By Steve Van Nattan
Man of God | The Man of God of the Vatican, the Reformation (Calvin and Zwingli), the Puritans, Evangelicalism, and the Fundamental Baptists (KJV only) |
Righteous Godly Full of Faith Loving Patient Meek | Some
of all of these- Self-centered and demanding of praise and cash Preoccupied with earthly issues-- Lust for food, women, and authority Doubt the salvation of all men-- Demand the saints pay preacher's way 100% Never visit in homes or cafes with saints-- Hang out with other "men of God" Enraged and sarcastic with weak saints-- Denigrate those who are slow Always put themselves forward-- Dress in preacher clothes all week |
A pastor as a MAN OF GOD
Strong's Definition:
Greek: G4166 poimen (1) poimen poy-mane' of uncertain affinity; a shepherd (literally or figuratively):--shepherd, pastor.
Hebrew: H7462 ra`ah (7) ra`ah raw-aw' a primitive root; to tend a flock; i.e. pasture it; intransitively, to graze (literally or figuratively); generally to rule; by extension, to associate with (as a friend)
Since "pastor" is mentioned only once in the New Testament, and since Paul used the title in an early epistle when speaking about the establishment of the most early days of the Lord's Church, we must then put the one use of "pastor" under complete authority to the definitions of local church leaders in the later epistles to men who were actually leading. The office of "pastor" was NOT meant to be a permanent office. If the Holy Ghost wanted us to exalt that office, he would have had the Greek word for shepherd used later in the New Testament:
1. More times-- at least as often as "elder" or "deacon" if modern usage is to be justified.
2. Of the writers-- The Apostles would have called themselves pastors instead of "elder" "servant" and "Apostle," among other self-given titles. No Apostle ever called himself a pastor.
3. In The Revelation of John in heaven. The exalted role of such men as John R. Rice, John MacArthur, Jerk Hyles, and J. Frank Norris, as omnipotent rulers of the Lord's Church would certainly qualify them mention with the four and twenty ELDERS if these late great Supreme Potentates were to be noted as "pastors".
The pastor as a MAN OF GOD is not one whit of any significance more than the generic MAN OF GOD in 2 Timothy 3:16
Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
Thus, and pastor (or evangelist of missionary) who does not meet the requirements of the offices of elder and deacon, as given below, is a bastard and pervert and should be destroyed or run off:
Timothy 3:1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he
desireth a good work.
2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one
wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient,
not a brawler, not covetous;
4 One that ruleth well his own house, having
his children in subjection with all gravity;
5 (For if a man know not how
to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
6 Not
a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the
7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest
he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
1:6 If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not
accused of riot or unruly.
7 For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward
of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given
to filthy lucre;
8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober,
just, holy, temperate;
9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught,
that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
1 Peter 2:25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. Any man who shares the title "pastor" with Jesus Christ will be LIKE Jesus, not like Adolph Hitler.
The biblical MAN OF GOD will not be in violation of the above qualifications. He will not be a blimp, ruled by his wife, brutal with his kids, mean tempered when someone questions his interpretations OR HIS AUTHORITY. And, he will LIKE to be among the sheep seven days a week, not just on Sunday in his three piece suit with a microphone in front of him and a group of panting starved sheep waiting on his pabulum sucking sermon.
So, a biblical "MAN OF GOD" is hard to find today in what we call a pastor. I have, in recent experience, met very few man who call themselves "pastor" who meet the above qualifications, and they don't give a damn if they don't. Any pastor reading here will be thinking thoughts of hate toward me right now, and if we were back in the dark ages, they would finger me to the Pope for execution. I am not talking about Methodist queer reverends. I am talking about Fundamental Baptist King James Only "pastors".
We are not claiming that there are no godly pastors in the Lord's Church today, but if we allow even one exception, then every spiritual Bastard in Christendom will leap into the role of the one rare exception. You must understand that your pastor is very likely NOT a "MAN OF GOD" by Paul's definition. Nor is he an Elder, Deacon, Bishop, or worthy to shepherd sheep. In fact, he probably should not be turned loose to even slop hogs.
