Blasphemous European Royalty Claim the Blood line of Christ and Mary Magdalene Regarding
the graphic: Rose line in the Saint-Sulpice church, name given to the Paris Meridian
in the Priory of Sion mythology and popularized by Dan Brown in his novel The
Da Vinci Code. Editor:
Blessed Quietness Journal-- The foundation of the rush to destroy
Christianity in the USA is based on an even deeper heritage. We have had
to look and research pretty deeply to get to this data. Credit goes very
much to Tim and Barb Aho as well as Mary Van Nattan for this step in the intrigue
of Satanic chicanery. November
2012-- I now believe that the Hebrew Roots Movement is an Anglo / Zionist movement
within Christendom. The fact that it is rooted in Anglo-Saxon arrogance is plain
enough to see. This will follow down through the years to be one of the main building
blocks, if not the chief corner stone, of the empire of Antichrist during the
Great Tribulation. |
of Sion
a letter: During
the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church was a political power which controlled
the monarchies of Europe. In 1099 A.D., Pope Urben II called Western Christendom
to take up arms to liberate the Holy Land from the Moslems. The Inquisition formally
began in 1215 during the reign of Pope Innocent III, who issued the following
statement: "That they shall be seized for trial and penalties, who engage in the
translation of the sacred volumes, or who hold secret conventicles, or who assume
the office of preaching without the authority of their superiors; against whom
process shall be commenced, without any permission of appeal." Thomas M'Crie records,
"In the eleventh century, capital punishment, even in its most dreadful form,
that of burning alive, was extended to all who obstinately adhered to opinions
differing from the received faith." Henry Charles Lea wrote: "The papal Inquisition...
constituted a chain of tribunals throughout Continental Europe perpetually manned
by those who had no other work to attend to... by constant interchange of documents
and mutual co-operation they covered Christendom with a network rendering escape
almost hopeless."
The Protestant Reformation liberated two-thirds of Europe from the cruel domination
of the Roman Church and, since that historic period, the political power of the
Vatican has been considerably weakened. However, there has been neither repentance,
restitution nor full responsibility assumed by the Catholic Church for the Inquisition
or the Crusades. Rather at present, born-again Christians under the auspices of
the A.D. 2000 United Prayer Track are marching through the Holy Land apologizing
for the massacre of Moslems by "Christians" who, we are to believe, conducted
the first Crusade. Meanwhile, the Vatican maintains its own State Department and
an influential albeit non-voting presence in the United Nations. Reports will
follow this post which confirm Vatican negotiations to regain control of the Holy
Land. Although it must now work through diplomatic channels, the second Vatican
conquest of the Holy Land will be heralded as another spiritual mandate to reestablish
the Holy Roman Empire.
Simultaneous with the Vatican's negotiations for political authority over the
Old City of Jerusalem, others who would also establish a claim to the throne of
David have a covetous eye on the Holy Land. According to current New Age literature,
the guardians of the Holy Grail - the sacred icon of the Merovingian bloodline
- are the Priory of Sion, a secret order which created the medieval Knights Templar,
the forerunner of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons. The Holy Grail blasphemously
represents the blood of Jesus as having been preserved in this royal family, which
is therefore heir to the throne at Jerusalem. The Protocols of the Elders of
Sion speak of a new king of "the holy seed of David" who will preside over
a "Masonic kingdom." (p. 406)
There is a pronounced anti-Vatican bias in "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" which
presages the outcome of this political crusade for the seat of authority in Jerusalem.
Revelation 17 indicates that, for a time, there will be an merger between church
and state to achieve and establish a world government. During this unholy alliance,
the harlot church will ride the beast "... drunken with
the blood of the saints and with the martyrs of Jesus." However, after
she "hath glorified herself, and lived wantonly" then
suddenly "the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast,
these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat
her flesh, and burn her with fire."
Authors of "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" give a clue as to why the Priory of
Sion would ally with the Vatican and later break faith. In 1314, the Pope and
King Philippe of France martyred the last grand master of the Knights Templar
- Jacques de Molay. "As the smoke from the slow fire choked the life from his
body, Jacques de Molay is said to have issued an imprecation from the flames.
According to tradition he called his persecutors -- Pope Clement and King Philippe
-- to join him and account for themselves before the court of God within the year.
