The Shofar signals both
the birth and the future of the Nation of Israel. In the words of the prophet
Isaiah, "You revealed Yourself to Your holy people in the cloud of Your glory
in order to speak to them, You revealed yourself to them in thunder and lightning,
and You appeared to them through the sound of the Shofar." (as quoted in Shmona
Esrei Musaf of Rosh Hashana). Isaiah also tells us that in the final redemption,
"It shall be that on that day a great Shofar will be blown, and those who were
lost in the land of Ashur will come, and those who were cast aside in the land
of Mitzraim, and they shall bow down before God on the Holy Mount, in Jerusalem."
The Creator reveals
Himself through the Shofar, first in the revelation of the Divine Will at the
giving of the Torah on Sinai, in the Shofar of "You revealed Yourself." The aim
of this revelation is its culmination - the revelation of the Light of God throughout
the world, "And they shall bow down before God on the Holy Mount, in Jerusalem.
. . . . Then a great Shofar will be blown" (ibid.)
are two types of Jews: those "lost" and those "cast aside," as the Chassidim explain.
Some are in Ashur and some in Mitzraim. The land of Ashur is the land of the blessed
and the blissful. (The Hebrew root A Sh R denotes bliss.). . . . Some people get
lost in all this bliss, as the Torah teaches, "And Yeshurun waxed fat, and he
kicked" (Deut. 32:15). Too much good may lead men to lose the sparks of divinity
in their souls; they drown in the flood of material pleasures and foreign influences
to which they are constantly exposed.
people are cast aside in Egypt (Mitzrayim - from the root TZAR - sorrow), where
their poverty and suffering causes them to abandon God. "And they did not listen
to Moshe on account of their distress and the hard work" (Ex. 21:9). Their trials
and tribulations marred the splendor of their spirits. It is up to the Great Shofar
of the Redemption to awaken all those who have fallen into the clutches of Ashur
or been swallowed up by Mitzraim , as the Rambam teaches, "Although the Shofar
blowing on Rosh HaShana is a mitzva for which no reason is stated, it hints to
us: 'Wake up from your sleep, you who slumber. . . .'"
is also the missive of Rabbi Elchanan, the sainted author of the "Netana Tokef"
prayer of Musaf: "A great Shofar blast shall sound, and a small still voice will
be heard." If a great Shofar is blown, how can the sound be of a small still voice?
And why? The answer is that on that awesome day, man hears an inner voice, the
voice of his soul, the Divine speaking from within him. The Shofar blast is the
catalyst which frees his soul from its bonds and allows man to listen to it, "And
a small still voice will be heard."
from 'Tal Chermon' by Bracha Slae.
(c) 1996
Ateret Cohanim.
Jerusalem Reclamation Project.
Rights Reserved.
Board of Directors of Ateret Institutions wishes a year of happiness, health and
prosperity to the entire House of Israel. Shana Tova
My comments on all of this:
is sooooo crucial. Here is why. Jerry Seville has an hour long program on TBN.
About a month ago, He preached on Jubilee, and here are some of the things made
up the content of his sermon to probably 3000 or so people in his congregation:
1. God is going to take the goods of the rich and give them to His
2. In the great Jubilee of 2000, they will al be set free
and will come into their full inheritance
3. This will HAPPEN AT
4. He spent 15 minutes discussing
how we have take care of the trumpet player because without him the trump won't
5. Seville is a Word of Faith preacher.
The Shofar is used in the revival, and the blowing of trumpets has been seen on
other programs on TBN.
Now let's look at Maitreya's quotes from
my Home page:
[Begin Maitreya quotes]
The Day of
Declaration is the day when Maitreya "will leave no doubt that He is the World
Teacher. Maitreya will mentally 'overshadow' all of humanity simultaneously. Each
of us, not only those watching or listening, will hear His words inwardly, telepathically,
in our own language. . . . Thus, all will know that the World Teacher is now among
us. Maitreya's open world-wide mission will have begun" (Mission, Vol. 1, p. 11).
Creme writes that on the Day of Declaration, Maitreya will be seen
on television by all of humanity through a global satellite hookup. It is then
that he will communicate telepathically with the entire world by "overshadowing
the minds of all peoples" who "will hear His words inwardly in their own language."
The Christ will communicate "as an outflow of the Christ Principle (the energy
which He embodies) through the hearts of all humanity, invoking their intuitive
and heartfelt response" (Mission, Vol. 1, p. 24). Stating that there will also
be many healings throughout the world, Creme indicates that this Day of Declaration
will be the equivalent of Pentecost: "This [Day of Declaration] will be a repetition,
only now on a world scale, of the true happenings of Pentecost, 2,000 years ago.
. . . In celebration of this event, Pentecost will become one of the major festivals
of the New World Religion which, eventually, Maitreya will inaugurate" (Ibid.).