2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration
of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction
in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished
unto all good works.
Here we come to the final "MAN OF GOD" in the Church Age. He is ANY Bible believing man. In fact, "man" in the verse is clearly the generic or larger use of the word and includes born again ladies as used in I Peter 3:1-4.
15:2 When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation
with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them,
should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question.
This is the Jerusalem counsel to which Paul deferred, and it dates as the earliest reference to a Church counsel. There was not one pastor on the counsel. It looks like a pastor, in the early church, did not rule anything. According to Ephesians 4, elsewhere on this page, a pastor ministered (served) and edified the saints-- THAT IS ALL. A leader who comes to us without the authority of the Word of God to define his office can go to hell.
can a preacher command his people to tithe? Win souls? Attend church? Get baptized?
Because it is in the Bible. A fundamental preacher must always ask himself: Do
I have Biblical authority to say that? Where in the Bible is it?" This man broke his own rule. Tithing is not commanded in the New Testament. This man is a liar and a wolf. He claims the power to command things God did not command. _________ EXAMPLE OF MOTHER GOOSE "For
church leaders to demand unquestioning loyalty is a perversion of biblical truth
and is the mark of a cult. The Bible gives authority to pastors and elders (Heb.
13:7, 17), but that authority is not unlimited or unquestionable. Those who demand
blind obedience from their people are cult leaders." Sounds good. But, there is just one little problem-- the Bible nowhere gives authority to a pastor-- it is not stated. Now, it would be in order to give them honor because they labor in the Word: 1 Timothy 5:17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. But this is applied to elders, not pastors in particular. David Cloud means well, and the article from which I took this is well done, but this shows how Fundamentalists with great Bible study experience still make stock statements because they serve the traditions and heritage of Baptists et al. ________ BAD BIBLE USE AGAIN "All
things earthly are liable to abuse, and that feature of congregational church
government which places all the members on an equality in the transaction of church
business, has been, in some instances at least, suffered to interfere with the
deference due to pastors. There is a class of Scriptures whose import is not sufficiently
considered � such as the following: �And we beseech you, brethren, to know
them which labor among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; and
to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake.� �Let the elders
that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in
the word and doctrine.� �Remember them which have the rule over you, who have
spoken to you the word of God.� �Obey them that have the rule over you, and
submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account.�
In these passages pastors are referred to, and there is
claimed for them an authority not belonging to other church-members." There is just one problem. As with David Cloud above, this article fails to find the word "pastor" in the text quoted. It just is not there. Again, these people keep saying a text is speaking about something not stated. This is the logic and method of heretics like the Mormons and the Catholic Whore of Rome. |
FALLEN WARRIORS- Profiles of Hirelings
I want you to notice the many qualities in the above study of the biblical man of God which are violated by the preachers and their leaders in this lady's experience:
Dear Brother & Sister Van Nattan,
I emailed recently and I'm still reading your web site with much interest. You have touched on a number of things that had troubled me over the thirty years since I accepted the Lord.
First, I must say I appreciate how much you quote from Hebrews because it is one of my favorite books. Hebrews 9:14 "How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" (The Trinity!) and many other verses.
Second, I appreciate your insight about using the Gospels for soul winning rather than the Epistles. I would often 'doubt' that I could have been 'really saved' because the "Roman's Road' was not the method of my salvation. As an unsaved Protestant, I read Proverbs in the 1974-era Living Bible paraphrase and I started thinking about God having a way for me to live that I never realized before. I was under conviction with 'it is better to dwell in the attic than with a quarrelsome, cranky woman' (LB).
Months later, I heard the Gospel of Luke preached on the radio and I especially remember Luke 2:52 "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." (KJV) Not your typical salvation passage! But it became 'real' to me that Jesus was God from Heaven in flesh, and I called on the 'name of the Lord' and He forgave me took away the burden of my sins -- alone in my car on the way to work. Not the Romans Road. Not an altar call. So, I often felt that maybe I didn't hear the 'correct' verses to really get saved, yet I knew that the Lord had come into my heart and I really was a "new creature" in Christ... I had new desires.