Within a month Pope Clement was dead... By the end of the year Philippe was dead
as well. There is, of course, no need to look for supernatural explanations. The
Templars possessed great expertise in the use of poisons and there were certainly
enough people about...to exact the appropriate vengeance. Nevertheless, the apparent
fulfillment of the grand master's curse lent credence to belief in the orders
occult powers. Nor did the curse end there..."
The book proposes that the French Revolution was perpetrated by the French Freemasons
to exact further vengeance for the death of their grand master. The insinuation
is plain that the "appropriate vengeance" on the Vatican will be forthcoming when
the Merovingian dynasty asserts its royal authority over its world kingdom. Authors
of Holy Blood, Holy Grail state that, rather than the Vatican papacy, a
descendant of the Merovingian bloodline, "The King of the Jews will be the real
Pope" and "the patriarch of an international church." They also affirm that the
Priory of Sion's objectives include: "...a
theocratic United States of Europe - a trans- or pan-European confederation assembled
into a modern empire and ruled by a dynasty descended from Jesus. This dynasty
would not only occupy a throne of political or secular power, but quite conceivably
the throne of Saint Peter as well. Under that supreme authority there might then
be an interlocking network of kingdoms or principalities, connected by dynastic
alliances and intermarriage -- a kind of twentieth century feudal system, but
without the abuses usually associated with that term. And the actual process of
governing would presumably reside with the Prieuré de Sion -- which might
take the form of, say, a European Parliament endowed with executive and/or legislative
privileges... "In
a very real sense the time is right for the Prieuré to show its hand. The
political systems and ideologies that in the early years of our century seemed
to promise so much have virtually all displayed a degree of bankruptcy. Communism,
socialism, fascism, capitalism, Western-style democracy have all, in one way or
another, betrayed their promise, jaundiced their adherents, and failed to fulfill
the dreams they engendered... There is a longing for a renewed sense of the sacred
that amounts, in effect, to a full-scale religious revival -- exemplified by the
proliferation of sects and cults, for example, and the swelling tide of fundamentalism
in the United States. There is also a desire for a true 'leader' -- not a führer,
but a species of wise and benign spiritual figure, a 'priest-king' in whom mankind
can safely repose its trust... There are many devout Christians who do not hesitate
to interpret the Apocalypse as nuclear holocaust. How might the advent of Jesus'
lineal descendant be interpreted? To a receptive audience, it might be a kind
of Second Coming." (Holy Blood, Holy Grail, by Biagent, Leigh, & Lincoln,
Dell Publishing, 1982, pp. 411-413)
Who might be the heir of the purported royal bloodline of Jesus deemed worthy
to sit on the throne of David? Authors of "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" include
a list of noble families of Merovingian heritage which include the following:
"According to the 'Prieuré documents,' the Sinclair family in Britain is
also allied to the bloodline, as are various branches of the Stuarts." Of special
note, Princess Diana was a member of the Stuart family, which claims a greater
nobility than the House of Windsor, a bloodline that is not mentioned in the list.
Moreover, along with the glories of Freemasonry, the Stuart contribution to this
occult order is acclaimed: "During
their stay in France the Stuarts had been deeply involved in the dissemination
of Freemasonry. Indeed, they are generally regarded as the source of the particular
form of Freemasonry known as Scottish Rite. Scottish Rite Freemasonry introduced
higher degrees than those offered by other Masonic systems at the time. It promised
initiation into greater and more profound mysteries -- mysteries supposedly preserved
and handed down in Scotland. It established more direct connections between Freemasonry
and the various activities -- alchemy, Cabalism, and Hermetic thought, for instance
-- that were regarded as Rosicrucian..." (Holy Blood, Holy Grail, pp. 145-46)
author of another Grail book, "Bloodline of the Holy Grail," is Laurence
Gardner [see BAS footnote]. The foreword is written by Prince
Michael Stewart who claims to be a member of the Stuart family, albeit with a
different spelling. In this best-seller, Gardner contends that the House of Stuart
should be on the throne rather than the reigning Windsors. Compounding the intrigue
is the "coincidental" release of a new expose of the British royal family, titled
"The Royals," which contains suggestions that Queen Elizabeth II was conceived
by artificial insemination and that the Queen Mum is illegitimate. A recent Washington
Post review of this already popular book by Kitty Kelley stated:
the more startling claims is that both Queen Elizabeth and her sister, Princess
Margaret, were conceived via 'manual fertilization' after their sickly father,
George VI, failed to impregnate their mother, now the Queen Mum, in the more usual
fashion. ... Though the sisters were born in 1926 and 1930, respectively, decades
before artificial insemination became a widely used medical procedure, several
prominent U.S. medical specialists contacted by The Post say the story's not implausible.
