do not want to exalt brother Kent Treadwell above measure, but I have to tell
you readers that this is hard ball..... straight across the plate..... waist high.
If you miss the message, you must not be born again. Editor-- Steve Van Nattan
a FALSE TEACHER by Kent Treadwell
this article I use the KJV, because if you don't have a King James Bible, you
don't have a Bible) Now before I begin my thoughts about this false teacher, I
would like to write a few things about Bible interpretation and Bible doctrine.
2 Peter 1:20 "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any
private interpretation." According to the Bible no one has a right to their private
interpretation of scripture. Isaiah 8:20 "To the law and
to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there
is no light in them." This passage tells us that if the teaching doesn't
line up with scripture it's void of spiritual light. Another words, it's false!
Herbert Lockyer, in his book All the Doctrines of the Bible said,
no subject a matter of necessary faith which is not a matter of revelation. (He
means scripture revelation). Let there be a suspense of judgment until the word
of God itself decides. Bias, away from scripture, results in fancy and imagination."
friends that's exactly what Norvell has done, left off from scripture and got
into fancy and imagination. 2 Timothy 3:16 "All scripture
is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness:" We must ask, what does the
Bible say? We need to line up everything we hear and read with scripture and we
need to read scripture within its proper context. Having given a short synopsis
on Bible interpretation I would like to give 9 reasons why Scott Norvell of Terra
Forming teaches dangerous false doctrine and why I believe he is a real nut-case.
I will be referring to a transcript of his widely distributed video, "Terraforming".
I will
not be able to refute everything in this over one hour foray into tedium, as his
teaching strains every fabric of one's patience. But, I will deal with some of
his most egregious departures from God's Final Authority and Truth. Lastly before
I begin I would like to say, a number of Bible teachers and preachers agree, THIS
am not able, due to time and space to refute all of Norvell's departures from
scripture. Here is a few. (Norvell's words are indented)
#1 Psalms 90:8, "Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in
the light of thy countenance." (Norvell referenced this scripture) Norvell says:
Lord reveals the hidden sins in the light of His presence."
meaning here is obscure as in all of Norvell's teaching but he seems to be saying
God shows him other people's sins. I was questioning this at first until I listened
to his whole video, and that is exactly what he meant. Proverbs
30:6 "Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar."
Norvell just added to God's word. God never said that he reveals people's sins
to other people. The scripture plainly teaches the opposite here, that the LORD
knows all of our secret sins and they are before him alone. I guess Norvell never
read or didn't care that the verse said, "�before thee..." The Psalmist was
speaking of God in the context.
is some nutty stuff, that shows just how looney this crazymatic is.
#2 Norvell says: Jesus cross-referenced (Ps 90:8) to the Lord's Prayer Mt 6:10,11
then he mixes versus 10,11 up to make them sound like one statement - Jesus never
said or cross-referenced any such thing. Norvell lies. He presumes to speak extra-biblically
for Jesus Christ. What Trash! This is pure deception. At this point Norvell uses
Ps 90:8 with Mt 6:10,11 to teach people that daily bread is God showing them other
people's sins on a daily basis so they can go around covering them in Jesus' blood
and forgiving their sins. This is Satanic blasphemy. The next thing on this list
of Norvell's bad, bad Biblical theology is a real shocker that only a Bible illiterate
could come up with. It shows a rehash of Bill Britton's Manifest Sons of God blasphemy.
#3 Quote from Norvell: "Remember when I said, (here he takes authority away from
God and bestows it upon himself) we were to liberate creation from the effect
of sin Romans chapter 8�" O, REALLY NOW Mr. Norvell, you and your group are
now going to remove the curse of sin from the earth and bring in the millennium
without Jesus Christ even showing up! How big of you! Who died and appointed you
Almighty God. Let's take a breath here and look at the truth. Let me quote from
the traditional Bible-believing exegesis of Romans 8:19 from The King James Study
Bible which gives the long held belief of conservative Christians.
