and have the Spirit of
Truth??? Does John not smell a rat when seeing that so many verses have been completely
removed from these new versions? Where is the discernment that he claims to have?
His article mentions that "conservative Protestants" produced the
NASB and the NIV. Obviously, He has NOT done his homework. There is no fear of
God, in those translators, to remove verses out of the Bible!!! See
http://www.av1611.org/niv.html for a great article exposing the NIV. Also the
Hideous background info on these texts of the NIV can be found at http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/6811/background.htm
He also states that there is little difference between the Catholic
bibles and the KJV. What he fails to mention is that most Catholic bibles have
footnotes for each verse and their own interpretations for each verse, plus the
added Apocrypha. They just don't cross reference...they take each verse and comment
on it....justifying their dogmas. So the translation may similar according to
the Textus Receptus in some places but the words get lost in all the Catholic
commentary. The devil either distracts the reader from truth with
Catholic Commentary or twists the Scriptures (as with the NIV,NASB,etc.) and keeps
them so focused to read only these distorted versions faithfully each day....it
really makes no difference to him...he is producing the same results...all souls
not saved still end up in the same place...HELL....not hades (like the NIV says)...but
Hell! Interesting Note: I was given the Ankerberg
link by a certain (foreign language) Christian bookstore defending their other
versions. I emailed them...asking if they carried a Bible according to the Textus
Receptus, for my grandmother. (I had a Bible study with my grandmother
one day on Jesus' finished work on the cross and discovered her Bible was missing
verses on the blood of Jesus. I cannot buy her KJV because she is from Europe
and doesn't read English very well so I emailed this online bookstore.)
I mentioned to them that her bible "is a very poor translation...many Scripture
verses are completely omitted and others are watered down." Steve
this was all I wrote to them...I did not even name the translation she owns and
they write back defending all the versions they carry in their store and how I
should check out Ankerberg's website.....because "very conservative" experts have
a lot to say regarding the KJV and other versions. They were completely on the
defensive and I wasn't even accusing....that's the strangest part.
Interestingly...there is only One Version in this foreign language according to
the Textus Receptus....just like in the English language. Out of so many versions....Only
One! I should research this and see if in every language this is the case.
Ankerberg's article is defending the NIV and other translations and putting
down Gail Riplinger's book and claiming she is not accurate. I have not read her
book but anyone who stands up for the King James Bible should be supported, not
criticized. You do NOT have to be a Bible Scholar to see that verses have been
completely removed from the other versions. A while ago, I was on
Moriel Ministries Website. They were saying the same things that Ankerberg is
saying about Gail Riplinger and the KJV Bible. ---------- Here's
what I wrote to them: Dear Moriel Ministries, The
reason I think that there is such a concern with some of the newer Bible versions
is because of the verses that have been omitted. I was shocked years back when
I discovered that 1John 5:7 was omitted out of just about every version I had
in the house. The versions that are out today seem to water down the Gospel.
Many verses from the Four Gospels have been omitted as well. Why omit these
verses? We are not to take away from God's Word. We do not have to be experts
to know that if key verses or key phrases have been omitted or watered down, then
the scriptures have been tampered with. And by whom?? Know your enemy.
We are to expose the works of darkness. Ever since I've switched to
the King James, I have discovered things about the Lord that I never knew before
and even prophecy...the mark of the beast will be IN the hand not on the hand
as the other versions state...I caught that one night in my devotionals.
Who is the great deceiver? You better believe that any bible that omits
verses on the trinity has the enemy's fingerprints all over it. If
you pray, the Lord will reveal to you all truth. Maybe Gail Riplinger is not a
renown expert, I don't know, I've never read her books......... but you don't
have to be a Bible scholar to see the error in the other versions.