As a new Christian the Lord soon showed me the truth about the King James Bible preserved by God and I have taken a stand for the KJV Bible. For example, when our son was in Christian high school, a teacher wanted the class to memorize 2 Peter from the NASV. I spoke to the principal, and defended the KJV. He seemed to take in what I was saying but he had a lot of pressure from 'scholarly' families to use other versions and said to me, "What is truth?" An example I gave was I Pet 1:21 "but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."(KJV). The NASV omits (holy) and (of God) ...so the NASV is left only with 'men' speaking.
I have had recent difficulties in two KJV Bible churches. I drove to a nearby KJV church where I was a church pianist for fifteen years attendance went downhill and the good pastor left. The next BJU preacher had his eye on coming into the church, and he had a 'plan'. Soon he made stops at our house and befriended my unsaved husband but never presented the Gospel to him. My husband is not gullible, but he did go with me to a church picnic. But this pastor was a 'user'. Once he realized my husband's skills and workmanship, the pastor tried to get him involved in repairs and installation of organ at the church, but my husband (wisely) didn't take the bait. But we did use our truck and gave him many things when we had to empty my mother's house. Watching him selectively search through some things gave me an uneasy feeling.
In church, he took notice of how I was dressed [I'm conservative!] and his eyes would go from my head to feet. (Was my hair the 'right' length, my dress 'long' enough-- midcalf) When he learned that I also could play organ, little did I know that he had a 'plan' for me. The impoverished country church received an expensive organ from an 'anonymous' donor, and 'guess who' was delegated to the organ while his wife went to the piano-- poor player but I tried to encourage her.
Although my husband and I had both our parents in local long term care, a couple left the church (trouble w/pastor) so I also took on that SS class along with the changes of switching to organ, etc. My dear brother died suddenly that same year which overwhelmed me. By year's end, I collapsed and was taken to the Emergency Room after a basic health screening test. The pastor didn't visit our home at either time of our troubles. And when I told the pastor that I no longer wanted to play the organ, his whole countenance changed in a moment. Due to distance and severe winter weather for six weeks, I emailed him or left a telephone message that I could not be at church, but not a word of acknowledgment from him. I don't know what he was thinking.
After six weeks, he sent emails asking if I would come back either on organ or piano. I over-explained myself by emails, then. I tried to talk to him by phone, but he would not return my calls. [I learned that he wanted everything 'in writing' ]. I had never had such an experience with a pastor as this! The severe weather broke and I went to church. His topic for the month was on 'love'. Have you ever watched a preacher get red faced and blazing with brimstone giving a sermon on 'love'? After that I stopped sitting alone and in front... although I should have left altogether, because it just got worse!
The lady did not understand what was happening here. She did not have a born again husband, or he would have been there with her and would have caught this.
This filthy scum bag preacher was trying to wear the lady down as to submission and take charge of her mind. The trick then is, after she is broken and ready to submit, to transfer her submission from her husband ("after all, he is unsaved") to the preacher.
The preacher's eyes tell me what comes next-- she will be counseled in fine detail about submission, she will be flattered and fawned over, she will be consulted on personal matters, and finally, she will be worked into bed with the preacher. As one animal in northern Indiana did when he asked his secretary, who was not his wife, to be his best friend.
Sir, when you allow your wife to become the servant of the jerkawallah pastor, you need to start planning what to do with her after she comes crawling back to you sexually violated.
Any preacher who has women serving him, even as church secretaries, is a dangerous man and a sex pervert.
If a man is not available to be church secretary, it is not God's will for the church to have one.
When I asked to talk to him about the music, he was evasive. My husband and I went on a short vacation, and the very Sunday that I returned to church, lo and behold the pastor and deacon were 'ready to talk' to me in the office. [I was a lamb lead to the slaughter.] I admit I had grown angry about his evasiveness,. But rather than coming to an understanding about the music issue, he intimidated me with quoting from his printed-out emails to 'correct' me if I misspoke, and he opened his KJV Bible to I Peter 3.
