Searching for the Truth in the King James Bible;
Finding it, and passing it on to you.

Steve Van Nattan








It is a sad thing to learn that Rodney Howard Browne has taken devils of holy laughter to Mexico.  

We hear that 400,000 people a year leave the Roman Catholic Church in South and Central America.  

Now, it seems that they are targets of another Whoredom and bondage-- devils of laughter.

Read and weep.




The "Holy Laughter/Toronto/et al" Movement has made inroads into Mexico.  The following show the connection between that movement, certain Catholics, and independent Charismatics. The internet page cited is still active as of today, May 13, 1998.

Yours in Jesus Christ,

S____ W_____


The following email messages show how the Catholics are also welcoming the "revival" that comes from Toronto/Pensacola. John Arnot (who visited Mexico) is the head of the Toronto church that started the "laughing revival" in earnest in North America. (Ed is the moderator of the email list on which the following appeared.)


Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997

From Ed:

The above web site is titled, "Fire 4 JC Homepage" and at the bottom of the page is an encouragement to "Catch the Fire of the Holy Spirit," "revival" terminology if there ever was any. The surprise of this site is that it is a Catholic site - "Catch The Fire" has come to the Catholic Church with hierarchal approval. I found about this page through an email that was forwarded to me that read,

I am one of your new members who happens to be Catholic. (Are there any others?) Early this year I met a Catholic priest on another mailing list, then in July I met him in person when we both attended the "Have Another Drink" Conference in Toronto, where we both had a fantastic time. Several months ago he was given permission by his bishop to go into the full-time Renewal/Revival Ministry, and now he travels around the country doing Revival Masses among other things.

Today he is arriving in Dallas to do three of these services, beginning Thursday night. I would like to ask everyone on your list to please pray that the Lord uses this priest as an instrument to start revival among the Catholics, especially in this area, and that we have a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

This connection through "Catching the Fire" is a major one as the apostate church headed by Rome is now prepared to mix the strange "revival" fires of the current revival with its own strange fire, an opening of the door for all to be affected by what we have tried to warn against: the fire of the Sacred Heart, alias Lord Maitreya of New Age notoriety. The preparation for the global experience of an "outpouring on all flesh" in the year 2000 continues. However, this will not be an outpouring of God's Spirit, but the counterfeit spirit of the now uniting revival fires.

At a page listed under was this "Excerpt from Rodney Howard-Browne's Letter

"On April 12, Adonica and I were in Philadelphia for one service at The Presentation Catholic Church. The monsignor of the parish has been to several of our meetings and is "swimming in the river" as are hundreds in his parish. The church was jammed with over 900 people and nearly 600 were in the overflow area. Every part of the service was electric; it was just like being in one of our services in St. Louis or Ft. Worth. It was awesome! When I gave the altar call, 350 rushed to the altar. We will be returning to Philadelphia in the near future for a week with our Catholic friends."

On another page connected to this site is this excerpt connecting the current "revival" in the denominations with the Catholic Church


Mexico's Mountain-top Festival

"Reveval is happening within the Catholic church reports Wesley Campbell, senior pastor of New Life Vineyard, Kelowna, BC. Campbell visited Mexico City and Juarez earlier this summer (1996) with John Arnott and a ministry team.

"Through Victor Richards, a Juarez pastor who had visited Toronto, Campbell discovered the mountain retreat of Father Hilberto Gomez where he witnessed 70,000 Mexicans come from across the country in trucks and buses on a single weekend to hear the gospel preached and to receive prayer. Some have heard God is there; for many the trip is a pilgrimage. Others don't know why they're coming. And most come for a Great Fiesta and celebration of praise and worship. Campbell believes he has witnessed a revival within the Catholic church the magnitude of that experienced by great reformers such as Luther and Wesley. 'We preached the gospel of Jesus Christ,' says Campbell. 'I heard him say, 'The idols cannot save you; Mary cannot save you; unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.' I believe a reformation, largely unknown to the evangelical world, is taking place here.'