---------- Steve, we know that God is faithful. He is faithful in preserving HIS
WORD. The King James Bible stands forever as a testimony of God's
Faithfulness in preserving His Word throughout the centuries! The
devil tries to twist and distort the true Word of God because he knows that the
true Word of God is our sword. It is our weapon used to attack him in this spiritual
battle. We cannot attack the devil unless we have our sword....the true Word of
God....the KJV Bible!!!! Hebr:4:12: For the word of God is quick,
and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing
asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of
the thoughts and intents of the heart. Ephe:6:17: And take the helmet
of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Keep the
Faith!!! Jesus is coming Back Soon!!! The KJV
wins over Episcopalian Bondage From: "Fred ------------------
To: steve@balaams-ass.com Subject: What the KJV did for me
Dear Sir, I was an Episcopalian from birth. In 1962 I received a KJV
Bible from my Godmother. I started reading it and got saved that same year. By
reading the Bible, and knowing it was right, I left the Episcopal Church(mans
church) and joined a local New Testament Independent Baptist Church. I do not
believe I would have been saved if the Old Black Book was not the "RIGHT" one.
In His service, Fred ----------------- A
lady tells of her personal battle and the blessing of submission to her husband
and the Word. From: Sharon To: steve@balaams-ass.com
Subject: KJV Dear Steve, Greetings dear brother. Your
site is a beacon in the darkness. I wanted to share my experience with you.
I had never used anything but NIV- Women's devotional-since I was saved
in 1994. When I met my husband a little over a year ago, we began having arguments
a lot over bible doctrine. He was very patient with me, but I was so stubborn
(Like an ass!). I refused to believe the NIV was any different form the KJV 1611.
One night while surfing the net, I came across the sight www.jesus-is-lord.com.,
and boy, what an eye opener! The Holy Spirit convicted me on the spot regarding
these vile books masquerading as God's word. Now I realized my views were so distorted.
We have now found a KJV only church, and love our brethren dearly.
I still have that messed up book- I use it to show others. And sadly, not one
of my Christian friends outside our church has responded favorably. I keep on
telling them! Aside form the blatant omissions and distortions, several
things have struck me. The NIV translators state they used other texts
when the TR seemed "doubtful". They also state their version, like ALL versions,
is imperfect. That's not what God says! (Psalm 12:6 and 7). And if God, who cannot
lie, promised He would PRESERVE His Word from old generations, how do we suddenly
have all these wonderful, better, manuscripts? I'm so tired of hearing the original
Greek this, and that- God knew we weren't all Greek scholars! When
comparing the Philadelphia church age preceding ours, to our current Laodicean
age- how can people really believe this new confusion is a great revival? Astounding!
The Philadelphia church was told specifically they were blessed for keeping the
WORD of His patience. No coincidence here! No other church message mentions the
word as this one does. God also says he will send a famine in the
land in the latter days-of the Word. (Amos 8:11 -13). They will wear themselves
out trying to find it! And boy did this Psalm strike me: "But the king shall rejoice
in God: every one that sweareth by him shall glory: but the mouth of them that
speak lies shall be stopped."-Psalm 63:11 In the NIV- the title page
to each chapter also has some interesting, SUBTLE, messages.(Gen. 3:1; 2 Cor.11:3
and 4)-KJV! Genesis- I should make serving God "a" priority-not "the"
priority. Leviticus- I will find it "dull and boring". God's Bible
is full of warnings about the subtilty of satan. He also speaks of the king's
wisdom in many places. He also promises to protect those who trust in Him from
famine. Coincidence? I think not. "I counsel thee to keep the king's
commandment, and that in regard of the oath of God. Be not hasty to go out of
his sight: stand not in an evil thing; for he doeth whatsoever pleaseth him. Where
the WORD of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, what doest thou?
Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man's heart
discerneth both time and judgement."-Ecc.8:2-5 I apologize for my
lengthy letter! Just wanted to say it all! May God continue to bless you richly
in your pursuit of serving Him completely! Love in Christ Jesus always,
Sharon This brother was delivered
from the SDA heresy AND funny Bibles From: ----------------
To: steve@balaams-ass.com Subject: My conversion
I just want to praise the Lord for the King James Bible. I was church hopping
back in late 1996 just leaving a 7th Day Adv. when a friend of mine at work had
told me that the KJB was a perfect Bible. I was using the NIV, ( nutty idiots
version ), and we would have some fun debating the issue. Then she told me that
a preacher, now my pastor, was coming to town to take over a church and asked
if I would go talk to him. So I proceeded to go to hear him preach
and to debate the issue of the bible. Needless to say it was no debate I lost,
realized I was lost, got saved and have been at the church since. Also I have
been called to preach and have been preaching at the local nursing home and the
homeless missions. I thank God every day for his inspired infallible preserved
word. It has changed my life. It is a real privilege to know that no matter where
I open my Bible that I am going to see what God has to say and I don't have to
worry about whether a certain verse is right or translated correctly. I know that
my Bible is pure and perfect. Proverbs 30:5,6 Thank you
for allowing me to give my testimony and God bless you all. In Christ,
Todd ---------------- For our God is a consuming fire.
Heb. 12:29 Hollywood knows the Profane from the
Holy-- How about YOU? From: -------------------
To: steve@balaams-ass.com Subject: Realization that the AV is
the ONLY Bible Dear Steve, I just wanted you to know what important
work you defenders of the the AV are doing. I had believed that all versions were
more or less the same, depending on the quality of the scholarship involved. I
have studied Greek and textual criticism, and believed that textual criticism
was a valid science. I had thought that the textual critics were trying to find
the best reading i.e. the one that raised up Christ and His saving work on the
Cross. What sparked my interest in exploring the question again ( I have several
works which defend the critical school) was of all things an old TV show! I was
watching the old western (70's) the Rebel, set right after the Civil War. The
hero of the show and his uncle were surrounded and were going to shoot it out
in the morning. The uncle, a christian, asked the man, whose house they were trapped
in, did they have a Bible, when the man said yes, the uncle asked, ' which version?'
King James? When the man said yes, it was a King James, the uncle
took it and began reading. This stunned me. What was it about the AV? Moreover,
it was interesting this would even be put in the show since there was,I believe,
no other version of the Bible until the 1880's. I then went on line and
began looking up KV only sites. I was shocked to say the least. I saw that everytime
the critical text 'corrected' the TR it was to weaken the message.
the defense of the AV on the basis of Preservation is totally sound and sensible.
The new versions have created a literal babel of confusion. I thank God that He
has rescued me from the confusion and error. I now have the Bible, the ONLY Bible,
the AV, as my 'sword of the Spirit' Thank You for the fine work you
are doing. Mr.Edward --------------- An article
generated in the heat of battle-- Very useful discussion
From: "Al --------------------- To: "Balaams Ass" <steve@balaams-ass.com>
Subject: Bible debate Steve: I have become
involved in the JKV bible debate in Kelowna B.C Canada, and have written the following
article which may be useful to share. Comments would be appreciated as maybe more
could be added to the thoughts along this line. Your journal is much
appreciated. Thank you yours in Christ Al
--------------------- THE BIBLE AND THE 21ST CENTURY MAN
Ever since man has been on this earth he has had to rely on the resources around
him to survive. As men increased upon the earth their support systems enlarged
to include areas further and further away from his physical location. This forced
him to rely more and more upon things which he did not have complete control of.
Today we live in a society built upon generations of men building infrastructures
for every conceivable convenience and necessity which we take for granted.
Because of this we accept the end product without question. We are only
interested in it's function in the society around us today. The 21st century
man is dependent upon the wisdom and expertise of multitudes of men who went before
him. The man of today has limitations which restrict him from knowing and understanding
how all this came to be. We have put our trust in many things and concepts which
we have little or no insight into or control of . Because of our acceptance
of things around us we seldom think about our limitations and blindly accept what
works or what seems right. If we consider ourselves we have to realize that we
are creatures with limitations, especially in three critical areas of our lives.