Hubbard's Christ also promised such an experience for all humanity:"You
have come home to me. The bread and wine hold within them the substance of my
new body. The key for you now each day is to breathe deeply in a 'birthing experience'
of the resurrected body. Then do the communion and experience my body transforming
yours. Do this in preparation for the Planetary Birth which will be induced through
this experience given to the new disciples of Christ who chose to work together
for the Planetary Pentecost, when the Spirit of God is poured out upon all people.
This is the purpose of your mission on Earth. All your projects will be reoriented,
aligned and empowered as you accept this purpose and put it first. . . . finally"(The
Revelation, p. 311).
Creme says that Maitreya will overshadow humanity
in such a way that all humans will temporarily be open to his message, which would
invoke an "intuitive and heartfelt response." What makes this especially interesting
is that Barbara Marx Hubbard speaks of her Christ in this same way:"The Instant
of Co-operation begins, empathy floods the feelings of the whole body of Earth,
separateness is overcome, and I appear to all of you at once. I appear to you
from within as a voice, and as a vision of yourself as an evolving being. I appear
to you from beyond as the light being that I now am. . . . "At the moment of cosmic
contact, I will appear to you both through inner experience and through external
communication on your mass media - the nervous system of the world. "You will
all feel, hear and see my presence at one instant in time, each in your own way."
(The Revelation, pp.236-237)
[End Maitreya quotes]
POINT 1: Maitreya speaks to people "from within as a voice."
2: Maitreya said: "The key for you now each day is to breathe deeply in a 'birthing
experience' of the resurrected body." Already, Hinn, Perky, Parsley, Cheronn,
etc. have people breathing in "the anointing," which is "breathing in" the new
age god.
the Shofar article above:
much good may lead men to lose the sparks of divinity in their souls;" The
"spark of divinity" is not in anyone who has not believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.
The "spark of divinity within each person is the "god" in every man. This spark
is mentioned by Jay Gary in his call to for a Jubilee celebration is the years
2000: "So it is with the coming Bimillennial Era. If it is to have any hope of
more than a passing success, it must give birth to the "Spirit of 2000."
"On the eve of this
decade, I believe Providence has given us a visual illustration of what this spirit
is about through the revolutions in Eastern Europe. There we saw the triumph of
the human spirit in the face of tremendous odds. "We must recover the simple idea
that the spark of eternity has been placed within each human being. We must fan
this flame, this tiny spark within every person-and insure that no government,
no group, or no authority is allowed to smother or snuff out this sacred flame.
"Where can
you share the "Spirit of 2000"? Each of us have circles of influence and networks
we can touch-our local parish, a rotary club, or a professional network.
"As early citizens of the
21st Century, we have a sacred duty to carry this torch across the length and
breadth of the planet. Let's blow the jubilee trumpet and herald this coming renaissance
among government, education, arts, media, business, and religion. *" (Copyright
1993 B.E.G.I.N., AD 2000 Global Service Office).
is New Age thought, as shown by this research paper, NEW AGE AND THE NEW THOUGHT
MOVEMENT Excerpts from Chapter 5, "New Thought and New Age," of C. Alan Anderson
and Deborah G. Whitehouse, New Thought: A Practical American Spirituality "New
Age, like New Thought, is strongly optimistic, largely because most people in
both groups believe in a good God, and that all people are part of God or have
at least a spark of the divine. New Agers are full of hope for the transformation
of society and the planet. New Thought accepts, as does New Age, the old Hermetic
teaching, "As above, so below," which appears in an early version of the Lord's
Prayer as "As in heaven, so on earth" (Luke 11:2).
in a New Thought interpretation, alludes to one's state of mind, and earth is
the manifestation of that state. As in mind, so in manifestation. Symbolically
interpreted, Heaven is the uplifted state of consciousness, the wonderful, peaceful
sense of universal oneness that the mystic seeks. Charles Fillmore defines it
as "a state of consciousness in which the soul and the body are in harmony with
Divine Mind." All of Jesus' metaphors about heaven are attempts to explain the
necessity for disciplining our thoughts, weeding out the negative ones and treasuring
the positive ones; e.g., the pearl of great price, tares growing with the wheat,
seeds falling in various places with various results. New Age shares New Thought's
interest in metaphor, and the late Joseph Campbell, the preeminent authority on
myth and metaphor, is a popular New Age author."
we have it stated that, "It is up to the Great Shofar of the Redemption to awaken
all....", meaning, in part, the spark of divinity in each (read the entire quote
above on the Shofar). This article speaks of hearing a small a still small voice
when the Shofar sounds in Judaism, but the revival is using the Shofar in its
services, as is evidenced by the tapes from Whistler's
in Vancouver, where there one main speaker was Reuven Doran (spelling?) of the
Messianic Movement, whose main message is that Jews and Gentiles must become one
As I inquired in one email,
On this web sight
are pictures of "trumpets," with one looking like a Shofar or rams horn that are
connected to ectoplasm. That was rather disturbing considering the "trumpet" or
"Shofar" is being used from a Jewish perspective in the "revival" meetings. I
am NOT SAYING the trumpets connected to ectoplasm are shofars, for one is a manifestation
and one is an actual horn, but this statement was disturbing.