'It might have been quite possible,' says J. Benjamin Younger MD, executive director
of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. 'But is it true?'" (Washington
Post, 9/16/97)
Although this sensational revelation is most likely not true, such may be the
requisite propaganda which will dethrone the already disgraced House of Windsor.
Dare we call it conspiracy? Another recent development in the unfolding drama
is a report (which will accompany this post) that Israel is pursuing membership
in the British Commonwealth. It is not unreasonable to ask what human agency may
be orchestrating the rise and fall of the kingdoms of this world and leading Israel
to become a cup of trembling and a burdensome stone for all people? (Zech. 12:2,3)
Last April, the Prophetic Observer ran a most interesting article in regard to
"The Real Prime Minister of Israel" - Henry Kissinger - which described his role
as one of the masterminds of the New World Order. http://www.swrc.com/po.htm
Volumes of
deceptive New Age books are now glutting the market and bringing to fulfillment
the New Age dream of the new world order governed by a "wise and benign spiritual
figure, a priest-king" of the pedigree of "Jesus." The authors of "Holy Blood,
Holy Grail" are careful to assure the future serfs of their thoroughly modern
feudal system that the lineal descendant of Jesus "would not be any more divine,
any more intrinsically miraculous, than the rest of us. This attitude would undoubtedly
be shared by a great many people today. We suspect it is shared by the Prieuré
de Sion as well."
Paul also foretold that a usurper of the temple throne would precede the "coming
of our Lord Jesus Christ, and...our gathering unto him," at which time
"a great many people" would share the attitude that they are also "divine" and
"intrinsically miraculous." He wrote -- "Let
no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come, except there come
a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who
opposeth and exhalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped;
so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God...
then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit
of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose
coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders,
and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they
received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe
a lie: that they might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure
in unrighteousness." (II Thessalonians 2:2-12)
Until our gathering unto Him...
Blessings in Christ Jesus,
Barbara Aho
Watch Unto Prayer
From a web page selling his book we find:
Laurence Gardner
Prior of the Celtic Churchs Sacred Kindred of Saint Columbia, is an internationally
know(n) sovereign and chivalric genealogist. Distinguished as the Chevalier Labhran
de Saint Germain, he is Presidential Attaché to the European Council of
Princes - a constitutional advisory body established in 1946. He is formally attached
to the noble household guard of the Royal House of Stewart, founded at St. Germain-en-Laye
in 1692, and is the Jacobite Historiographer Royal. http://www.entropic-art.com/book.html
© 1996 Entropic Fine Art Inc. Israel
Plans to Join the Commonwealth? Forwarded
by the Ahos:
Israel could join British Commonwealth
Weekend News Today
Source: MED
Mon Aug 25 , 1997 --
Israel is actively considering joining the British Commonwealth, following an
"unofficial approach" to its ambassador in London from the secretary-general of
the 53-member organization.
The approach was made earlier this month in a meeting between Ambassador Moshe
Raviv and the Commonwealth's secretary-general, Chief Emeka Anyaoku. The move
is being seen as especially significant at a time when Israeli ties with the European
Union and other international bodies have been strained over the stalled Middle
East peace process. A spokesman for the Commonwealth confirmed that a meeting
had taken place between Chief Anyaoku and Mr Raviv, but declined to provide further
The approach came in the wake of a visit to London earlier this month by Yasser
Arafat, during which the Palestinian Authority chief asked Commonwealth officials
whether a future Palestinian state could have associate membership of the organization.
Christopher Editor:
Balaam's Ass Speaks-- You must understand that the Zionists of Europe
are more Aryan that Jews. Twenty five hundred years and and 49 generations
of inter-marriage in Europe have left Zionist thinking, acting, and looking like
Europeans, like white bigots. They hate the common Jew of Israel, especially
those who come with no money to invest. So, it is no great wonder that the
Zionist government of Israel would approach Great Britain and the Aryan Christological
elite to ask onto the wagon of the Commonwealth. This would be ostensibly
based on the tenure of Great Britain in the Middle East, but, in reality, it would
be a Satanic move to hand the Jewish land of Messiah to the blood line of Christ
in Euro-royals. How do you like them apples? This is the prelude to
the Antichrist's move to "have intelligence with them that forsake
the holy covenant." Daniel 11:30.