These three areas of life can be described as the physical, mental and spiritual
aspects of man. We should consider these limitations today especially in light
of some of the changes we are asked to accept when it comes to mans understanding
of God and his Word. Physically a man is limited in time and space
. We only have so much time and we are only capable of being in one place at one
time. What went on before our lifetime, and in other places in the universe, even
while we are here, we cannot truly know. We can read books, listen to eyewitness
accounts or watch events on TV. Still we know that truth can be left out, added
to, overemphasized and distorted . Every report comes to us with the personal
bias of the reporter. Even when we want to believe the report someone can find
some flaw in it. Not only is the man limited physically, but he is
mentally limited. He does not know all the facts, some facts may never be known,
some may be deliberately withheld, some may be distorted to get a desired reaction.
On top of all that a mans memory may not be accurate, he may have forgotten, even
what he did know. Mans ability to reason with the facts available is limited by
how much he can think through the limited knowledge he does have available to
himself. If all the knowledge knowable and forgotten through time were measurable,
the amount one man or a group of men are capable of knowing would be so minuscule,
that the comparison would be like a drop of water compared to the ocean.
On top of the physical and mental limitations man is limited spiritually.
Man has a sense of "right" and "wrong" a conscience, that seems to suggest
limitations on him as to what he "ought " to do and what he "ought not" do. How
is man to determine how to behave the way he "ought " to? If our "instincts" told
us what to do morally, we would have an absolute to follow. We find, however,
that men in different cultures, and sometimes in the same culture, brought up
with different moral standards will measure opposing actions as morally "right".
Even when men agree to what is "right" men find themselves incapable of always
doing what is right. Thus man on his own is limited spiritually and incapable
of deciding what is the "right" decision . How does this apply to
the topic of the Bible. In the past 150 years and particularly in the last 40
years man has been told by the "scholars" that new evidence has surfaced about
the Bible, casting doubt upon the very words Christians down through the centuries
have believed to be the very Words of God. We have been told that because we do
not have the "original manuscripts" that God dictated to his servants, what we
have is not infallible (without error). As a result when new evidence is discovered
"scholars" through research and scientific study determine whether it is closer
to the "original manuscript" than what we now use , and on this basis they make
changes to the Bible we read. As a result of this "scholarly research"
we have a whole new Greek New Testament text, supposedly more like the one dictated
to the original writers. Coming from this new text have been an array of new bible
translations trying to give us the words and thoughts of God in a supposedly clearer
more meaningful and accurate way. This Greek text has made thousands of changes
which we are told are from "better more ancient" manuscripts. Today
much of the Christian church has discarded the Bibles of their forefathers, especially
in the English speaking world where the King James Bible (translated from the
majority Greek text) has been the Bible used for almost the last 400 years. On
the pretext of updating the English language of the bible, men have changed, removed
and altered the words of the Bible. Changing the meaning and message it
gives. The Question we ask is what authority does man have to do this
considering his mental, spiritual and physical limitations? As no one has
the "original manuscripts" the best man can do is make educated guesses as to
what was in them. No man living today has ever read them. God alone knows what
they contained. God's own words tell us in Psalm 12:6,7 The words of the LORD
are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou
shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
To say that God has not preserved his word pure to all generations
is to call the character of God into question. The scholars declaration of a "better
more ancient" text, declares that from the 4th century until the 19th century
, the Church and the world did not have God's pure words. It is therefore saying
that God's word has been so preserved that no one had it. Jesus in John 17 tells
us that he gave us "God's words" John 17:8 For I have given unto them the words
which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that
I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.
Was God incapable of preserving these words which Jesus gave to us? Were some
of these words lost? The "scholars" would have us think that the words are not
important, only the thoughts of God. Jesus declared that: ("they have received
them [God's Words], and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they
have believed that thou didst send me.") the words of God caused the people to
believe. Limited man, not understanding his limitations, has taken
on God and his word adding ,altering and removing what he rationally believes
to be errors in the existing Bible. Is God in his sovereignty incapable of preserving
the very words he gave to The Lord Jesus Christ for his church to read in every
generation? Or do we have enough information, skill, spirituality and wisdom to
change what the church for 19 centuries has believed? Is the God who
knows the number of the hairs on your head, as Jesus declared in Mt 10:30 when
he said "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered." limited like man?