"Ectoplasm" was captured
by an investigator early in this century: it burned to an ash, leaving a smell
as of horn. (Pearsall, p.101) If anyone has any input on this and
the "horn" blown at revival meetings used in a revival context, please let me
know. I am trying to be careful here because the Shofar is biblical.
The purpose of these "trumpets"
Flint did not use them anymore, in former days "trumpets" were being used. These
floated around unsupported in the seance-room and approached a person for whom
a message was intended. The trumpet amplified the faint voice and was said to
facilitate the phenomenon. See photographs of such floating trumpets or ectoplasmic
voiceboxes by clicking on the following icons:(medium: Jack Webber, see photo
trumpet seance).
is also WAM, who will have one minute of music that will bring about a global
consciousness. Will the Shofar or trumpets be involved? We will have to wait and
see. Here is a quote from my article on WAMN on our home page:
[Begin quote]
If you log on to the Internet
Home Page of The Millennium Institute (MI), you will find a selection called "The
Millennium" which links to "Millennium Resources and Information" (see link change
below). There you will find Project WAM 2000 (World Action for the Millennium
- Communications for Human Development Association), and these shocking words
will greet you:
"On January 1st of the year 2000 all inhabitants of the planet Earth accessible
through all communication means will be linked to receive and share for one minute
a message, that expressed in musical language, can be universally understood as
a way to empower the individual and express its belonging to the local community.
Now... HELP
do I say these words are shocking? For a number of reasons. The first has to do
with their uncanny similarity to the words delivered by the New Age Christ, Lord
Maitreya, and by "The Christ" of Barbara Marx Hubbard. MAITREYA WILL OVERSHADOW
ALL OF HUMANITY Benjamin Creme, Lord Maitreya's channeler, has said that on the
Day of Declaration, Maitreya "will leave no doubt that He is the World Teacher.
Maitreya will mentally 'overshadow' all of humanity simultaneously. Each of us,
not only those watching or listening, will hear His words inwardly, telepathically,
in our own language. . . . Thus, all will know that the World Teacher is now among
us. Maitreya's open world-wide mission will have begun" (Mission, Vol. 1, p. 11).
. . .
WAM's Internet page, a section entitled "Guiding Principles, Maximum Participation"
for the One Minute stresses that,"The event must be designed and promoted in a
manner which allows each individual to become an active participant instead of
a spectator of something foreign and distant."
presented later in WAM's paper fit well into the words and agendas of Hubbard's
"Christ" and Creme's Maitreya:"Does it exist a musical expression capable of promoting
universal communication? We don't know, but there are people who research and
advance in this area, from those who look for the 'internal music' to those who
combine different musical expressions. [Is it] possible to imagine a message identifiable
by each and every human being? This challenge can only be met through a broad
participation process inclusive of representatives of the cultural, social, political
and economic diversity of humanity. Currently not all human beings are accessible
through communication systems. That is why is necessary an effort to correct such
imbalance" (placed in paragraph form by ET).
WAM quote]
is also disturbing is the thought of the Shofar being blown in 2000 and the small
voice being hear in one's "spark of divinity" because this the purpose in the
"trumpet" in the psychic/occult world: to amplify the voice of the spirit. Does
God reveal Himself as the article above says:"The Creator reveals Himself through
the Shofar. . . . This is also the missive of Rabbi Elchanan, the sainted author
of the "Netana Tokef" prayer of Musaf: "A great Shofar blast shall sound, and
a small still voice will be heard." If a great Shofar is blown, how can the sound
be of a small still voice? And why? The answer is that on that awesome day, man
hears an inner voice, the voice of his soul, the Divine speaking from within him.
The Shofar blast is the catalyst which frees his soul from its bonds and allows
man to listen to it, "And a small still voice will be heard."
There is no such thing mentioned
in Scripture. God is revealed in the Person of Jesus Christ. There is a scriptural
use of the shofar, but these terms tend New Age philosophy rather than true Jewish
or Christian.
quotes from these articles on these various themes is quite disturbing after looking
at all of this. What we have is ectoplasm being manifested in the revival and
at other times, shofar blowing, a still small voice to awaken the spark of divinity
in humanity, Maitreya to speak to all of humanity in a quiet voice within everyone,
a mixture of New Age-Jewish-Revival language and terms and philosophical thoughts
and various parts of New Age philosophy. It is confusing at the moment, but after
exposing this stuff for ten years and watching pieces I initially see come together
into a united whole of purpose, I am very disturbed by all of this. You ought
to be, too.
apologize if this is poorly done. It is a flood of info that appears to be heading
for one goal: the hearing a small voice through the blowing of the Shofar on a
global basis to bring about a global community sharing that same consciousness.