British preferring Prince Edward
over Charles. I
have been sent E-Mail telling of a poll in Great Britain in which people were
asked if they would like Prince Charles to abdicate and let Prince Edward take
the throne of England. The result: 53% said YES. This would
bypass a half Windsor and half Danish mulatto as it were, and it would let a Windsor/Stuart
monarch rise to power. If Ed could be run up on the throne before he fell
in with queers like daddy, and if he could be given a more pure blooded dame in
waiting to sire, the throne of England would definitely rise a good percentage
in the esteem of the Euro-elite, and England might qualify to attain the restored
Grail in the opinion of the great blood ancestor in heaven, Jesus Christ.
Stone, The Lance, The Holy Grail, and The Hole In the Roof
Stone: We
are talking about the Stone of Destiny. This stone, 26 x 16 x 11 inches,
is encased in the base of the throne on which the sovereigns of England
have been coronated for the past 700 years at Westminster Abbey. Prior
to that, it was used for the coronation of Scottish kings, and before that it
rested on the hill Tart and was used in the coronation of the kings of Ireland.
It is said that at one time is was taken to the Isle Iona, and St. Colomba
rested his head on it as he was dying. Its origin is also said to be that
it was the stone on which Jacob lay his head when he saw the vision of heaven
with the angels ascending and descending in Genesis in the Bible. He is
said by others to have used the stone as a pillar of covenant with God, and it
is said to be the symbol of the dynasty of David. The only inscription on
the stone is a latin cross.
Edward of England took the stone from the scottish in 1297 and brought it to London
where it has remained ever since to be used in the coronation of British monarchs.
Several attempts by loyalist Scotts to return the stone to Scotland have
failed. Well, maybe. It is said that some Stotts nabbed the stone
in 1951, made a copy, and let the British "find" it in another Abbey. They
took it back, and Queen Elizabeth was crowned over it in 1952. Thus, Queen
Elizabeth may well have been crowned over counterfeit rock. Ah, those British.
what may not be accomplished by trickery was done recently by Mum Elizabeth herself.
The stone has been returned to Edinburg, Scotland and is to be taken out
of service as a crowning throne, at least until some future monarch wants to park
his posterior on Scottish sandstone. The Scots feel merry about all of this
as you can imagine, and speculation now abounds over whether the Scottish National
Party should keep talking of a free Scotland. One theory has it that this
taking of the stone out of monarchical service signals the fulfillment of prophecy
of the promise to restore the house of Israel as found in Ezekiel 27:21, 6:8,
20:41; Genesis 49:10; Daniel 9:24; and Ezekiel 37. This assumes that
the House of David has been in prophetic process through the reigns of the monarchs
of Scotland, Ireland, and Great Britain. Mother Goose? Of course,
but it brings the world to the threshold of Christ's return. All that is
now needed is to return the stone to Israel for the coronation of Antichrist.
mention this here? Answer: The nonsense about this being Jacob's pillow
is right in line with the lance and the Holy Grail. It is just like the
Royals of England, who are very prone to believe some very strange tales, to seek
a heritage in Jacob as well as their profane claims to lineage in Christ. The
stone is very large if one thinks of a pillow, and Jacob, who had his thigh touched
and limped for life at God's hands that night, must also have had quite a neck
ache from heisting his wee head up on such an alleged bolster. Never mind,
these are the doctrines of Mother Goose and Mum Elizabeth. One must not
question the great heritage. There is now of course some question as to
coronation. Will the stoneless chair be good enough for titch Charles or
Ed? Perhaps Chuck will see fit the travel to Edinburg to sit on the stone
at his coronation to placate the Scottish Nationalists. This is better than
a soap opera, right? http://associate.com/Stewart/stone_o_scone.html
Lance: Many
strange stories about Nazi Germany have come down to us in the years since the
fall of the Third Reich. But none is more strange or incredible than the one about
Hitler and the Spear of Longinus. According to tradition, the Spear of Longinus
was the spear which had pierced the side of Christ as he hung upon the cross.
Biblical prophecy had decreed that not a bone of the Messiah's body would be broken,
and it is believed by many that the piercing of Christ's body by Longinus' Spear
helped for that prophecy to be fulfilled. For the breaking of the legs of the
two thieves foretold the fate to which Jesus' body would have been subjected had
not Longinus proven to the other Roman soldiers that Christ was already dead.
the early Christian community at Jerusalem understood the fact that Jesus' bones
had not been broken as being further proof that he really was who he said he was---the
Messiah predicted by the Old Testament prophets (not the least of whom was Daniel,
who had actually predicted the exact day that the Messiah would be proclaimed
to be the King of Israel).
