Searching for the Truth in the King James Bible;
Finding it, and passing it on to you.

Steve Van Nattan







Regarding voting and elections



All over the United States, last Sunday and next Sunday, the message, in Fundamental Bible believing churches, will go something like this:

"Look at each candidate, and examine them both with the Word of God, and then vote for the least objectionable candidate. Whatever you do, you must vote. You have a God given obligation to vote for someone."

If John Kerry wins, the next message in these bully pulpits will be:

"The reason John Kerry won is because some of you Christians did not do you duty and vote."

This is a lie of the devil. The same preachers who will say the above have regularly said this:

"When you have a choice between two bad or worldly things, don't choose either one. Abstain."

Out of the same fountain cannot flow bitter water and sweet. You preachers cannot have it both ways. I have made it very clear that I am not voting in the upcoming election. For that position I have gotten into some real trouble with other believers.

Where did we get this idea that the sovereign God of the Universe is shackled with the US Constitution and with our vote?

Proverbs 21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.

God is not stuck with my freedom to vote. Furthermore; my God would NOT limit his ability to move King Bush or King Kerry only on the condition that I voted for one or the other. And, what if I voted against the one that God, in his sovereignty, had chosen? Only a Calvinist can explain that. The rest of us better abstain. :-)

I think some of you small minded preachers think God is a Republican, or that God and you have the same mind on all political issues. God may WANT some of the wickedness to prevail in order to destroy the USA. God may be permitting abortion for the same reason he called for the killing of the Amalekite babies. The only way to bring Amalekites into heaven was to kill them in their innocence. Thus, there may well be more souls entering heaven through abortion clinics than at your altar, preacher.

This is pure fantasy-- that we are obligated to check a box for a man we would not invite into our home, or allow to talk to our children. I am a Bible believer, and I don't drink whiskey or wine. Yes, wine is in the Bible, and Jesus turned water to wine, but I reserve the right to NOT CHOOSE either one to the glory of God.

Kerry is whiskey
Bush is wine

One is a lot less objectionable than the other, but both men would give me guilt if I were to assist them to promote their agendas with my help. Nor can I justify voting "against" one over the other.

Let the dead bury their dead.

Now, there is NO place in the Word of God where you can prove that I am obligated to vote. The Romans voted, as did the Greeks, in the day of Paul the Apostle. If voting were as urgent as some preachers make out, then Paul would have included the admonition to participate in Romans, I Timothy, or Galatians. There were saints in Caesar's palace, according to Paul, and he was a Roman citizen. But no one voted. Period, full stop.

Are you going to vote? Great! If you feel one man is the one you want to lead you, vote for him. But lay off with the intimidation of the saints who abstain to the glory of God.

If you are in the pew, be warned that if you tell your pastor or church friends that you don't feel right voting, you will probably be attacked by your pastor and friends. Keep it to yourself. If you feel you have to tell them, plan on not being in church this next Sunday and one of two Sundays after the election. You will be attacked from the pulpit, and you will be blamed if Kerry wins.

This issue is the sort of thing that drives loyal saints away from local churches to sit alone at home and wonder why.

If the average Bible believer had half the zeal for soul winning as he did for waving the flag and voting, a raging revival would break out in less than two months from coast to coast.

Ephesians 4:3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.



The House of Windsor, Jeb and George, rig Florida election

Democrat strategy-- Tie up liberty in court cases

Bush tells us, "Islam is a good and peace loving religion."
Remember this when you thrash your friend for not voting.

Watch for hackers to take down voting computer systems

Issues Kerry and Bush agree not to discuss:

The role of the Federal Reserve; trade policy; gun rights; economic redistribution; the role and budget of the CIA and other intelligence agencies (almost all military); reduction of the military budget and the allocation of military procurement; roles and policies of the World Bank, IMF, WTO; crime, punishment and the prison explosion; false child abuse charges; Mexican illegals; the war on drugs; corporate welfare; police brutality; judicial corruption; energy policy; the destruction of small farmers and ranchers (Bush!!!); land confiscation; Israel; the corruption of the political system; the occupation of Iraq; stagnation of the inner cities; and finally-- OIL.

