Here are some well known men and what they have said about sodomy.
We don't necessarily approve of all these folks' teachings in other
areas. Also, these quotes are somewhat dated, but they still need our attention.
Robertson Gays
were behind Hitler "many
of those people involved in Adolf Hitler were Satanists, many of them were homosexuals,
the two things seem to go together, it is a pathology it is a sickness." - Pat
Robertson on TV
are appalling "homosexuality
is an abomination, the practices of these people is appalling" - Pat Robertson
on TV (I've seen the actual footage)
want to disrupt churches, spread AIDS and spit at ministers
"[Homosexuals]want to come
into churches and disrupt church services and throw blood all around and try to
give people AIDS and spit in the face of ministers." Pat Robertson, 700 Club,
1/18/95 - People for the American Way Web site, http://www.pfaw.org/issues/right/rtvw.antigay.shtml
leads to decline of civilization "...the
acceptance of homosexuality is the last step in the decline of Gentile civilization."
--Time magazine, Oct 26, 1998
Jerry Falwell God
hates homosexuality "god
hates homosexuality" - Jerry Falwell on TV
The Family
Research Council Gays
are pedophiles, and want to promote youth promiscuity
"There is a strong undercurrent
of pedophilia in the homosexual subculture. Homosexual activists want to promote
the flouting of traditional sexual prohibitions at the earliest possible age....they
want to encourage a promiscuous society - and the best place to start is with
a young and credulous captive audience in the public schools." - Robert Knight,
Family Research Council, http://www.frc.org/insight/is93f1hs.html
Ministries Gays
are "sexual deviants"
Michael Johnston, head of Kerusso Ministries (an "ex-gay" conversion center):
"You know, really, when you think about it -- let me just be blunt here -- when
an individual 'comes out' and proclaims their homosexuality, really, what they
are doing is standing up and saying, 'I'm a sexual deviant, and I'm proud of it.'
" - Oct 16, 96 - Family Research Council Web site, http://www.frc.org/net/st96j3.html
Paul Cameron Exterminate
gays "At
the 1985 Conservative Political Action Conference, Cameron announced to the attendees,
'Unless we get medically lucky, in three or four years, one of the options discussed
will be the extermination of homosexuals.' According to an interview with former
Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, Cameron was recommending the extermination option
as early as 1983." - Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995.
Gays are crime against
humanity "Homosexuality
is a crime against humanity."- Paul Cameron's pamphlet "Criminality, Social Disruption
and Homosexuality" quoted by Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995.
have sex with animals
Causes of homosexuality include: "sex with animals"- http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron3.html,
What Causes Homosexual Desire and Can It Be Changed?, By Paul Cameron, Ph. D.
gays "At
the 1985 Conservative Political Action Conference, Cameron announced to the attendees,
'Unless we get medically lucky, in three or four years, one of the options discussed
will be the extermination of homosexuals.' According to an interview with former
Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, Cameron was recommending the extermination option
as early as 1983." - Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995.
Tattoo AIDS patients,
castrate gays "At
least twice Cameron has advocated the tattooing of AIDS patients on the face,
so that people would know when they were meeting with an infected person. The
penalty for trying to hide the tattoo would be banishment to the Hawaiian island
of Molokai, a former leper colony. In the event that a vaccine were developed
to prevent AIDS, Cameron has proposed that homosexuals be castrated to prevent
them from 'cheating' on nature." - Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10,
is a Godsend "I
think that actually AIDS is a guardian. That is I think it was sent, if you would,
about forty years ago, to destroy Western civilization unless we change our sexual
ways. So it's really a Godsend." - Cameron quoted by Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph,
March 10, 1995.
eat feces "33%
[of gays surveyed] ingested feces via anal/oral contact"-Paul Cameron quoted at
engage in torture and pedophilia "a
large minority of gays engage in torture for sexual fun. Sex with minors 25% of
white gays admitted to sex with boys 16 or younger as adults"-Paul Cameron quoted
at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html
Put AIDS patients in
detention centers "Cameron
also views AIDS as being such a large threat to 'innocents' that he has proposed
nationwide testing for HIV and the forcible quarantine of all those testing positive,
either by confinement to their homes or in regional detention centers." - Mark
E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995.
homosexuality, register gays "He
has also advocated the outlawing of homosexuality and the forcible closing of
all Gay bars; homosexuals would be required to register with government authorities
and have their movements tracked." - Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10,
prey on the young "Older
homosexuals often approach the young" - http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron3.html,
What Causes Homosexual Desire and Can It Be Changed?, By Paul Cameron, Ph. D.
is caused by older predators "There
is evidence that homosexuality, like drug use is 'handed down' from older individuals.