At any rate, a legend came to center around the spear which Hitler believed in
very strongly; that whosoever possessed the spear and understood its powers for
serving good and evil could conquer the world. The spear which Hitler believed
to be the True Spear had a history which could be traced at least as far back
as Constantine the Great, the Roman Emperor who had legalized Christianity. In
addition to Constantine, the spear had been possessed by such men as Theodosius,
Alaric (who sacked Rome), Theodoric who turned back Attila the Hun, Justinian,
Charles Martel (who had defeated the Moslems at the Battle of Poitiers), Charlemagne,
5 Saxon emperors who succeeded the Carolingian Dynasty, 7 Hohenstauffen emperors
including Frederick Barbarossa and Frederick II, and others as well.
Germanic tradition held that Charlemagne had kept the spear with him throughout
47 victorious battles, and had only died when he accidentally dropped it. Barbarossa,
like Charlemagne, died within minutes of dropping it as he crossed a stream. Following
these warriors, apart from Hitler, no conqueror had paid the legend any heed during
the next 500 years with the exception of Napoleon who attempted to take it following
the Battle of Austerlitz. Unfortunately for him, it had already been smuggled
out of Vienna just prior to the battle, and he never obtained it.
Today, the Lance belongs to the House of Hapsburg, and rests in the Hoffburg Museum
in Vienna, just as it did in 1938 when Hitler seized it in the name of the Reich.
After having declared Austria to be a part of the Reich, der Fuhrer had it loaded
on to an armored SS train and taken to Nuremberg on October 13. There it remained
in St. Catherine's Church for the next 6 years until it was removed to a safer,
protective underground vault where Lt. Walter William Horn, serial number 01326328,
of the United States Army took possession of it in the name of the US government
at 2:10 PM on April 30, 1945. With
the fall the Soviet Union, and the opening up of Soviet archives in addition to
recent testimony by former Soviet soldiers who actually captured Hitler's Bunker
in Berlin, we have finally been able to confirm that at approximately 3:30 PM,
just 80 minutes after the United States took possession of the Spear, that Hitler
committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.
Taken from The Lance, The Swastika, And The Merovingians by Bill Kalogonis
Balaam's Ass Speaks-- This is another example showing the fetish nature
of European royals. They are every bit as superstitious as their peers were,
but the fetishes simply have more character than rabbit feet and shamrocks. Royalty
are all filled with notions of their destiny and the charms that they have locked
away to legitimize their claims. If this were invented by the National Enquirer
or some hick burp museum in some backwater of the world we could dismiss it at
once. Instead, this lance and its faithful believers have one thing in common--
one is undoubtedly just as counterfeit as the other.
The Holy Grail:
there is no symbol more typical of royal silliness than the Holy Grail. I
give you some quotes to show the legend and its ancient heritage in England and
La Queste del Saint Graal, compiled by Cistercian monks in the thirteenth century,
"is first and foremost a Christian book, and nothing in it suggests a conscious
use of any pagan mythology, ritual, or folklore in their primitive forms....Once
the pre-Christian elements had been appropriated, they became thoroughly Christianized
and entered completely into the symbolic structure of the new religion. They had,
in fact, been chosen for their insight value and as a means of illuminating the
context of the new gnosis."
- Frederick Locke "The
Queste is part of the compilation called the Prose Lancelot (1215-1230), which
deals with the adventures of Lancelot and his love affair with Guinevere. There
are warnings in the Lancelot that his adultery with Guinevere will debar him from
achieving the Grail, and the author of the Queste invented a new character as
the Grail-winner, Galahad, who was 'so grounded in the love of Christ that no
adventure could tempt him into sin."
- Richard Cavendish, "Grail", Man, Myth & Magic, An Illustrated Encyclopedia
of the Supernatural, Vol. 9 "For
the Christian medieval world the Holy Grail (the chalice used by Jesus at the
Last Supper) symbolized the truth and knowledge needed to achieve the experience
of salvation. Led in search of the Grail by divine grace, the naive hero Perceval
inquired directly about the Grail, a question other knights had failed to ask.
