appeals to intellectuals [religious scholars]
more than the feeling that
they represent 'the people.'
Nothing, as a rule, is further from the
Paul Johnson-
December 27, 2003 The Rt. Rev. John Bryson Chane, the Episcopal Bishop of the nation's capital and Dean of National Cathedral, delivered a real lulu of a Christmas sermon this year. Excerpt:
It will come as news to many Christians that an Anglican bishop believes that the Islamic revelation was true, not false, as Christianity teaches implicitly. Nevertheless, a Michigan lawyer friend suggests that Bp. Chane has opened up a new and exciting area for exploring ecumenism/syncretism. Now, the Episcopalians of Washington can have a gay wedding in the church, and push a wall over on the two grooms at the reception. |
ISLAM Menu--
No holds barred.ROMAN CATHOLICISM Menu--
Links to other Web sites included.BUDDHISM Menu--
Exposing its character and history.HINDUISM Menu--
Its puerile morality and its
invasion of the West.AFRICAN RELIGIONS Menu--
Warnings for African churches
by African pastors.BAHA'ISM Article--
A cult of IslamCHRISTIAN SCIENCE Article--
All things weird and wonderful.ORTHODOX CHURCHES WORLDWIDE Article
Mindless attacks on the Gospel and Christ Jesus.
The alternative to the paganized and deranged religious deceptions above is:
JESUS CHRISTPsalm 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together,
against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.You need to understand that the God of the Bible, and his Divine Son, Jesus Christ,
have NO mercy on those who rebel and chase other gods.
This world good will and nice feeling lately,
which says all the gods are happy to be slighted and herded into one mass of silly putty religion,
is what Jehovah God hates most.You either come to him ALONE-- just you-- a sinner repenting of your sin,
without Allah,
without Buddha,
without Mohammed,
without Shiva,
without Ellen G. White,
without Joseph Smith,
without your idols, charms, and rituals,
without the Pope,
without the lingham,
without water baptism as a part of your salvation,
without your damnable creed,
without your great stone temple in Hammond,
without Kali,
without your guru,
without your puna,
without all the imagery and show of pagan religion....Or, Jehovah will send you to hell for eternity.
If you come with anything to commend you to Jehovah God, then there is....
no reincarnation,
no mercy,
no alternative, and
no second chance.Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.Jehovah God demands you come by faith in Jesus Christ alone, or go to hell.
Why should he allow you into his heaven all filthied by your silly gods and cold rituals?There is only ONE way for you to be delivered of your terrible destiny:
This is the most evil and antichrist mixture I have seen to date. I believe these are the key organizations which will bring in the antichrist and the evil prince of Daniel. The following it their list of their best friends.
Children in Worship is a non-denominational resource for creative ways to include children in the worship life of a congregation.Christians for Non-Violent Parenting, a part of the larger Project NoSpank, seeks to inspire those Christians (and other people of faith) who are in need of support in their desire to raise their children non-violently.
The Ecumenical Order of Charity is an ecumenical, non-clerical, religious order of men and women who come from a wide variety of backgrounds, denominations, orientations, lifestyles, and employment.
The Effective Living Centre (ELC) provides a broadly based outreach program helping people explore their full potential through courses, seminars and events. Our programs are particularly in the areas of: relationships, parenting, self-worth; social justice issues; mens issues; sacred and creative. ELC is home to the Progressive Christian Network (PCNet-SA).
The Foundation for Contemporary Theology is a non-profit, educational organization whose mission is to present the most compelling theological issues of our time in order to promote in depth reflection by the largest possible audience.
Futurechurch is a network of progressive Christians in New Zealand.
The Institute for Servant Leadership is an educational ministry grounded in the understanding that the servanthood of God was manifested in the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth.
Kairos Commotion hosts conversations regarding Progressive Christianity.
The New Patmos group is a cyber-community of faith for "Christian Exiles".
North American Coalition for Christianity and Ecology encourages churches to become centers of creation awareness and to teach reverence for God's creation.
Order of Servants of Christ is an inclusive and diverse worldwide ecumenical Benedictine community serving Christ and serving community.
Preaching Peace offers a set of reflections and sermons on non-violence based on the texts of the Revised Common Lectionary. Influenced by the work of Rene Girard.