The first homosexual encounter is usually initiated by an older person."- http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron3.html,
What Causes Homosexual Desire and Can It Be Changed?, By Paul Cameron, Ph. D.
are pedophiles "A
quarter of homosexuals have admitted to sex with children and underaged teens"-
http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron3.html, What Causes Homosexual Desire and
Can It Be Changed?, By Paul Cameron, Ph. D.
molest children "Cameron
also presented data that homosexuals are disproportionately child molesters. This
research was also based on newspaper stories, which he said prove homosexuals
are perpetrators in 40 percent of all molestation cases." - The Minnesota Daily,
August 22, 1997
consume blood "gays
who practice oral sex verge on consuming raw human blood"- Paul Cameron quoted
at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html
Gays are promiscuous
average somewhere between 106 and 1105 different partners/year"-Paul Cameron quoted
at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html
Gays have abnormal sex
Gays have sex with "bottles, carrots, even gerbils"-Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html
gay is dangerous "The
typical life-span of homosexuals suggests that their activities are more destructive
than smoking and as dangerous as drugs."-Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html
AIDS patients is risky "Those
who treat AIDS patients are at great risk"-Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html
are medical horror story "The
typical sexual practices of homosexuals are a medical horror story --imagine exchanging
saliva, feces, semen and/or blood with dozens of different men each year. Imagine
drinking urine, ingesting feces and experiencing rectal trauma on a regular basis.
Often these encounters occur while the participants are drunk, high, and/or in
an orgy setting. Further, many of them occur in extremely unsanitary places"-Paul
Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html
Gays are sexually troubled
are sexually troubled people engaging in dangerous activities"-Paul Cameron quoted
at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron2.html
Gays are unhealthy, violent,
and bad parents "Homosexual
coupling undermines its participants' health, has the highest rate of domestic
violence, shortens life, and is a poor environment in which to raise children."-
Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron1.html
Gays beat their spouses
couples have higher rates of domestic violence than do heterosexual couples, especially
among lesbians"- Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron1.html
parents molest their children "The
largest study, and the only one based on a random sample, estimated that less
than half of a percent of Americans have had a homosexual parent. Those who did
were more likely to: report having had sex with a parent….be sexually molested"-Paul
Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron1.html
Gays don't believe in
commitment "Homosexual
unions are not built around lifetime commitments"-Paul Cameron quoted at http://www.biblebelievers.com/Cameron1.html
Jefferson said to castrate gays "Thomas
Jefferson said that homosexuality ‘should be punished, if a man, by castration,
if a woman, by cutting through the cartilage of her nose a hole of one-half inch
in diameter as least.’ " Paul Cameron - MEDICAL CONSEQUENCES Of WHAT HOMOSEXUALS
Research Council - gays are risk to children "Psychologist
Paul Cameron, who has analyzed the most prominent studies of homosexual households,
says that they all have severe shortcomings. Nonetheless, within these studies,
greater risks to children raised in homosexual households are evident, Cameron
notes." - http://www.frc.org/insight/is94e3hs.html
Sir Winston Churchill Don't
talk to me about naval tradition. It's nothing but rum, sodomy and the lash. The
American Family Association Gays
support pedophilia, incest, and bestiality "Prominent
homosexual leaders and publications have voiced support for pedophilia, incest,
sadomasochism, and even bestiality." - http://www.afa.net, Homosexuality in America:
Exposing the Myths.
NARTH (National
Association for Research and Treatment of Homosexuality - the most prominent ex-gay
conversion organization, headed by Joseph Nicolosi, called by the American Family
Association "probably the most famous psychologist" who believes gays can change)
Gays cheat, fight, and hate the one they love
"Nicolosi describes gay
partnerships as bedeviled by cheating, teasing, fights, jealousy, rage, suspicion,
envy, restlessness, and disappointment. Nicolosi writes, ‘Homosexual relationships
are so characteristically volatile because the homosexual hates what he loves.’