As his eyes went from my head to toe examining me, he began to rebuke me about my not being in subjection to my husband -- because I was not in agreement with my husband about moving to another state as he wanted to do in retirement! (This was an ongoing discussion of pros and cons in our marriage, not insubordination!) Then the deacon chimed in with the pastor about my moving to another state-- because he also liked it there. I felt like I was being assaulted in that room!
I kept trying to make the situation 'right', but it kept getting 'worse'. Finally, without a lot of details, and only mentioning the organ/piano problem, I just asked my husband what I should do. Though unsaved, he has a LOT of discernment from the working world [remember, I was in an emotionally and physically weakened condition]. My husband said 'It's his church and he can do what he wants." What a relief! Soon I wrote a BRIEF letter to "withdraw" my membership... no reason given. He put his own 'spin' on why I left.
I began regularly attending a small, conservative KJV Bible church three miles from our home. The preaching was very deep and full of Scripture. But I again made the mistake of eventually telling this pastor 'why' I left the other church. [Why do I think I have to explain myself or my actions to other people?-- to be accepted by them? You'd think I had learned my lesson!] After six months, I felt shocked that this pastor was joining efforts with the previous pastor to reach the teens in both churches by taking them on adventures and supporting church events together. I really had an inner struggle, because I didn't want to harbor bitterness, but I was afraid that the pastors would talk about me. We live in the country, I didn't know where else to go to church, so I kept attending. I even considered joining, but I had inner turmoil, so did not join.
I tried to look for ways to be a blessing to folks-- take a meal for a widow, baby clothes for a single mother, be helpful and friendly. The pastor watched my actions. I felt the women were very guarded. The wife of the head deacon / Sunday School teacher asked for prayer in women's prayer group because their two young children were afraid of their Dad because of his anger. The pastor's mother is divorce and remarried, as well as another deacon and wife both divorced from unbelievers.
This pastor holds a Bible study in a local jail and the nursing home where my aging mother has Parkinson's, and he said he was able to lead her to the Lord-- but it's hard to tell.
Along with multi problems at the nursing home, I was getting depressed with the whole situation at church, and finally I just stopped attending. No one has called or visited, even though my mother was very sick, and the pastor had to have know. (Oh, yes, I should have guessed.... I'm not a 'member'.) The two things that troubled me about joining were that this pastor told me he is Calvinist, and this church is united with an incorporated fellowship of churches. I don't read "Inc." in my KJV Bible.
I feel I'm a person with some discernment and I don't consider myself 'stupid' (I have some college etc.)-- but after being a homemaker for many years, I just have not dealt with unsettling situations like this. I'm a quiet temperament, but friendly and I've seemed to get along with others. Now I just look for ways to stay close to the Lord, such as Blessed Quietness web site and I am finding that I need the strength of my dear but unsaved husband with his manly protection over me more and more. I play hymns on the piano at the nursing home for my mother (who first taught me), and others are also blessed. Also I'm gradually finding a few Christians there in various stages of growth.
Well, I hope you and your wife don't mind this long email. Your web site has been a help to me and I hope I'm not wrong in thinking I could share these things with both of you. If you have time, your spiritual insight would be helpful.
In Christian Sincerity,
Mrs. ______________1. The "MAN OF GOD" is feared and finally fled from, but the wimp does not give the Gospel to man.
2. The "MAN OF GOD" rules the saints by intimidation and rage.
3. The "MAN OF GOD" is covetous.
4. The "MAN OF GOD" is a sex pervert and uses standards of modesty to hide his lust.
5. The "MAN OF GOD" does not love the sheep-- is not mereciful.
6. The "MAN OF GOD" builds a trail of paper for evil purposes.
7. The "MAN OF GOD" acts like a big baby when he does not get his way.
8. As the unsaved husband said about the jerk pastor above, "It's his church...."
Are YOU such a "MAN OF GOD"?
Titus 1:10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:
11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.
12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.
15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.Do we leave hireling "pastors" in their place where they can do more damage? Do we wish to leave a politician or policeman who rapes girls, deals crack, and takes bribes in his place simply because he has a lofty title? Did you want to see Bill Clinton impeached? THINK, THINK, THINK. You owe nothing to a jerk with a title. Run him off at once. If he will not leave, prevent him from performing, and sabotage his acre in any way possible. You may save some little boy from being sodomized. Hireling "pastors" are known to be filled with sexual lust. Your daughter could be next. This applies to all Bible colleges and institute leaders also.