Was He not able to direct the translators of his word into the English language
when he knew that for 400 years that bible would be read and preached from, declaring
who and how great He was. Would an omniscient God allow a corrupted
Bible to be his sole message to much of the world for 400 years? Is God not all
powerful? Maybe God doesn't care what's in our bibles, or are we trying to bring
him down to our level and give him the attributes of a man, limited in what he
is capable of doing? We have allowed the so called "bible scholars"
to bring God down to man's level, making God into someone that we understand.
When will we ever learn as God had Isaiah write: Isa 55:8 For my thoughts are
not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. Isa 55:9 For
as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts. Our inability to "let God be God"
causes us to try to pull him down to our level and make him compatible with man.
We play into the hand of Satan just as Eve did when she listened to the lie" Yea,
hath God said," How big is your God? God's word says in Pr 30:5,6
Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
Is your God big enough that you can trust Him to give you an unchangeable
message. Or have you put your faith in the changeable Bibles of men whose god
cannot preserve his message as the true God said he would. Your choice of a Bible
influences those around you. Choose wisely or you may find you are using a Bible
that has been added to. God does not appreciate nor respect liars, neither should
you. Al ----------------- THIS KIND OF
LETTER MAKES IT WORTH IT ALL From: --------------------
To: steve@balaams-ass.com Subject: Blessings Dear
brother Steve this page truly is a blessing. It is really great to see
that there is a few real men of God still left who are getting the truth out.
seems that most pastors and churches are falling by the wayside. Just
recently my wife and I found the beginining of a new church right here in Shelton,
Wa. a true bible believing King James only, teaching. Brother Jim Schebetta is
the pastor, and it is partly due to your website. Praise be to God , and the Lord
Jesus Christ. In His love, brother Ron York
Subj: King James 7, Zondervan 0 From: -------------------
To: stevevann@AOL.COM Hi Steve! Figure I'd just report in with
another happening here in the great state of Iowa that supports the King James
point of view. The local Christian radio station was doing an on the air bible
challenge...One of the questions asked was "What was the Old Testament miracle
that Pharoah's magicians could not duplicate?" The bible challenge card gave the
answer as the "plague of lice" (reference Exodus 8:16-19). Well the
station got a few calls from folks who said "well it's the plague of gnats!" The
DJ on duty said that they were wrong, and subsequently awarded the prize to a
caller who called in with the answer, "a plague of lice." The DJ later felt bad
because after looking it up in her bible, she realized that it said a "plague
of gnats." But, it wasn't just any Bible that the DJ used to cross
check the answer -- it was an NIV. You see, this is another example of the NIV
being just plain wrong, and it was illustrated quite clearly by believers missing
the boat in answering questions correctly. What other questions would someone
get wrong reading an NIV? Well you decided. Missing 64,000 words, the NIV can
be considered a nearly incomplete version, and really shouldn't be used.
Incidentally, proof comes in Exodus 8:17..."And they did so; for Aaron
stretched out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and it became
lice in man, and in beast; all the dust of the land became lice throughout all
the land of Egypt." I don't know about you, but I certainly have never
heard of a grade schooler with a gnat infestation. Case closed, advantage God.
Subj: Brownsville & NIV/KJV From: ----------------------
To: stevevann@AOL.COM I've got a KJV testimony. I used
to think that all english bible translations were equal, and if not, as long as
conservative evangelicals made them, they were ok. Boy was I wrong. I'm the only
Christian in my family, and about a year ago, my cousin moved into a new house.