"When Gomez gave an altar call, 10,000 came forward to renounce their sins and accept Jesus as their Savior. Hundreds of sick were brought on pallets, stretchers and wheelchairs, and others lined up for prayer. "I have pictures of Father Hilberto with arms full of crutches as people have been healed of every type of disease," states Campbell. 'The Indians who came had never seen anything like this, but when the power of the Holy Spirit touched them, they fell, shook, trembled and were filled with the Spirit.'

"The gathering is one of six Great Fiestas held seven weekends a year in the mountain retreat, a two-and-a- half hour drive from Mexico City. As groups of pilgrims arrive and disembark, they are ushered onto fields and lined up. Catholic evangelists walk along the lines preaching ther gospel to each new group and praying for each one.

"Gomez was baptized in the Holy Spirit 15 years ago when another priest said to him, "Father Hilberto, God loves you," The Spirit of God came upon him so powerfully that he wept daily for an entire year whenever he thought of the Lord. The day God touched him, he prayed for a parishioner, and she was healed. God had empowered Gomez with gifts of the Spirit and working of signs and wonders.

"According to Campbell, Gomez had previously struggled as a priest for 28 years, but after being filled with the Spirit said: "I was a priest in darkness. Even in all my Masses, I didn't know the Lord Jesus."

"Such large numbers were congregating and camping around his parish in Mexico City that the authorities asked him to leave. He set up an altar at the city garbage dump and began meeting there.

"This lead to a church plant in Mexico City.

"Seven years ago Gomez was offered a 100-acre villa in the mountains. Since then hundreds of thousands have made their way to the villa. He has trained 2,500 lay preachers who oversee about 10,000 prayer groups of born-again believers throughout Mexico.

"Reprinted from "Spread the Fire" Magazine."




This is the Spanish name for Holy Laughter--  Note the following from a reader:

Risa means smile or laughter. Santa means holy. It's an angelic thing. Where did you hear of this? In what context? That would help to figure out what it means. Write me. Risa.



Risa D'Angeles
Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute
P.O. Box 2780
Santa Cruz, CA 95063



From: C____________
To: Steve
Subject: Risa Santa
Date: Mon, 11 May 1998


Hi Steve,

I saw your request:

WE NEED HELP ON A SUBJECT: What is "Risa Santa"? Please inform us by E-Mail. on your web page. Take a look here:

Risa Santa is the "Laughing Spirit". Although they talk about the "Brownsville" gang they give more credit to churches in the years 1904 and 1906.

They talk about a "spirit" arriving at a church in California in 1906 and causing everyone to roll on the floor and to pray like children. (The pastor was well dressed, proud and arrogant, and this is what caused the spirit to arrive).

I do not know about this first hand, and my spanish is very rusty, but it appears to be a twist on the "Toronto Blessing", with a very Mexican flavor.

I hope someone from Mexico can give you a more detialed description of how they "witness" on busses (double decker, working their way from the top to the bottom) and the customs they add to it.

In Christ,


El testimonio de la historia de la iglesia

La historia del avivamiento en la iglesia testifica que Dios hacía cosas inesperadas y controversiales. Cuando el avivamiento llegó a la calle Azusa en los Angeles, California, en 1906 se escribió lo siguiente: "Predicadores bien vestidos y orgullosos vinieron para investigar. Muy pronto su altivez fue cambiada por un espíritu de asombro, luego convicción y en poco tiempo se encontraron rodando en el piso pidiendo a Dios que les perdonara y que les hiciera como niños..."

Daniel Williams recordó el fenómeno del avivamiento de Gales de 1904. "La manifestación de poder fue más allá de la comprensión humana, hombres y mujeres cayeron por el hacha de Dios como árboles en el bosque...muchos lloraron pidiendo misericordia, otros rieron con una risa santa, había éxtasis de gozo, el fuego descendió, ardiendo en los corazones de hombres y mujeres provocando santidad y gloria. Tan grande fue la visitación que pasaron noches enteras en las iglesias".