Progressive Christians Uniting (formerly Mobilization for the Human Family) is a movement of progressive Christians whose mission is to be a prophetic presence in the Church and in the world, steadfastly proclaiming the radically inclusive love of God and faithfully working for the inclusion of and justice for all God's children, regardless of sexual orientation, gender, age, race, ethnicity, or socio-economic status.
Protestants dans la ville. [French] Un pasteur, une journaliste, un th�ologiens� expriment librement.
Radical Faith, providing resources to explore the fundamentals of faith in a changed world, is a project of the Society of the Sacred Mission (SSM).
Realistic Living focuses on Christian resurgence, metaphorical translation of the Bible, theological and ethical education, interreligious dialogue, science and religion, social justice, ecology, bioregionalism, and strategies for social change. Many of their books, essays, poems, and reviews are available as free downloads.
The Right Christians was founded to serve people of faith who object to the agenda of the Christian Right.
Christian, Denominational
The Alliance of Baptists is an alliance of individuals and churches dedicated to the preservation of historic Baptist principles, freedoms, and traditions, and to the expression of their ministry and mission through cooperative relationships with other Baptist bodies and the larger Christian community.Louie Crew's Anglican Pages contains information about the Episcopal Church in the United States and the world-wide Anglican Communion.
The Modern Churchpeople's Union was founded in 1898 and still serves the Anglican Communion worldwide, standing for freedom of enquiry in the continuing search for truth, dedicated to sound learning, honesty, openness and integrity. Among other things, the MCU members are concerned about the rising tide of conservatism and fundamentalism within the Churches, the failure of the Church of England fully to accept the role of women in all aspects of the organisation, and the increasing polarisation of the Church of England.
Progressive Episcopalians of Pittsburgh ("PEP") is an organization of clergy and laypersons living and worshiping in the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. Their website provides links to similar groups of Episcopalians throughout the U.S.
Society of the Franciscan Servants of the Poor is an ecumenical community of vowed men and women in service to the Church universal.
The Sophia Network is a community of lay and ordained Episcopalians united by online conversations and local and national gatherings. They are dedicated to liturgy, scholarship, and spirituality, and their conferences are designed around the renewal of the liturgist and the art of liturgy.
The Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship serves Christian Unitarians and Universalists according to their expressed religious needs; upholds and promotes the Christian witness within the Unitarian Universalist Association; and upholds and promotes the historic Unitarian and Universalist witness and conscience within the church universal.
Every Voice Network is a community of Anglicans uniting for justice.
The Witherspoon Society provides news and networking for progressive Presbyterians.
Axiom Media, dedicated to awakening American understanding of the struggles faced by the Palestinian people.The Council for a Parliament of World's Religions works to cultivate harmony between the world's religious and spiritual communities and foster their engagement with the world and its other guiding institutions in order to achieve a peaceful, just, and sustainable world.
Ecumenical Women 2000+ "Working within our faith traditions to raise the status of women and advance human rights around the world."
Equal Partners in Faith is a multi-racial, multi-faith national network of religious leaders and people of faith committed to equality and diversity.
Faith Futures Foundation exists to facilitate the interaction of scholarship and religion for the sake of re-envisioning the forms and roles of religion.
The Interfaith Alliance is a nonpartisan, interfaith organization committed to three main goals: promoting the positive role of religion as a healing and constructive force in public life, encouraging the renewal of religious values within our families and neighborhoods, and providing people of faith with an alternative voice to that of the radical religious right.
The Interfaith Climate Change Network (ICCN) is a collaborative effort of the Eco-Justice Working Group of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA and the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life. The ICCNs goal is to pursue justice for the poor around the world and protect all life on Earth by taking action to address global climate change.
Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance is an inter-faith group which promotes religious tolerance as a universal human right. Their web site contains thousands of essays which describe many faith groups, provide religious information, and describe controversial topics -- from abortion to suicide -- from all points of view.
The Pluralism Project was developed by Diana L. Eck at Harvard University to study and document the growing religious diversity of the United States, with a special view to its new immigrant religious communities.