I figured a nice, new leatherbound bible would be quite the strategic housewarming
gift. Idiot that I was, I gave her an NIV. Later, reading through
the text of it, I came upon the infamous "This wasn't in the oldest texts" and
"That wasn't in the oldest texts" commentary that marks the end of Mark and the
story of casting the first stone in John. I had seen them before, but really hadn't
paid much attention. This time however, they stopped me dead in my tracks. What
a miserable evangelistic tool the NIV is! Giving a Bible whose notes
undercut the authenticity and accuracy of original Biblical texts to an unbeliever
so that they will accept Christ? Puh-leeese! That incident began my research into
the NIV and modern lanuguage translations of the Bible. And what I found absolutely
shocked me. Men like Moses, Paul, and John wrote his word -- and the Lord is going
to use a 20th century American lesbian to translate it? I think not. The space
formerely occupied on my shelf by my NIV is now taken up by a King James Bible.
And you know what? It's pretty easy to read once you spend a few weeks getting
used to the language. Thank you for your web site! Keep the faith!
BTW, what is the address to send a donation to? God Bless
Subj: KJV Testimony From: ----------------------
To: steve@balaams-ass.com Dear Steve: I hope
this is a worthy little testimony. I found this web-site about 3 months ago. Until
that time I didn't even realize there was a 'contoversy'! That is
how lost I was in "lukewarm" Christianity. I had my fancy NIV study Bible and
thought I had all the answers. That is until I stumbled across your web-site.
Your bluntness shocked and offended me initially. I realize now, though, that
is exactly what I needed! I found out all of my perfect heroes Graham, Van Impe
etc. weren't so perfect. I then took your recommendation to read Riplinger's NEW
AGE BIBLE VERSIONS. Wow were my eyes opened! After about one chapter
I had already come to the conclusion that it was going to be KJV 1611 for me from
now on! I have since purchased a few other good books on the subject and I am
learning to defend God's Word against the perverters. I never knew this was such
a serious matter. I feel like I need to shout it to the world now. I have already
got my parents back to the KJB, from reading the Living Bible. (Praise the Lord!)
I feel now that the Holy Ghost led me to your web-site that one afternoon to get
a wake up kick in the rear-end, out of my "lukewarm" Christian walk. God bless
you Steve and thanks! --Jason Editor: This
letter shows that a French speaking citizen of Switzerland has more zeal for the
Word of God than James White and all the theologians at Dallas Seminary. GLORY!!!
Subj: From: ------------------ To: steve@balaams-ass.com
Hi, I just descover the KJV and I find it very interesting
I check my bible (Louis SEGON 1910 revised in 1975 by the geneva bible society)
for some verses like Makr 9.44-48 : is good and tell about the worm
and the fire with an add comment who say "in the most modern verssions, ther is
no mention of that" Isa 14.12 : It is not good: no mention of Lucifer.
It is clear that my bible is influanced by the bad new versions and
it desapointed me. I can chek if something is missing in my bible
when I read the same verses in the KJV but I think that God have better things
to do and don't whant to give Old English lessons to all his dear childrens who
are not borne in an English speaking country! My problems is that
I'm not a good english reader (not a good writer too) and I belive that it is
good to read the Holy Bible in his mother language. So my question
is: What about the french verssions ? Is that possible to get a translation
of the KJV ? Did you belive that God gave some other good versions
in other languages? I hope you answer this mail (with simple english
pleas) and I thank you for your information work on the net. best
regards, God bless. Pascal ------------------
Subj: KJV From: ----------------------- To: steve@balaams-ass.com
Dear Brother, My wife and I watched some video tapes
of sister Riplinger. We didn't just give our other versions away.....WE THREW
THEM IN THE GARBAGE.....along with the Benny Hinn's books and other charismatic
authors. If we shouldn't read the stuff....neither should anyone else.
I went and bought two nice KJV bibles for our family. God Bless,
Dave Editor: Balaam's Ass Speaks-- Those Russians
are blunt and to the point aren't they :-) I like that.
This you gotta see. A pop-up Bible!!! Looking for the perfect
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huge and colorful 24-INCH 3D scenes! Turn the pages and watch as your
favorite Bible stories come to life. Nine beautifully illustrated stories by world
renowned artist Christos Kondeatis are accompanied by specially adapted text based
on the Old Testament. Every huge pop-up page is brimming with excitement and interest.