I am told that the abortion issue is clear. It is NOT. Kerry is for abortion with Catholic reservations, and Bush is against abortion with classic Republican inaction, just like his wimpy Papa was. Hardly a dime's worth of difference I think.

RockaDems-- RockaPubs-- They are both ruled from above.



Voting in the USA is the bed rock of our nation. The USA was founded in rebellion against a king, which God hates. The rebellion was against the King of England and Parliament, and the cry went up, "No taxation without representation." Much of the impetus for this rebellion was hatched in the Masonic Lodge of George Washington and the moral mongrel, Benjamin Franklin.

Once this scream of rage went up, it could not be placated. The early colonists could not turn back, once they had set their hearts in a rage. This explains why flag waving Fundamentalists today will attack you with white hot hate if you talk about abstaining from patriotic action. They have NO biblical foundation for forcing you to vote and participate in nationalistic issues, so, "pound pulpit, logic weak" prevails.

These same slow bellies would be shocked if a Russian Baptist local church had a Communist flag in their church house. Their doctrine of patriotism is American, NOT Christian.

William Pitt, in the British Parliament, was agitating for representation in the New England colonies, and Pitt was slowly persuading the King personally to allow the colonies to elect representatives to Parliament. It would have only been a matter of time that the King and Parliament would have given such privileges and rights.

Never mind, hate and rebellion prevailed. Ever since that first act of rebellion, voting has been at the heart of all American freedom. Women agitated to vote, and Whites had to be forced to allow Blacks to vote. Whites then tried to use the White women to balance off the Black and Irish Catholic vote. All manner of chaos has prevailed throughout our history over voting rights.

When the USA conquers another nation, they force voting on that nation, no matter how anti-cultural it may be in context. Democracy and rebellion are in the blood of all Americans. The second factor in our founding days, taxation, is now coming back also as many Americans rebel and refuse to pay their taxes. This nation will flame out in rebellion from below, and the over lords will come back.

The coming election may well end in rioting, especially if George Bush wins. There distinctly is talk about riots, even by John Edwards' wife, as a happy ending. It would be of supreme irony if the nation fell into such chaos again that the President had to declare the "Executive Powers Act" and take absolute rule over the nation. America would again be under the power of King George, who is in the blood line of the House of Windsor.

There is a One World agenda out there folks, and I would not doubt the possibility that two Yale boys, Scull and Bonesmen, Kerry and Bush, sat down in the Bohemian Grove one day and said, "How can we end the democracy and hand it to the higher powers?" Voile, a violent voting war.

In any case, to abstain from voting is then defined as treason by most Americans and most Fundamental Baptist jackboot preachers. Anyone who does not vote is denying their "God given right" to alter history in some small way. That is a lie of the devil.

I remind you that the image of Daniel went precisely in reverse from your mongrel American doctrine. The golden head was an absolute monarchy. The silver was less precious because the king could not break his own laws in Persia. Finally, the iron, which is NOT precious but brutal, was democracy, as in Greece and Rome.

Iron and clay, Democracy, according to the Bible, are the end game, and they play out in Europe. They will be brutal, cold, mindless, and they will be under the Satanic power of antichrist.

God likes monarchy because he can humble ONE MAN, as he did with Nebuchadnezzar, and the whole empire has rest and peace. Democracy is the most troubling governing system to God because he must humble virtually every soul in an empire to force his will on them. This is because the rebels can vote against God.

So, your friend does not want to vote for a dry drunk who is trashing the freedoms of Americans and has two wars going and talking about a couple more. Nor does your friend want to vote for a Liberal Democrat who has a filthy mouth and, a slut for a wife, and wants to kill babies.

YOU pick the one YOU want, and shut your ever loving flap trap.