Hebrews 12:15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; If this study makes an alleged "pastor" bitter, he is a defiler. "Look diligently" says the writer. Watch for the evil qualities of an hireling and a wolf, and run him off.
Acts 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. Any alleged "pastor" who does not study to show himself approved, and thus come to any gathering with a FULL LOAD of teaching gems, is a crook and a failure. If all he can do is review the Gospel and scream clichés, he is a wolf, not a pastor or a Christian.
1 Peter 5:2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; If an alleged "pastor" clearly will not perform and pastor without being paid, he is a devil and needs to be horse whipped. Paul worked with his own hands to be an apostle. What sort of jerkwater jack ass is above Paul in that he must be paid to serve the saints? What about the "ready mind"? When an alleged "pastor" will not study for his sermons, he will not research Satan's devices in the community and the world, and when he even makes jokes about being dumb, as if it is a requirement of Christian maturity, he is a slob. He is worthless as tits on a bore hog. Any self-made moron can understand that.
Philippi had a very strong local church, and they did not have a pastor: Philippians 1:1 Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons: You do not need a pastor if you have elders and deacons, and again, there is NO biblical basis to claim that elders are pastors. Any alleged "pastor" who claims he is an elder by definition is getting his definition from the Pope because that is who first mixed these titles all up in the first place.
Acts 1:20 For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishoprick let another take. In case you think and office of bishop, deacon, or elder is some final and life long office which cannot be questioned, consider please-- JUDAS WAS A BISHOP according to this verse. If you have a fallen bishop, albeit "pastor," run him off.
You need to understand that these jack boot "pastors" are demon possessed. A reader wrote me telling of a pastor in his town who believes he is in authority over EVERY group in town, including every Bible study:
"We are in a small town and everyone is nosy here. This pastor does not attack me personally but shows up at Bible Studies and evangelism events that he did not organize and tries to assert himself at them as if he were running the show."
Friend, we are at war, and the war is at the church house. Indeed, we sometimes are at war with the pulpit.
Last thought--
you discern that a pastor is a brute and a bastard,
do not explain yourself-- LEAVE OR DETROY HIM.
You owe such a jerk nothing.
you are born again, sir,
YOU are "THE MAN OF GOD" in your home, at
work, and to your wife.
If you are not born again, sir, you still must not
let any other man, under color
being the "MAN OF GOD," take any authority
over your wife and kids.
Don't let any small greazzzzy scum take that God given
position away from you.
What about the assembly of saints?
Who is the "THE
MAN OF GOD" there?
Answer: All the born again men who attend.
Also, if you have a "pastor" in your local church who shows most of the qualities of a servant and Bible teacher, a man who respects your headship of your home, a man who likes to spend time with the other men of the church between Sundays, a man who studies his Bible seriously, grab hold of him and don't let go.
Peter 5:2 (KJV) Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight
thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready
3 Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to
the flock.
This species is endangered these days. To such a man you may well submit in Christ as your example.
About Steve Van Nattan:
Am I a pastor? I don't know.
Christ will have to decide. I seek to minister, and I trust this journal edifies, and I love to be with sheep and attack wolves. But, I do not care to be called a pastor. If you think I am, keep it to yourself please.
By the way, if my being here has become essential to your spiritual survival, either I am taking the place of Jesus Christ to you, or you need to grow up in the Word. Stop making men your object of inspiration:
12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and
let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
2 Looking
unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was
set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the
right hand of the throne of God.
Never look unto a man.
Some tender foot will read this page and say, "This man is too harsh. He will undermine the respect of the saints for pastors in the churches."
To you I answer, "I am only sorry that Christian restraint does not allow me to be even harsher, and I do indeed hope to see thousands of Christ's sheep rescued from the wolves who prey on them."
The Jesus of the modern "Man of God"
If this study touched you where it hurt, this is my effort to help.