FUN & UNIQUE gift idea for readers of all ages! Pop-up Bible Stories -- The
Because we are confident you will fall in love with our book, Bible Stories,
and order more copies through us. We only ask that you pay $6.75 to cover shipping
and handling. Subj: kjv only
From: ----------------------- To: steve@balaams-ass.com
Hi Steve I'm just replying to your request
to hear KJV only testimonies. I changed to KJV fairly recently, and
it is mostly due to Mark 1:2 After reading this verse in my old NASV
I immediatly questioned the authenticity of that translation without ever having
checked the verse in the AV or even hebrew....and why should I? The error in that
verse can be seen easily without even comparing it to anything...even the original
language...Isaiah never said that, and the Holy Spirit would not make a mistake
like that in inspiring those writings! From there I went online and
found all sorts of resources regarding the original greek and hebrew texts...and
the alexandrian manuscripts and the KJV jumped in my face as the best English
translation of the TR. In Christ, Travis --------------------------
From: Mike & Laura To: steve@balaams-ass.com
I was saved in a non-denom church 10 years ago and began using
the NIV because that is what the pastor and our friends used. (this was in Alaska).
After several years I accidentally noticed that my NIV was MISSING verses.
I thought this was very strange and tried doing what research I could in
to this. I stumbled across and old, old book someone had given to me ages before
I was even saved called "God only wrote one bible" by jasper james ray copyright
1955, eye opener publications. It spoke of the problems with the niv nas rvs,
etc. So, I went to a bible book store and was told that the new king james was
exactly like the regular king james, only the thees and thous were taken out.
I have been using the new king james for 4 years. Now I have heard
from you and texe marrs that even the nkj is tainted and the only right one is
the "1611". Please help me! I have four small children and they, as well as me
and my husband have been using the NKJV. It is all we can understand. Is the NKJV
just as bad as the other versions? Where can I get real info on this? Plus,
I dont even think my christian book store sells a 1611 version of the kjv. They
looked at me real strange. Can you only get this version in certain places?
I will really appreciate your help. We love the Lord with all our heart, soul
and mind. We want his REAL word. Not man's version. Thanks!
sure who the "condeited brethren" were in the Epistle from the translators in
the Front of the KJV 1611. Please send an answer to me or to James. His
letter follows... Subj: AV1611 From: ------------------------
To: ('steve@balaams-ass.com') Hello!
I was visiting a friend last night. We are firm believers (he currently attends
a Nazarene church, where his twin brother's wife's father is the pastor, and I
attend a spirit-filled Messianic congregation). He was given his late grandmother's
KJV as an heirloom, and very well-worn it is! I was reading, not from the sacred
Text Itself, but actually from the letter at the beginning, a greeting from the
translators to King James. About 3/4 way through their prologue, there is mention
of "conceited Brethren". Does this refer to the Plymouth Brethren? I have an interest
in studying exactly how certain groups have come to interpret the Bible the way
they do. I have discovered that the Plymouth Brethren are credited/blamed (however
you look at it) for the popularization of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture doctrine,
and more importantly, Dispensationalism. These doctrines are very dear and foundational
to almost anyone who is willing to call himself an "Independent" Baptist. It would
seem that the KJV 1611 translation committee is knocking the very people that
most wholeheartedly defend their work. Am I missing something? By
the way, I am not allowed to download anything here at work, even during break/lunch,
so I couldn't partake of some of the offerings on your web-page....
Finally, here are some license plates that might appeal to those of you especially
"called" to the defense of the KJV: ONE KJV AV ONLY
AV 1611 KJV1611 ONE AV AV 4ME
READAV 1AV4ME Some States do not grant requests
for license plates in a format that resembles the "random" plates (ie. AV1611
would possibly be a WA "truck" plate generated randomly). Here
is a great blessing from the United Kingdom: Subj: Testimony
of my Wife From: Billy_Foley@msn.com (William Foley) To:
steve@balaams-ass.com Sunday, January 26, 1997, London, England
Hi again Steve. My wife has a great deal to say against the NIV.