" - Joseph Nicolosi, head of NARTH and one of the religious right's top two ex-gay
psychiatrists in the country, from NARTH's Web site, http://www.narth.com/docs/1996papers/berman.html
Gay pedophiles are after your children
"This is
ultimately about the protection of America's youth from such groups as NAMBLA
and militant homosexuals who seek to lower the age of consensual sexual intercourse
between homosexual men and young boys to the age of fourteen (as in Hawaii, 1993)
or sixteen (as in England, 1994). They have told us, ‘We're here. We're Queer.
And we are coming after your children.’ How much more do we need to know?"
- Charles Socarides, on the board of NARTH and the other top ex-gay psychiatrist,
from NARTH's Web site, http://www.narth.com/docs/1995papers/socarides.html
Gays "brainwash" America "a
form of national ‘brainwashing’ has been employed by the propagandists
of the homosexual movement." - Charles Socarides, on the board of NARTH and the
other top ex-gay psychiatrist, from NARTH's Web site, http://www.narth.com/docs/1995papers/socarides.html
Gay movement is like communism and Orwell's
1984 "homosexual
movement. . . . is strikingly similar in the propaganda of both movements: communistic
totalism and homosexual totalism. . . . such an atmosphere is uncomfortably reminiscent
of George Orwell's 1984. " - Charles Socarides, on the board of NARTH and the
other top ex-gay psychiatrist, from NARTH's Web site, http://www.narth.com/docs/1995papers/socarides.html
Colorado for Family Values Gays
molest children "homosexuals,
while representing perhaps 2% of the population, perpetrate more than one-third
of all reported child molestations."- http://www.qrd.org/qrd/religion/anti/CFV/cfv.report.pt1-03.94
Americans for the Truth About Homosexuality Gays are
promiscuous and unnatural "She
ought to tell her young male listeners about the many sexually transmitted diseases
linked to unnatural homosexual practices — including AIDS, which Michael
Johnston caught while living as a homosexual. She needs to warn them about the
homosexual culture of promiscuity and anonymous sex that puts young men at terrible
risk." - 10-8-98, news release from Americans for the Truth About Homosexuality,
quoting Peter LaBarbera, the organization's head.
Gays recruit children
A direct mail letter from Don Wildmon of the American Family Association included
this emotional appeal. "For the sake of our children and society, we must OPPOSE
the spread of homosexual activity! Just as we must oppose murder, stealing, and
adultery! Since homosexuals cannot reproduce, the only way for them to 'breed'
is to RECRUIT! And who are their targets for recruitment? Children!"
Gays give children AIDS
American Family Association of Kentucky's Dr. Frank Simon: "There are hundreds
of children in America who are dying of AIDS because they were sexually abused
by homosexuals."
support pedophilia, incest, and bestiality "Prominent
homosexual leaders and publications have voiced support for pedophilia, incest,
sadomasochism, and even bestiality."
fall of the human race "homosexuality
is the result of the moral fall of the human race."
Gays have sex with boys,
eat feces, have sex with animals
Among homosexual lifestyle and sexual practices are included: "sex with boys...eating
and/or rubbing themselves with the feces of their partners...urinating on or in
their partners...sadomasochism...bondage...sex with animals."
Bigoted gays blame Shepard's
murder on "Christianity" "American
Family Association today expressed its outrage at the ongoing campaign by homosexual
activist groups and the secular media to link the murder of a Wyoming college
student with Christianity." AFA went on to accuse gays of "religious bigotry."
- AFA ACTION ALERT via email, 10/16/98
gays to polygamy, incest "Allen
Wildmon, Associate Director of AFA, said the decision was deplorable. 'The purpose
of domestic partner benefits is to equate a homosexual relationship with marriage
between a man and a woman,' he said. 'At what point should the line be drawn?