En su autobiografía James Finley escribe del avivamiento en Cane Ridge, Kentucky en 1801. "El avivamiento produjo grande alarma en todo el territorio. Fue reportado que cientos de los que asistieron a las reuniones cayeron de repente al suelo, donde se quedaron por horas y, a veces por días, en un estado de inconsciencia; y cuando despertaron de este estado, comenzaron a glorificar a Dios por su misericordia, perdón y amor redentor".

John Kilpatrick, pastor de Brownsville Assembly of God (Asambleas de Dios) en Pensacola, Florida escribe en su libro Feast of Fire (Fiesta de Fuego) sobre el avivamiento extraordinario que está ocurriendo en su iglesia desde junio de 1995 y continúa hasta la fecha, otoño de 1996 (En los primeros cinco meses, más de 10,000 conversiones se registraron.) Kilpatrick dice:

"Las manifestaciones son una muestra visible exterior de una obra interior del Espíritu Santo, muestran la presencia y obra del Espíritu Santo en una vida. Nosotros descubrimos que las manifestaciones en el avivamiento en Brownsville son semejantes a lo que el Espíritu Santo hizo en avivamientos anteriores. Después de que el Espíritu me tocó en nuevas maneras, y yo personalmente experimenté muchas manifestaciones, tuve mucho más cuidado en no parar ni impedir a otros experimentarlas.

Encontramos nosotros cinco preguntas que nos ayudan a discernir si una manifestación es de Dios o no:

1. ¿Está levantando al Señor Jesús?
2¿Está creando hambre para Dios y su palabra?
3¿Está provocando al pueblo amar más a Dios y los unos a los otros?
4¿Está produciendo una profundidad espiritual mayor?
5¿Hay cambios prácticos sucediendo en las vidas (pueda que requiera de tiempo para juzgar si éstos sean verdad)?"

Editor:  Balaam's Ass Speaks--  It grieves me that these Gringos and their personal devils are invading the minds and churches of Mexico.  Will you pray that Kilpatrick, RHB, and Toronto Fats Arnott will be confounded and die or be halted by our Lord in their schemes.  Yes, I call on God to kill Rodney Howard Browne to save Mexicans from this neo-damnation.

From: K_______________
Subject: Global Revival News: "World Revival begins in Argentina?" and other World Revival News


A 15-year-long tide of spiritual revival in Argentina may be the beginning of a wave that will reach the ends of the earth, an Argentinean pastor says.

.....Pastors and church leaders from Argentina were in Dallas this week to relate dramatic changes they said God has brought to their nation. More than 5,000 people are attending the Light of the Nation Conference May 5-8 to hear the leaders speak. Workshops explore the reasons for the revival's longevity and how it can spread to other countries.

.....Church growth in Argentina, particularly among Pentecostals, has been so rapid that it is straining the resources of congregations. The revival is credited for creating sparks that ignited the so-called Toronto Blessing several years ago and other charismatic offshoots, including revival manifestations in Pensacola, Fla.

....."I believe the last revival will be worldwide, not regional or even national," Pablo Deiros told Religion Today. "That revival is coming, and maybe those first drops are seen in Argentina," said Deiros, pastor of Central Baptist Church in Buenos Aires and a professor of church history at Fuller Theological Seminary. His congregation has added 2,000 members and planted 17 satellite congregations in Argentina and other countries since the revival started, he said.

.....Unity among pastors is a key to the Argentine revival, pastor Claudio Freidzon told Religion Today. Pastors from many denominations and backgrounds, including charismatics, Pentecostals, Baptists, and Catholics, work and pray together for revival. "The revival has lasted so long and had such an effect because we have grown in unity," he said. His Buenos Aires church, King of Kings, grew from 12 members to 6,000 in 15 years. Other churches are experiencing similar growth, Freidzon said. "The heavens are open, the glory is all over the place, and most churches are growing."

.....Priests from the Catholic Church, once the nation's official denomination, are working together with Protestants, although some high-level Catholic officials have criticized the revival, Deiros said.