1745 quote: "The creature, eagerly looks forward to the revelation of the sons
of God in the Millennium (Christ's thousand year earthly reign) because that is
the time when the curse will be lifted and creation will be restored to Edenic
conditions. Note on Romans 8:21 delivered from the bondage of corruption: the
creature (or Creation) looks forward to the Millennium when redeemed man is glorified
and will never again have to face God's curse. Note on Romans 8:22 Groaneth and
travaileth in pain refers to Adam's Fall, which has caused misery from then until
the present. The present sufferings of creation are the "birth pangs" of the new
age to be born, the Millennium. From the Fall until now, creation has been groaning
over the pointlessness of having been made subject to a curse. It eagerly looks
forward to the time when the curse will be lifted (vs. 19)" end quote.
who knows their Bible knows the curse will not be lifted until the resurrection
and the millennium. Mr. Norvell, go sit in the corner and suck your thumb.
#4 Next Scott Norvell completely loses it and takes a Disneyland flight into fantasy.
He is having a verbal (I think, he doesn't say) two-way conversation with Jesus
Christ. I know he must have appreciated a private audience with the King of Kings
and Lord of Lords.
Jesus is questioning Norvell about "what does the blood of Jesus do for you when
you are forgiven with it?" It seems at first Norvell doesn't know, I guess his
Bible study has been a little lax lately, and he says, "Well uh, makes me happy."
Then Jesus proceeds to straighten out his belief about how a person gets forgiven,
but the bad thing that happens is that he has Jesus departing from the scriptures.
asks Norvell, "Question, When you want to be forgiven, by me, what do you do?"
Receive the blood of Jesus."
said "yes in fact, without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness" It's
crazy and you may not believe it but Jesus left out repentance, confession and
agreed with Norvell on an unscriptural notion that forgiveness comes only by receiving
the blood. Nowhere in the Bible does it say receiving the blood brings forgiveness,
this is a completely new doctrine taught nowhere in the scripture. The Bible teaches
we must repent and confess to God to be forgiven. 1 John
1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and
to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Then we can be forgiven.
next question Jesus asks Norvell is"Now how do you forgive others?"
Norvell gets very obscure, it's not clear. Is Norvell talking about forgiving
others that offend him, or is he talking about forgiving people who have sinned
against God. Later on in his teaching we discover that he puts on his Roman Catholic
robe and forgives people who have sinned against God.
answers to his make-believe Jesus, so at this point we need to be reminded of
Galatians 1:8, " But though we, or an angel from heaven,
preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let
him be accursed.",
said, well I declare it. I forgive you� I said hang on, I've got it, and I release
you�and so I finally got the hint, I forgive them with the blood of Jesus. The
Lord said, "you got it." We have a definition for forgiveness. Forgiveness equals
friends if that doesn't chill your blood nothing will. Besides the fact that there
are a number of scriptural errors in this teaching, this dangerous man is teaching
that the Lord Jesus Christ is giving him and his friends the power and authority
to forgive people's sins with the blood of Jesus. The fact is that no one has
the power to forgive sins but God alone. Mark 2:7, "Why
doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?"
This is Roman
Catholic doctrine through and through, only now it's not just the priest but everybody
who wants to. Later on we learn that they are even forgiving dead people. Have
you blown a gasket yet? This must be exposed for what it is, dangerous doctrines
of devils. 1 Timothy 4:1, "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly,
that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing
spirits, and doctrines of devils;" A word to Norvell: You're not God, and
as bad as you want to be, you never will be!!! You better start to fear with this
kind of stuff.
Mary is the "Mediatrix" of Rome, and Rome's priests claim the right
to, along with Mary, forgive sins. Indeed, this is a spiritual felony, for it
sets aside the person of Jesus Christ and his singular office as the absolver
of sin. Norvell is indeed a blasphemer.