PRO-S.O.C.S. is dedicated to preserving separation of church and state and provides intelligence about the activities, connections, and intentions of various facets of the radical right and their handlers through networks and affiliations with other national anti-extremist organizations.
Sea of Faith explores and promotes religious faith as a human creation.
SnowStar Institute of Religion advances religious literacy and tolerance in the Canadian context by helping interested individuals and communities find solidarity, make informed choices, and access educational materials.
United Religions Initiative is building a permanent public forum where people of many faiths gather in mutual respect to pursue justice, healing and peace, with reverence for all life. The United Religions will have global visibility and stature, and will be a vital presence in communities all over the world.
Alliance of Lesbian and Gay Anglicans (ALGA) An international coalition of Anglicans who are united in working for the unconditional inclusion and full participation of lesbian and gay people in every facet of the Church's life throughout the Anglican Communion.The Oasis - a mission and ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark with gay and lesbian people and their family and friends
Outspirit - a pluralistic spiritual presence serving the LGBT community.
The Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) is a growing movement of United Methodist individuals, congregations, campus ministries, and other groups working for the full participation of all people in the United Methodist Church.
Soulforce is an interfaith movement committed to ending spiritual violence perpetuated by religious policies and teachings against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) people.
Witness Our Welcome: An ecumenical forum for Christian congregations, communities and individuals that welcome and affirm persons of all sexual and gender orientations.
ARTS Magazine is a magazine dedicated to the "Arts in Religious and Theological Study." The ARTS Society was organized to provide a forum for scholars and artists interested in the intersections between theology, religion, and the arts to share thoughts, challenge ideas, strategize approaches in the classroom, and to advance the discipline in theological and religious studies curricula.CrossCurrents is a global network for people of faith and intelligence who are committed to connecting the wisdom of the heart and the life of the mind. "In print, online and in real time, we bring people together across lines of difference."
The Other Side is a lively magazine providing progressive Christians with "strength for the journey".
The Positive Atheism Magazine discusses the history and philosophy of atheism -- promoting liberty, responsibility, and peace of mind.
reVision is an international journal from New Zealand devoted to biblical and religious literacy and practice, continuing the quest of the historical Jesus.
The Symposium is a magazine for college students published by the Self Knowledge Symposium. Also helpful for campus ministers and others who have an interest in the spiritual life of students or younger people. Free student subscriptions or free trial issues for non-students are available.
An annotated bibliography of resources in the area of spirituality and health/healing.Common Dreams News Center is a non-profit news service providing breaking news and views for the Progressive Community
Disablility, Spirituality, and Healing resource packet intended for both people with disabilities and people wanting to minister with them. Includes a syllabus for a course intended to give students an introduction to ministry with people with physical and mental disabilities, including mental retardation.
Faith Matters Radio is a a radio show that presents the progressive point of view, "a distinct alternative to the substance and style of broadcasting common to the religious right."
Political Research Associates monitors and analyzes anti-democratic, authoritarian, and racist movements and trends, conducts research, and publishes educational materials.
Religion Online is a database of almost 5,000 articles by a range of writers and scholars on religion.
Tom Harpur, a Rhodes Scholar, is Canada's best known religion writer. His newspaper column appears in The Toronto Star on Sunday, and his many books focus on spiritual growth.
Washington-Baltimore Center of the A. K. Rice Institute promotes and advances the study of groups, organizations and social systems in the tradition of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London, England.
Westar Institute is an independent research and education organization that promotes religious literacy by promoting and disseminating contemporary biblical and religion scholarship to a wider audience. Through its well known JESUS SEMINAR project, Westar has made a significant contribution to the rediscovery of Jesus' distinctive vision of life under the divine domain.
Click here to go to CULT WATCH
These are cults claiming to be based in Christian faith.
This new all inclusive religion claims Jesus Christ
but paints him with sodomites and filthy dogs.SIKH WORSHIP OF GURU NANAK - - SECOND SCENE
FENG SHUI-- Japanese pagan spiritualism
Supreme Blasphemy: MEDEMPTRIX
I want you to notice the effort at biblical Christianity and hate for Popery...
Yet there is no hope and no salvation portrayed.
Play religion, and you can end up here.
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and your mind will be delivered of this sort of Satanic deformity.
