Here is the experience of a Wiccan who left the Episcopal Church. This person is now under perpetual curses for exposing the true character of the Episcopal Church. It is the Episcopal Church which has a labyrinth in nearly every church. This is a cultic notion from the Middle Ages and the days of the Crusades. It makes hidden and mysterious that which God wanted plain and simple. It is St John the Divine Episcopal Church in New York City where Madeline Le Engle (Sp?) presides. She is a mystic and oriented toward witchcraft as is seen in her books she has authored. Thus, we appreciate this writer letting our readers know the truth. |
Subject: Christian Witches
From: _____________________
There are a lot of witches in the Episcopal church. They are baptized and confirmed and consider themselves Christian, but they are mystically oriented, they are often into "Celtic Spirituality" which is a fine euphemism for Druidism and apparently has both pagan and Christian branches. Of course whenever one is doing 'majik' the fine line between black majik and white majik is unfailingly crossed, but these folks don't have a clue. Most of the ones I have met are psychology majors, are into paranormal psychology, and think its cool to say Psalm 23 substituting "she" for "he" (a reflection of their goddess orientation).
At the one particular church (__________________________) the chalice used in communion is not the typical silver, but crystal, a very subtle difference that most people would not pick up. They also pride themselves in their Anglophile-ness and are into all that Irish-Scottish heritage stuff. Hardly Christ-centered. They are able to say all the liturgy, including in the baptismal covenant "I renounce Satan..." because wiccas and druids do not believe in the adversary or the existence of evil. I have extracted myself from that situation, but not without suffering various curses, which I am getting out from under by the grace of God and Jesus' shed blood. Pleading the blood of the Lamb is the only way to go.
I feel sorry for those spiritually blind people in that church that go along willy-nilly with the darksiders who are the shakers and movers, How did it get that way? The priest, now at St. James Episcopal, _____________ (corrupting them for a higher wage, a rich persons' church) is an expert in Celtic Spirituality and subterfuge, and like all of the adversary's preachers mixes in a little error (he even calls it heresy to take the sting off) in his lukewarm sermons and leads folks down the garden path. When he moved to St. James from ___________, 3 months there and St. James was struck by lightening and burned to the ground. That was 1994. He and the organist (also imported from _________) are the principal practitioners of occult, sorcery, curses, etc. and are fairly powerful in it. They know that I know this, and thus the curses on me. And as you probably already know witches like to practice as couples.
To equip myself I read Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft and a book on Merlin and the King Arthur Legend (Arthur was taught by Merlin who was in actuality a Druid priest and they both were actual people) which gives 12 lessons to be learned to enter some higher level of knowledge about nature, humans, spirits, and harnessing power.
Lastly, its strikes me that most all the people I have met who are into this stuff are personally lacking in self-esteem, have poor coping skills, lack assertiveness, lack self-discipline, feel inadequate most of the time in a variety of aspects of life, may be well educated (many are psychologists, teachers and librarians) but lack wisdom and are therefore drawn to anything that promises them power, control, etc. The Episcopal church, with its policy of inclusiveness and tolerance, is full of them.
removed due to mindless attacks on the writer