#5 Norvell states:
Lord showed me the greatest commission. Matthew 28: 19,20." (I guess he never
saw it before)
Norvell assumes the role of the Lord Jesus Christ the Head of the Church, he rescinds
the commission of Jesus Christ and he commands a new one. Here he states:
Lord gave me a different commission in the gospel of John 20:21-23."
cult leader could have stated it better! This is scripture perversion at its worst.
For two-thousand
years the church has believed and practiced, Matthew 28:
19-20 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:" "Teaching
them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with
you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.",
as its greatest mandate. Now, Norvell has taken the authority of Jesus Christ
away from him and granted it to himself.
false doctrine could not have made Satan happier, the Devil loves this junk! If
you follow this clown you'll either wind up in hell or live a miserable disappointing
#6 Next Norvell continues his grandiose delusions.
Lord Jesus commissioned us to do everything that He did."
sure, like raising the dead (more on this later) feeding the multitude with a
few loaves and fishes, walking on water, stopping storms on the sea, making blind
eyes see, drying up hemorrhages, healing everyone without any duds, misfires or
failures. This is old Charismania re-packaged, all claims, no proof, just pretending
like it's happening and when it doesn't, lie about it! Folks, Norvell's dreaming.
Somebody please wake him up. It's worth noting at this juncture that all Bible-Believers
believe God heals, we just don't believe you heal. The Lord God Almighty is the
great physician, not you! You say, "what about the Apostles, the sign gift of
healing, etc.?" Isn't it a shame that people can't rightly divide the word of
truth and the signs being for the Jews? No time to go on, the point is made. Try
using your Bible for something other than keeping notes and dried flowers.
#7 The next teaching of Scott Norvell's which I would like to take note of can
be summarized in a few outlandish and un-scriptural statements. Here he goes again:
Lord has given us the commission as priest to carry the blood of Jesus around
the world 'for forgiveness" as royal priest, we are carriers of the blood of Jesus�,
and when we declare this honor there is unimaginable power, so much so, that the
enemy has been hiding this from us since Jesus' resurrection 2000 years ago."
"The Lord is releasing you to dismantle the kingdom of darkness."
This is fantastic, Norvell tells them that they've been given some Godlike powers
that nobody knew anything about until he (Norvell) came along! Again he shoves
the LORD, the great I AM off the pew and sits down! But let's hear from a real
Christian teacher on this matter, a Jewish Christian and fine Bible teacher at
www.letusreason.org Mike Oppenheimer.
"In the New Testament it wasn't a repetitive act like in the Old Testament, but
once for all. And we do not handle the blood our high priest Jesus does. It is
applied to those who are recipients of salvation. Hebrews
10:19-22: "Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood
of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil,
that is, His flesh, and having a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw
near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled
from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water."
"We can
enter by Christ who is our sacrifice, our high priest as he made a new way through
a living tabernacle his own flesh. He sprinkles our hearts (our spirit) by His
blood so we can be cleansed and come into a relationship. There are some Charismatic's
and Pentecostal's that use the practice (now a clich�) of pleading the blood
over people that are unsaved and things they want cleansed or delivered. Just
about anything gets the blood pleaded over it. But this is an unbiblical practice,
nowhere do we read of the apostles "pleading the Blood." Although we are priests,
Jesus is our high priest, we cannot apply the blood over any or every thing we
want cleansed.
blood is applied only to those who have faith in the atonement of Christ. It is
an individual's choice and it happens only once, we cannot put the blood over
them or on them. In the Old Testament motif's, the blood was sprinkled in the
holy of Holies for the people by the high priest once a year. But the objects
were those set apart for the Lord, strict instructions were given by God himself
on this matter. The high priest could not sprinkle the blood on anything his heart
desired. Especially having the blood to be on unsaved or unsanctified individuals."
