is a very violent and hate driven cult dedicated to destroy the work of God in
new cult in China is extremely vicious. If you join and try to leave, they will
beat you, maim you, and eventually try to kill you. It is now obvious why the
Chinese government has concerns about alleged Christian cults. The
government, not being made up of men with the slightest understanding of Christian
truth, is treating all Christian groups with suspicion. You will understand why
here. If
you are a Chinese Christian, or looking into the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ,
are some quotes and links to study:
are the Eastern Lightning? The
satanic cult "Eastern Lightning" is one of the most evil and deceitful
cults I have ever seen in China. They are positively sheep in wolves' clothing;
they attack Jesus Christ, twist and defraud the Bible, destroy families and lives,
causing great hurt and destruction to Christians who have been bought by the precious
blood of the Saviour! They are devils dressed as ministers of light, workers of
Satan, and false prophets after the ways of Balaam. May the Lord have mercy upon
the elect that they may be able to discern, to reject all lies and the deceitful
words from Satan. May our brethren be on the alert! May the deceived quickly repent
and return - Rev. Pang K.H., Chinese Christian Church of Saipan, 20 September,
2000. Who
is Behind the Eastern Lightning? Several house church leaders over the past few
years told me, without offering any evidence, that they believe the EL is funded
and operated by Satanists in America. Judging from the cult�s stated beliefs
and plans, this sounds a very feasible possibility. The instructions we have just
read from their handbook very closely mirror the stated aims of Satanists, and
their efforts to destroy churches by targeting leaders are almost identical to
methods employed against effective churches in the West. The ELi's own admissions
show that their main motive is to defame God and try to destroy His children.
Their stated goals include to "disrupt God's work," and to "spy
out" those who thirst for God's revelation; those who truly love God. They
even admit they are liars when they stated, "we for the sake of our work
speak not the truth." Whether Satanists in the West and the Eastern Lightning
are directly connected or not, the one thing we do know is that they share the
same father. Jesus said, "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want
to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding
to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native
language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44) During
this violent phase one of my father's colleagues was deceived into going with
them, and poison [acid?] was thrown at him. Another colleague of mine had his
water poisoned. My aunt's neighbor was poisoned to death. These are accounts of
which I personally know. The victims are always church members who are more influential. Taking
advantage of the believers' financial hardship, the EL has slyly offered extraordinary
sums of money to house church leaders if they will convert. Nanyang County in
southwest Henan Province is one of the centers of China's revival. Elders of the
Nanyang Church were offered 150,000 RMB (more than US$ 18,000) to join the EL,
plus the promise of two or three mistresses. By appealing to these two basic sinful
desires of mankind, greed and lust, the faith of some has been shipwrecked. Often
after kidnapping victims, the EL employs sexual temptation in a bid to destroy
the reputations of their victims. The EL use sexual enticement on both men and
women captives. One house church leader in Anhui Province told about one woman
who had been a convert of EL for five years: "This woman is very pretty,
but she has already lost her chastity. EL has used her to lure many leaders into
fornication. Two coworkers in Anhui were confined by the EL for 14 days, brainwashed
and worn down, until they gave in and committed fornication with the woman. Photographs
were taken of them at appropriate embarrassing moments. Their tactic was to use
the photograph to blackmail the brothers to accept the teachings of the cult.