Should companies, in the name of 'diversity,' approve benefits for two men and
one woman who live together as domestic partners? Adult siblings living in an
incestuous relationship?' " AFA Press Release, May 8, 1997
Homosexuality kills young
people, destroys families
Homosexuality is "a sexual behavior that is killing our young people and destroying
families". - AFA ACTION ALERT via email, 4/25/97
Gays and criminals
"Homosexuals aren't born
that way, and they don't have to stay that way," says Dr. Kennedy. "They can know
the truth and the truth will set them free. But many will never hear the truth
if we as a nation continue to condone, promote, and even subsidize homosexuality,
a lifestyle that just a few years ago was criminal in our country." - - AFA ACTION
ALERT via email, 4/25/97
want to silence Christians, and blame them for all crimes against gays
"the real motivation behind
such hate crime laws is to silence Christians. Gays will now feel free to blame
any crime against a homosexual on Christians" - AFA ACTION ALERT via email, 10/16/98
natural "homosexuality
cannot be natural"
are pro pedophilia "homosexuals
seem to favor leniency regarding pedophilia"
are against the church "homosexuals
seek to undercut the social authority of churches"
Gays help decay society
the degree that the homosexual movement changes society in its favor…it will
contribute to the overall decay of society"
societal decay "the
institutionalizing of homosexuality will cause societal decay"
Gays compared to serial
killers "If
we discovered that being a serial killer or a sociopath was genetic, though we
might not blame the serial killer or sociopath for being so, we certainly would
not allow him to act up his serial killing or sociopathological disposition."
are decadent "There
can be no doubt that most Americans would be repulsed if they could see the decadence
within the homosexual community."
should be photographed and outed "David
Caton, head of the Florida chapter of the American Family Association, has suggested
that homosexuality be discouraged by photographing patrons entering Gay bars and
posting these photos in public places such as the post office." - Mark E. Pietrzyk,
News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995.
are disgusting and diseased "The
disgusting details of the homosexual lifestyle explain why so many diseases are
present in the homosexual community."
Claremont Institute
Compares gays
to thieves, liars, drug addicts "Homosexuals
like to argue that, since people are by nature free to choose, the choice of sodomy
should be protected, at least as much as any other choice. But the fact that people
are free by nature to make choices does not mean that any choice they make is
good or that all choices should be equal before the law. Some people choose to
steal and to lie. Some abandon their children or their wives or husbands. Some
sink into the grip of drugs. Some evade the draft at their country's need, or
abandon their duty in the face of battle. These are bad choices, and when they
are made, the rest of us must bear part of the cost. These things are wrong in
a democracy, as much as they are wrong anywhere else." - http://www.claremont.org/pubs/miah.htm
Lott Gays
are like alcoholics, kleptomaniacs "It
is [a sin]....You should try to show them a way to deal with that problem, just
like alcohol...or sex addiction...or kleptomaniacs." - Senate Republican Leader
Trent Lott, Associated Press, June 15, 1998.
White Gays
are like liars and cheaters "
'Homosexuality is a decision, it's not a race,' White said. 'People from all different
ethnic backgrounds live in this lifestyle. But people from all different ethnic
backgrounds also are liars and cheaters and malicious and back-stabbing.' " -
Reggie White, Associated Press, March 25, 1998.
Gays hurt children, kill
our people "White
said he stands by his remarks regarding gays. `I am going to speak the truth and
I am going to speak out against things that's hurting our children, that's killing
off our people,' White said. `If people think that's a contradiction and that's
hate, they need to take them up with God, not with Reggie White.'" Associated
Press, April 26, 1998, quoting White's 20/20 interview.
Gays are like backstabbers
and malicious people
PEGGY WEHMEYER of ABC's 20/20: "Just last week, Reggie White and his wife, Sara,
met us for an exclusive interview. White told us he was sorry if he offended anyone,
but he wasn’t backing down one inch. (on camera) Are you saying there that
homosexuals are like liars, cheaters, backstabbers and malicious people?" REGGIE
WHITE "Yes." - ABC's 20/20, April 27, 1998.
community" "Reggie
White's wife said CBS was `'too scared'' to hire her husband as a football commentator
because of his controversial speech before the Wisconsin State Assembly. White,
the Green Bay Packers defensive lineman who retired and unretired last week, used
ethnic stereotypes and called homosexuality `'one of the biggest sins'' in the
Bible in his remarks last month. 'They were too scared of the Sodomite community
is what they said,' Sara White told ABC's '20/20'." - ASSOCIATED PRESS, April
26, 1998
responsible for STDs "America
is not big enough to shake her fist in the face of a holy God and get away with
it, and as I read this I want to explain something. I'm going to read this and
then I want to explain something. As America has permitted homosexuality to establish
itself as an alternate lifestyle, it is also reeling from the frightening spread
of sexually transmitted disease. Sin begets its own consequence, both on individuals
and nations."- Remarks by Reggie White to the Wisconsin Assembly, March 25, 1998.
one of the biggest sins "Let
me explain something when I'm talking about sin, and I'm talking about all sin.