Elizabeth used it for approximately 10 years after being raised on the KJV. Prior
to her conversion three years ago she had started to read the KJV again. This
was with no knowledge of the seriousness of errors of the other English bible
versions. She is absolutely convinced that the KJV contains the true Gospel of
the Lord Jesus Christ, unlike the other versions, which seem to dilute and omit
verses of Scripture from the Word of God. After searching for many years she had
a godly conviction of sin which was a total shock to her, and resulted in a godly
repentance. It is interesting that when she was converted to Christ the preacher
uses only the KJV. It was a year after her conversion, when hearing
a tape of Gale Griplinger being interviewed on a Christian Radio program that
the Holy Spirit enlightened her understanding to the absolute necessity of reading,
memorizing and studying the KJV. Calvary Love
Subj: King James Bible
From: Jim B To: steve@balaams-ass.com
About 4 mounths ago our local body began a new Bible study. I am
in the adult mens group, and up until that time we had been studying our church
doctrine from Scripture. I was aware that some of the men of our group were
using the NIV but, to be honest, I was not aware of the differences at that time.
In any case at that time we started using a study guide from the Assembly
of God church and when we got started I started noticing some major differences
between the NIV and the King James ( case and point the diety of Jesus ), so I
started investigating the NIV and what I found compleatly shocked me.
I found out that the NIV differed from the King James on several different
points ( check out 1 Tim 3:16 the King James says "God was manifest," the NIV
says "He was," ). Also check out Philippians 2:6 and 1 John 5:7-- They
are not even in the NIV. Also where the King James uses "worshipped "for
Jesus the NIV uses words like "knelt" which, although might have been an acceptable
word to use 300 years ago when to kneel ment a form of worship, it does not today.
Thus the NIV takes away the Lord's worship, the word is the Greek word "Proskuneo"
(pros-koo-neh-o )( strongs # 4352 ) derived from a word meaning to kiss like a
dog licking his masters hand, Kneeling or prostration to do homage or to make
obeisance, express respect, or make supplication. "KNELT" IS JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH
FOR THIS WORD. Also, the NIV is owned by the International Bible Society
which has sold EXCLUSIVE publishing rights to Zondervan publishers which is owned
by Harper Collens Publishers which publishes good holesome books like "THE LESBIAN
can't believe that God would permit his Word to be involved in this kind of perversion.
Since finding this out I have revealed it to some of the men of our
study group with mixed results, but most exciting was our pastor's responce, which
was just short of condeming the NIV. Please pray for me as I am not finished
with this yet. Yours in the Lord Jesus Christ Jim B
Subj: KJV From: --------------------- To:
steve@balaams-ass.com This letter is mostly a "go get'em" note from
a fundamentalist in Alabama who happened to stumble across your page. I
haven't read much of it yet but I can "AMEN" what I have read. You said
on your KJV page you wanted letters from New Incorrect Version converts.
Well, I never had an NIV but I was once given a NKJV so I, in my ingnorance,
said "Well it really says the same thing" I had always
heard preaching for the KJV (the Bible...capital B) but I never let it sink in.
A couple of years ago I got a tape of Gail Riplinger speaking at (I think) Gospel
Light Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. What I heard on that
tape shocked me... Enough that I sought out and bought her book "New Age
Versions". It only takes few minutes of attention to see the false
gospel of the new versions. To wind up my rambling, I switched from a Laodicean-like
view of "Well... KJV is best but the others are OK" to a bombastic "KJV ONLY...
The rest teach damnation." Pray for me, I just became the Adult Class SS
teacher in my church. I'm in agreement with my pastor on this (Thank the Lord)
but we have some new folks in the church that still read there NIV at home "cause
its easier to read" (I know, Hogwash!) Every quarter now I devote one SS
class to the KJV ONLY lesson. It will be due again soon and unless you write me
back and forbid it I'll probably add some stuff from your page to my lesson material.
Sorry for the rambling, Remember, ETERNITY...
your choice... Smoking or Non-Smoking.