Browse around the site. This seems to be a classic case of a demoniac quoting Scripture.
CAUTION: No children allowed to see this link pleaseNotable Atheists and Agnostics
Rabab Revival-- Sikh Silliness
Falun Gong
Anyone familiar with Eastern mystical notions will see that this is old stuff indeed.
Check out most specific site which includes links to Falun Gong web sites.
The cult's infiltration of the Chinese military shows it is not all innocent.Despite its rhetoric, it seems Falun Gong is an "evil cult"-- Article found at http://www.cultnews.com/2002_08_11_archive.html
Most media seem to be taken in by the spin from Falun Gong devotees. A recent example can be seen within the Jewish publication the "Forward." Correspondent Benjamin Soskis laments that "religious groups offer little support to Chinese sect." But had Soskis spent more time on hard research and less on politically correct hand wringing, he would have found that Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi, is both a megalomaniac and a bigot.
Sarah Lubman of the San Jose Mercury News did her homework and actually read Mr. Hongzhi's racist rants. Li says that "mixed-race people�[are] instruments of an alien plot to destroy humanity's link to heaven." And that these interracial unions are somehow part of "a plot by�evil extraterrestrials." Hongzhi appears to be homophobic too when he calls gays "disgusting," and prophesizes that one day they will be ''eliminated'' by ''the gods.''
Much of Hongzhi's writings seem paranoid and ramble on about beings from outer space who are "embedding their technology and science in human bodies" so they can "control" humanity through "their thoughts." This is a little like L. Ron Hubbard's theories, which form the basis for Scientology. Washington Post reporter Peter Carlson, like Lubman looked beyond the group's rhetoric. He discovered that the followers of "Master Li" believe not only that he can "personally install'' falun (a wheel of law) in their abdomens, but he can "levitate," "become invisible" and knows the "top secret of the Universe."
Canadian reporter Brian Hutchinson of the National Post, found that Falun Gong is based upon the "idea that life on Earth is doomed, that it is rotting and that it needs to be 'rectified' in order to proceed to the next stage of existence." And "Master Li�has succeeded in preventing the cosmos from decomposing altogether, as other 'higher beings' were willing to allow."
Hongzhi has also made this sweeping claim, "What I do today is for the purpose of rectifying humankind and the substances of the entire Earth." This statement appears to match the hubris of Rev. Moon, founder of the Unification Church, who says he is the messiah.
Hongzhi eerily parallels the claims made by Marshall Applewhite of "Heaven's Gate"? Like Li, Applewhite believed he was on a mission to fight against evil planetary forces. Just like Applewhite, Hongzhi sees himself in a singular and pivotal role. And he warns, "Not acknowledging the Master in the human world is not acknowledging oneself as a disciple."
Yes, Mr. Soskis might have done a little bit more research, and then he would have better understood why, as one Jewish leader he quoted observed, "It's hard to get [Jewish groups] to speak out on behalf of Falun Gong,"
African Religion
Beyond Loonie-- Beyond insane--
One wonders if this jerk even took Satan off guard.Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda
(The Whole Book): http://www.crystalclarity.com/yogananda/EXCEPTIONAL DISCUSSION OF SCIENTOLOGY:
http://artemis.centrum.is/~snorrigb/Cult-CoS.htmGENERAL LINK FOR PAGAN WORLD RELIGION:
http://galaxy.einet.net:8001/galaxy/Community/Religion.htmlMORE OF THE SAME Very good selection of Home Pages:
http://www.scican.net/~haxton/religion.htmlMASSIVE WEB PAGE WITH LINKS
http://www.alkhemy.com/spirit/ReligionSources.htmlELIZABETH CLARE PROPHETS PAGE OF INVOCATIONS,
http://www.all-natural.com/am-names.htmlDIVERS STRANGE SECTS Massive list
http://www.physics.wisc.edu/%7Eshalizi/hyper-weird/kooks.htmlAN EXAMPLE OF BANAL, DULL,
http://www.cfm.org/mission.htmlECUMENISM AT ITS DEMONIC WORST:
http://www.ad2000.org/homegraf.htmOCCULT MYSTIC DO-GOODERS: http://www.msia.org/