One of the biggest ones that has been talked about that has really become a debate
in America is homosexuality."- Remarks by Reggie White to the Wisconsin Assembly,
March 25, 1998.
have problems "Now,
I believe that one of the reasons that Jesus was accused of being a homosexual
is because he spent time with homosexuals. I've often had people ask me, would
you allow a homosexual to be your friend. Yes, I will. And the reason I will is
because I know that that person has problems, and if I can minister to those problems,
I will."- Remarks by Reggie White to the Wisconsin Assembly, March 25, 1998.
Being gay compared to
lying, gays hurt nation "But
the Bible strictly speaks against it, and because the Bible speaks against it,
we allow rampant sin including homosexuality and lying, and to me lying is just
as bad as homosexuality, we've allowed this sin to run rampant in our nation,
and because it has run rampant in our nation, our nation is in the condition it
is today."- Remarks by Reggie White to the Wisconsin Assembly, March 25, 1998.
that gays say deserve rights "Sometimes
when people talk about this sin they've been accused of being racist. I'm offended
that homosexuals will say that homosexuals deserve rights. Any man in America
deserves rights, but homosexuals are trying to compare their plight with the plight
of black men or black people. In the process of history, homosexuals have never
been castrated, millions of them never died. Homosexuality is a decision. It's
not a race."- Remarks by Reggie White to the Wisconsin Assembly, March 25, 1998.
Sheldon, Traditional Values Coalition Gays
are like Hitler and Gestapo "The
Rev. Lou Sheldon, president of the Traditional Values Coalition, said the 'hate
crime' designation is increasingly going to be applied against those who believe
homosexuality is wrong. 'What Hitler began to build against the Jews is now being
built against people of faith who believe the Scriptures are valid for today and
their injunctions against certain sexual behaviors is correct,' he said. Several
years ago, homosexual activists disrupted a similar conference of his in Sacramento,
he said, 'but I didn't have the finances to get a lawyer. For a long time we were
the target of their wrath. Now other people are surfacing against them, thank
God. If you don't agree with [homosexual activists], they use Gestapo tactics
to stop you.' - Washington Times, Tuesday, October 27, 1998, Page A2
Sheldon for quarantining
AIDS patients "Reverend
Louis Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition has come out in favor of quarantining
AIDS patients in what he calls 'cities of refuge.' " - Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph,
March 10, 1995.
Senator Don Nickles Gays
shouldn't represent US "One
might have that lifestyle, but if one promotes it as acceptable behavior…
I don’t think they should be a representative of this country." - Sen. Nickles,
quoted in Jun 15, 98 Americans for Truth About Homosexuality press release.
want to kill civil rights movement "
'To equate homosexuality with race is to give a death sentence to civil rights,''
Alveda Celeste King told about 100 people at a rally on the Capitol steps. `'No
one is enslaving homosexuals ... or making them sit in the back of the bus.''
'`In California, injustice is being done to family values,' King said. King pointed
to openly gay Assemblywomen Carole Migden, D-San Francisco, and Sheila Kuehl,
D-Santa Monica, and charged that the Legislature harbors 'forces that want to
steal away the civil rights from under our very noses.' "- ASSOCIATED PRESS, August
Party of Texas Gay
Republicans are like the KKK "Robert
Black, the [Texas] state [Republican] party spokesman, called them [Log Cabin]
a 'hate group' and compared them to the Ku Klux Klan." [This occurred after Log
cabin Republicans (a gay republican group) tried to attend the Texas Republican
State convention.] - NY Daily News 6/24/98
US Senator
Jesse Helms (R-NC) Gays
are "sickening" and "intellectually dishonest"
"These people are intellectually
dishonest in just about everything they do or say,".... He added, "They start
by pretending that it is just another form of love. It's sickening." - Tuesday
June 30 7:49 AM EDT, Variety