If they refuse to convert, a man will appear in their churches or when they are
with a group of believers, pretending that the girl in the picture is his fiance
(or cousin), and threaten to sue the pastor." I
have reached two conclusions while researching the EL in China. On one hand there
is no doubt the Beijing central government have been trying to crack the EL for
a number of years. One source states there are 2,000 EL practitioners presently
in prison across China for their crimes. The EL leadership has publicly declared
that the Communist Party of China is the "Great Red Dragon," and its
officials are the dragon's offspring. When the Chinese authorities heard such
words they immediately considered the group a political threat, with aims to overthrow
the government, and they tried to persecute the EL mercilessly. According to an
official government document, the ELs "political purpose have become increasingly
overt" and it notes "some of its top-level core members are 'elites'
of the June 4th students" protest movement of 1989. These
educated members are editing books and propaganda material. In their conviction
to overthrow the power of the "Great Red Dragon" they are actively...drafting
work plans in order to recruit more members. As mentioned earlier, however, there
seems to be a mounting body of evidence that points to many local level officials
being protective, or at least sympathetic, to the EL. Some cadres and leading
officials have converted to the cult, while it is likely many other officers have
accepted protection money from the EL. This had led to a breakdown in Beijing's
efforts to destroy the cult. Many times the Beijing authorities appear to have
been frustrated by the cult's ability to evade the law, perhaps not fully realizing
that the allegiance of many local officials is with the EL. EDITOR:
Steve Van Nattan-- This
sounds like a CIA operation to me. This is just the sort of thing the CIA would
do to destabilize China so that US operatives can make enroads into local Chinese
life and stir up revolution. The object? To end up owning Chinese business interests. The
EL operates under an extremely tight blanket of security; more so, it could be
said, than any of the house church networks in China. Some of the safeguards practiced
by the cult include only holding gatherings that have been organized at short
notice; never giving specific directions to a meeting place, but just the general
area, from where the members will be brought to the meeting; posting security
guards at the entrance to the village or meeting place to prevent access to all
outsiders, and immediately calling the meeting leader�s mobile telephone if
there are any signs of police action. In this way, EL members often completely
scatter before the police even arrive at the door. The
EL also insists their members only use mobile phones and pagers that are registered
under false names, only use public phones and never their home phones, to change
their numbers frequently, to never provide lodgings for members at the same place
they have stayed before; and to relocate up to several times during a single day�s
meetings to avoid detection from the authorities. Even those EL members based
in the United States use the same standards of secrecy as in China, operating
clandestinely at every turn. THE
will need to read down the page to the topic on shouters. Several other cults
are included, and please notice that Taiwan and the Charismatic movement hatched
almost all these Satanic cults. This shows the devilish aspect of Charismania.
version of threat is "self-destruction": Christians
are also good at finding an opportunity to use the Holy Bible to entrap Almighty
God. They are ignorant and stubborn, and have lost their reason, not knowing that
God��s nature will not tolerate being violated at all. Their final outcome
can only be self-destruction. 2003
version is updated to state that Bible believers will be "eliminated."
This sounds a lot like the Manifest Sons of God: Their
predictions of those who oppose them-- "Perhaps everyone who writes articles
condemning the Almighty God's work, everyone who blasphemes the Almighty God,
and everyone who makes up rumors to attack the Almighty God's Church will be eliminated."
This sounds like a subtle threat to me. The
Holy Bible cannot take the place of the Holy Spirit's work. God's words today
are, of course, higher than the Holy Bible. God's tangible work is higher than
everything else. Therefore, people who just rely on the Holy Bible cannot be saved,
because God has an ongoing plan of saving mankind. People must accept God's end-time
work and then they can be saved. The entire religious establishment has exalted
the Holy Bible for more than three thousand years, yet which person's life and
character has really changed so as to truly become holy? From religious leaders
to the common followers, all have had no character change, at most just a change
in behavior. Today those religious leaders exalt the Holy Bible, but who really
understands the Holy Bible? But, if they exalt the Holy Bible and condemn Christ,
that makes them the most dangerous of all the antichrists. One
can see, in religious circles, that two large groups have already emerged: People
who believe in the God of heaven, exalt the Holy Bible, maintain the Holy Bible
and follow Christianity; and people who believe the Word of God became flesh,
exalt Christ, witness Christ, and follow Christ. People who believe in the God
of heaven are also those that believe in the Holy Bible, and oppose Christ and
condemn Christ. People who believe the Word of God became flesh are those that
believe in Christ, obey Christ, and witness Christ. Those who believe in Christ
and accept God's work at the end times are truly saved and brought into the Kingdom.
People who believe in the God of heaven but oppose and condemn Christ are exposed,
condemned, and eliminated. Those
who hold to the theory of theology and knowledge of religion, and those who hold
to the Holy Bible cannot follow God's footsteps. If they don't wake up and repent,
they must be eliminated by God's work. Just as when Jesus was on earth, those
people who held to the Old Testament of scripture were eliminated by Jesus' work.
The antichrists
and wicked people have no truth themselves. They even use the Holy Bible to oppose
God! They overrate themselves, rather like an ant trying to topple a giant tree.
Antichrists and wicked people are extremely and limitlessly arrogant, unaware
of just how little ability they really have. All they can do is make up rumors.
If they really have the ability, they should write a book to announce the truth,
so that people will believe and obey. What a pity they don't have such an ability!
They cannot even compose their own words, but only use the Holy Bible to judge
people, relying on made up rumors to confuse people. How could God's work not
eliminate such contemptible dogs as these? At Almighty God's public appearance,
which is coming, they will meet their end. At that time the antichrists and wicked
people will only be able to crawl into a crevice in the ground where there will
be weeping and gnashing of teeth! MORE