His simplistic question, put to the ailing Fisher King, revitalized not only the
royal body but the entire drooping cosmos. The human condition is rejuvenated
by the graceful quest for the truth of salvation. Perceval was superseded by Galahad
[son of Lancelot] as the winner of the Holy Grail in later variations, Galahad
being viewed as a descendant of Joseph of Arimathea (the member of the Jerusalem
council in whose tomb the body of Jesus was laid), who was believed to have gone
to Glastonbury, Eng., with the Holy Grail."
- Encyclopaedia Britannica "In
the Queste the Grail is the dish from which Christ ate the Passover lamb with
his disciples. It was brought to Britain by Joseph of Arimathea and was guarded
by his descendants at their castle of Corbenic. It retains some of its earlier
functions, for the sight of it heals the sick and when it appears at King Arthur's
court it provides each person with the food he desires. But Arthur and his knights
are told that the quest of the Grail ' is no search for earthly things but a seeking
out of the mysteries and hidden sweets of our Lord, the divine secrets which the
most high Master will disclose...'"
- Richard Cavendish, "Grail", Man, Myth & Magic, An Illustrated Encyclopedia
of the Supernatural, Vol. 9 "It
is certain that the Cistercian monk who was the author of the Queste had been
greatly inspired by the confirmation at the Fourth Lateran Council, in the year
1215, of the Catholic dogma of the Real Presence of Christ's body in the sacrament
of the altar (the Host in the ciborium)."
- Joseph Campbell, Creative Mythology "A
brief passage in the French text, which Malory omitted, makes the messianic role
of Galahad quite clear. The venerable man in white who brought the youth to Camelot,
addressing Arthur, said: 'I bring thee the desired knight (le chevalier desiré),
who is descended from the high lineage of king David,'" "Indeed the very
name Galahad was chosen to carry out this concept. Its biblical origin has long
been known, since it occurs in the Vulgate Old Testament, the standard text of
the Middle Ages, in the form Galaad. sometimes it refers to a place, sometimes
to a person. It remained for Pauphilet [Études] to discover its astonishing
fitness for the messianic hero of the Queste. He showed that, according to Genesis
31:47-52, Galaad meant 'heap of testimony', and that Isidore of Seville, Walafrid,
Strabo, and the Venerable Bede construed this etymology as a reference to Christ."
- Roger
Sherman Loomis, The Grail, From Celtic Myth to Christian Symbol
"Who is this heap
of testimony but Christ, on whom all the testimonies of the prophets are piled,
to whom the prophets, John [the Baptist], the Heavenly Father, and His own works
bear witness?"
- Gilbert of Holland, Sermons on the Canticles (Cistercian)
"If one may sum
up the essential doctrine of the Queste, it is this. The Grail is a symbol of
grace, and grace is God's love for man. One of the supreme manifestations of that
love was the descent of the Holy Ghost in the form of fire [the first Pentecost];
thus the entrance of the Grail in the hall at Camelot was preceded by a dazzling
ray, and all were at once illumined of the Holy Ghost. Through grace all man's
spiritual desires may be satisfied, thus the Grail dispensed to every knight such
meats and drinks as he best loved in the world. God's love begets a response in
the hearts of men and draws them to Him; thus the knights of the Round Table were
moved to seek the Grail."
- Roger Sherman Loomis, The Grail, From Celtic Myth to Christian Symbol
took the bulk of the Grail material for the Morte D'Arthur from the Queste. The
Grail is taken away from Britain because of the sinfulness of the inhabitants.
Galahad dies and the Grail is carried up into heaven. This is immediately followed
by Lancelot's return to Guinevere and the public denunciation of the lovers. The
knights divide into warring factions, the fellowship of the Round Table is destroyed
and Arthur's reign comes to its bitter close."
- Richard Cavendish, "Grail", Man, Myth & Magic, An Illustrated Encyclopedia
of the Supernatural, Vol. 9 "Sangreal"
can also be interpreted as "sang real" or 'royal blood'. It has been hypothesized
that the Holy Grail represents not an object but the blood-line of Christ - a
secret protected throughout the ages by a hidden group called the Prieure de Sion.
Grail (according to the Queste and other later recensions of the legend) contained
the holy blood of Christ; before she gave birth to him, Mary had contained Christ
himself within her womb; therefore, QED, the Grail was - and always had been -
a symbol for Mary. "According to this logic, Mary Theotokos, the 'God Bearer',
was the sacred vessel who had contained the Spirit made flesh. Thus, in the sixteenth-century
Litany of Loretto, she was the vas spirtuale (spiritual vessel), the vas honorabile
(vessel of honor), and the vas insigne devationis (singular vessel of devotion)."