can't make something clean that is unclean. This was done only on the objects
God set apart in the temple. It was sprinkled on the ark, the mercy seat for their
forgiveness. We see no such practice by the apostles or instructions in the epistles
to do any such sprinkling or pleading of Christ's blood on anyone (even those
demon possessed). In the Old Testament it was a physical act by the priest to
put the blood on the altar, not moving it from one place to another."
is the same principle in the New Testament, one cannot move it on to those people
or things for cleansing by speaking, (pleading it). The blood represents the life
of the person, we cannot plead His life on others? Only the high priest handled
the blood to go on the mercy seat for the forgiveness of sins, Jesus is the one
who sprinkled His blood, not us. We can't physically touch it today nor can we
apply it somewhere else spiritually, since we are not the high priest, Jesus is."
#8 This last thing to deal with at this time is one of the most outrageous, whoppers
of lies I've ever heard in 43 years of Bible preaching. Scott Norvell relays a
testimony of what his teaching produces. I quote,
couple of months ago one of the people of our team got a phone call that is highly
representative of what God is doing right now. On this phone call she learned
that a relative of hers, 8 yr. old daughter, had died very unexpectedly. The child
had been dead for over 12 hours. And this team member of ours said over the phone,
said listen, I want to do something weird, will you say yes to God. And the mom
said, of course I will. And she said I'm going to pray this way, she said Father,
I ask you to shine your light into reveal the hidden sins. And the Lord revealed
a generational sin of a grandfather and the women on our team walked the other
person through forgiving their grandfather. And the person on the phone prayed
the simple prayer. Said Father I forgive my grandfather for this sin, I wash them
with the blood of Jesus they are now purified, redeemed and restored back to you.
I hurl down the accuser. The girl got up from the table and left resurrected and
totally healed. They never said be healed, they forgave grandpa."
The Generational Curses doctrine may sound really good on the surface to some
Christians but this is a heretical doctrine that suggests that salvation through
Jesus Christ is not enough and that somewhere, the born again believer needs deliverance
from the generational curses of their ancestors; That receiving Jesus is not enough
to be free from the curses of ages past. THIS IS BLASPHEMY! There is no such thing
as a generational curse for the believer in Christ Jesus. Our Bible says that
Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death. Hebrews
2:14-15, "�that through death he [Jesus] might destroy him that had the power
of death, that is, the devil;�" Galatians 3:13, "Christ hath redeemed us from
the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is
every one that hangeth on a tree:"
generational curse teaching is all throughout Scott Norvell's teachings. Of course,
this "generational curse" teaching is not found in the New Testament, which is
why there is no NT verses given for the promotion of this doctrine. We are set
free because of the finished work Jesus accomplished at the cross.
Here the child lies on a table, dead for 12 hours. Nobody calls an ambulance,
no coroner is called in, no 911 calls, nothing.
They discerned that the problem was the sin of the grandfather (dead or alive,
who knows?) then they forgave like a Catholic priest the sin of the grandfather,
who never had to repent.
They covered him with the blood of Jesus (move over Jesus!) and purified, redeemed,
and restored, all without the man receiving the Lord Jesus Christ. They saved
him themselves.
The girl was then promptly raised from the dead.
Truth, reality. You got to be kidding. Anybody who follows this teaching belongs
in a psych ward.
#9 Even though this last teaching of Norvell's was not the last teaching on his
video, I saved it for last due to the fact that it was the worst example of perverted
scripture twisting that I encountered on his video. Let it never be forgotten
that cultists like Norvell are experts at lifting texts out of their respective
contexts, without proper concern for the laws of language or the established principles
of Biblical interpretation. He is of those whom Peter warns us, who "wrest
scripture, unto their own destruction" 2 Peter 3:16. Norvell's statement:
amazing has happened in church. Revelation 12:5 a wondrous sign appears a woman
gives birth to an adult son. A man of character and of strength. What is described
here is an adult hood of the church, a maturing of the church. The church was
birthed by a guy named James, and a guy name Peter, and Paul. They gave birth
to the church. That church was intended to grow up into maturity. It could have
taken 20 years, it took 2000� why because generation after generation people
were given their destiny and they said no. � Guys be blown away by Revelation
12! You understand that John said these were about future events, these were prophecies,
these were things that were to be fulfilled in their season. This is the season!