"The Litany of Loretto had also referred to the Blessed Virgin as arca foederis
- which...was Latin for 'the Ark of the Covenant'....In the twelfth century, the
redoubtable Saint Bernard of Clairvaux had also explicitly compared Mary to the
Ark of the Covenant - indeed he had done so in a number of his writings."
- Graham
Hancock, The Sign and the Seal Editor:
Balaam's Ass Speaks-- So, it is easy to understand that the mystics
in the palaces of Europe and England all wonder who might have the greatest power
and right to bear the Holy Grail in the present. If the actual chalice cannot
be found, then the mystical representation can at least be perpetuated in the
blood flowing through the veins of royalty. This is why some very weird
marriages have been arranged in Europe and England over the centuries. We
have been made to believe that royals simply want to keep royalty "in the family"
as is were. That is only part of it. These royal priests BELIEVE they
are spiritually godlike.
This is why a prince in England will be asked to marry a moron of a wife from
some royal family in Europe. The blood is more important than the happiness
of the prince, and this is why so many of these marriages are a disaster emotionally.
What did Princess Elizabeth have in common with a Danish royal long ago?
Nothing. Never mind, one must keep the blood pure, and the Danes rank
fairly high in blood count. Lady Diana was married to Prince Charles
to combine the House of Windsor and the House of Stuart. This makes a more
powerful claim to the throne for Prince Edward. Never mind that Charles
was known to hang out with queers. Never mind that Di was happy as a nanny
and cleaning houses for poor folks. Marry the Prince dear, and perhaps some
day the Grail blood in England will overpower that of all Europe and prevail.
This intermarriage and match making from the insane assylums of euro-elite
shows how serious they Grail principle is, for royal fathers and mothers are willing
to virtually destroy their childrens future happiness to keep the Christ Blood
JOHN 3:16. The
Hole in the Roof: All
over England, Ireland, and Scotland are castles which belong to the rich, er...
read that once-rich, royals and high muckety mucks of the realm. They
have a very dumb law in England and Ireland which states that if you have a castle
with a roof still on it you have to pay taxes on it. Some of the elite have
come on hard times, so they simply tear the roof off of the castle and move in
with Mum. Some others, of these peers of the realm and royals, don't want
to give up their ancient pile of stones, so they have only one alternative-- Open
the castle to the public and charge admission. Lord Spencer, Diana's old
man, did this to keep the house and tax paid up. He would stand there as
the goggle eyed tourists came and went and sign his autograph to their tour booklets.
It is a wonder to me that these royals have been so humbled. It seems
very fair and appropriate that these house,s built on feudal terror and arrogance
of the past, are now supported by peons and Japanese tourists. The fetish
lust to keep the roof up and the castle in the family shows the desperation of
the elite and royalty of Europe. Don't think Lord Spencer, and a hundred
other Lords, Dukes, and Hazards of the UK, are content with this arrangement.
They hate living this way. They deeply long for the days of feudalism
when they could tax the realm for the upkeep of their 200 room "cottage" on the
This lust for their past monopoly of life is just as deep in their desire to destroy
the competition in the USA. The true Gospel of Jesus Christ, as it is exalted
in the USA, is choking these royals who believe that the blood of Christ
is flowing through their veins. For over 300 years, New World preachers
have been calling drunks and beggars to the front of the church house to kneel
and be washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ. Do you now see the pure white
hot hate the royals have for such a blasphemy against their own blood? It
is imperative to make great jack asses of the Christ and Holy Spirit of all other
Christians, especially those in the USA where the greatest zeal for the true Christ
is still alive and well-- well, sort of.
For the rest of the story, you must go to the link at the end of this page.
I trust that from these articles
you have learned that the royals of Europe are very serious about the legends
and myths of their toys and their Christological blood. They KNOW that they
are different-- they have believed the tempter who said, "Ye shall be as gods..."
George Bush, who is supposed to be in this Euro-line of Christ, is
said to believe that he and his peers are indeed a superior race. This is
both spiritual and physical. There have been hundreds of stories of royals
in Europe who did just as they jolly well pleased. In the past, they broke
their own laws at will. In the present, Lady Di rode off into the night
with a drug doped driver, 120 miles per hour, and the lights out. This is
the kind of arrogance which has been SOP for hundreds of years with the Euro-elite.
They come to believe they ARE gods, virtual Christs.
Now, here is the punch line: The royals of Europe have NO inhibitions at
the thought of destroying the United States of America. They will smile
their benign smiles for any of you who are fool enough to believe they are civilized,
but in their hearts they lust for the USA to die both spiritually and economically.
Why? They believe that the only gospel is that THEY are the gospel,
and they are under NO obligation to share it except through enseminating one another--
in or outside of the marriage bonds. They alone are the spiritual elite
of the world. The rest of the world can go to hell at their will. They
will be the feudal lords of the whole earth if they have their way. This
is now being played out in two venues: Venue
one: The royals of Great Britain in particular have arranged for the destruction
of Christianity as we know it in the USA. Through David DuPlesis, Fuller
Seminary, British Israelism, the Militia, the Toronto Blessing movement, and many
more agents to come, the royals and elite of England have brought about the most
insane era in the history of Christendom. The barking and vomiting and orgasmic
behaviour at the front of many Charismatic churches today, as well as the churches
of the United Kingdom, is scheduled to leave the only civilized form of Christianity
in the arms of the Bishops of England and their royal masters. It is working.
The militia of the US have been infiltrated and taken over by British moles
who are working feverishly to send the militia and Identity boys to the streets
to destroy America in the name of a mongrel hybrid Christ.
Venue Two: The elite
of all of Europe have an economic plan for the United States. This is worked
out in the areas of trade deficits and bank loans and manipulation of our own
US elite. As with George Bush, men in high places are given power in Europe
and in trade venues dominated by Dutch and British interests, such as the Middle
East oil market. The incentive is then there to be loyal to Europe for profit
and power (Such as BCCI). A classic example of this was with General Schwarzkoff
of Desert Storm. While General Powell, who clearly has not got the right
kind of blood, came dutifully home to the US after the war, General Schwarzkoff
went home via the UK. General S, what did you there? He visited the
queen of course, and Mum knighted him and made him a peer of the realm. This
was a high treasonous act and should have resulted in General S being court marshalled
and hung according to Constitutional Law. This little trick was one in an
ongoing struggle by the European royals to draw elite Americans into the European
What is a Rhodes scholar, like Bill Clinton. A Rhodes Scholar is a white
potential elitist who is called to Oxford University to be transformed into a
Euro-elite. Cecil Rhodes, who started the Rhodes Scholarships, was an Aryan
Race Englishman who lived in South Africa. He became enormously rich in
mining ventures in SA, and he then set about to restore the British Empire, and
he was mad with zeal to bring the USA back into Britannia. The royals of
Europe treated him with care, BUT they DID accept his efforts, just in the event
his scheme worked. So a Rhodes Scholar is given the Aryan treatment,
and when he leaves Oxford, he will have a world view that is absolutely anti-American,
and he will have a champaign bucket which he will ever after use to charm the
fools who think he is still the same old by who left Arkansas. Why did Bill
the C not finish Oxford? I would like to think that he was just too much
of a common old country boy to transform into good blood. That would be
something we could actually LIKE in Slick Willy. I have one source in journalism
who claims this is the case.
That kid in your town or school who is on his way to Oxford on a Rhodes scholarship
may very well be a traitor in the making. He will return home a new man
with a smooth tongue and powerful connections, but not the kind you wanted.
12, 1997-- Here is the snob clan in action. ISLAMABAD,
Oct 11 (Reuter) - A gardener at a British war graves cemetery in Pakistan wanted
to resign after he was denied a security pass to meet Queen Elizabeth, a report
said on Saturday.
Head gardener Abdul Rashid did not meet the monarch when she visited the Rawalpindi
cemetery on Wednesday, The News reported. Rashid said he did not want to continue,
the report said.
``For 40 years I have worked loyally for Her Majesty, who is my queen, I have
been her loyal servant and toiled long days and nights to look after the graves
of British soldiers, but I was not allowed to meet her,'' Rashid was quoted as
``I don't want to continue now,'' he said.
Queen Elizabeth visited the cemetery with the Duke of Edinburgh as part of a four-day
official visit to Pakistan to celebrate its 50th year of independence.
Rashid, an employee of the British High Commission (embassy), said he had met
earlier Princess Diana, who sent him photographs.
``Princess Diana was a good woman. She sent me four photographs of both of us
standing together after her visit,'' he was quoted saying.
No one was available for comment at the British High Commission on Saturday.