Do you know that in Revelation 12: 10 it says, that now is the kingdom, now is
liberation, now is the power of God and the authority of Christ. When the woman
gave birth to that adult son, when the church grew up into maturity, now is the
time when the Lord would release his power and authority to the church. The church
has been waiting for 2000 years, many generations have missed it, but we are the
chosen generation. We are the ones, we're getting to drive the Ferrari."
there are quite a number of statements that Norvell makes here that are just plain
bad and dangerous theology. But the worst of them is that he guides the student
very stealthily away from the scripture revelation of the person of the Lord Jesus
Christ, who is the center of this passage and that is a sham and a shame.
of his grievous errors:
"a woman gives birth to an adult son. What is described here is an adulthood of
the church, a maturing of the church." Firstly the Bible says a man child, not
an adult. Norvell just made that up. Man child is a Bible phrase found in Job
3:3, Jer 20:15 and Rev 12:5 and it means a male child as opposed to a female.
The birth of a male child being a matter of joy in the East. See the New Unger's
Bible Dictionary 1988 page 808. Norvell wants to pretend that the church is being
born right now into full maturity. The Bible disagrees! Then Norvell proceeds
to teach that this is dealing with the church when there is no church mentioned
within a hundred verses of Rev 12.
church was birthed by a guy named James, and a guy named Peter, and Paul. They
gave birth to the church."
right, and little Orphan Annie gave birth to the twelve tribes of Israel. How
in the world did Norvell come up with James, Peter, & Paul (all men) giving birth
to the church? Scripture please - doesn't exist. Mr. Norvell please stay after
school and write: Matthew 16:18, "And I say also unto thee,
That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates
of hell shall not prevail against it" one hundred times on the blackboard.
3. Norvell:
church was intended to grow up into maturity. It could have taken 20 years, it
took 2000�.Why because generation after generation, people were given their
destiny and they said NO!!!"
Scott Norvell complains that in 2000 years nobody did the will of God but him
and his little clan of clones. It seems that Mr. Norvell failed to read his Christian
History Book. What about the multiplied millions of souls won by George Whitefield,
John Wesley, Charles Spurgeon, Charles Finney, DL Moody, J Frank Norris, General
Booth and thousands upon thousands of Bible teachers, preachers, pastors and missionaries
known and unknown? Not excluding the Donatists, Waldeneses, Ana-Baptists, Puritans,
Congregationalists, and on and on.
you think that you and your little band of non-soul winners have the corner on
the truth and nobody else. Norvell, you just messed your diaper, go to your room.
By the
way friends just for relief and enlightenment let me quote from a well know Bible
teacher concerning Rev 12. J. Dwight Pentecost, Dallas Theological Seminary 1958.
to Revelation 12, the object of satanic attack during the tribulation period is
"the woman" who produced the child. Since this child is born "to rule all nations
with a rod of iron" (Rev 12:5), it can only refer to Christ, the one whose right
it is to rule. The Psalmist confirms this interpretation in Psalm 2:9, which is
admittedly Messianic. The one from whom Christ came can only be Israel. At the
time Satan is cast out of heaven (Rev 12:9) he goes forth with "great wrath because
he knoweth that he hath but a short time" (Rev 12:12). The church must not be
here, for, since it is the "body of Christ" and the "bride of Christ" and consequently
precious to Christ, it would be the object of satanic attack then as it has been
all though the age (Eph 6:12) if it were present. The reason Satan turns against
Israel can only be explained by the absence of the church from that scene."
For those of you who are interested, look up Gen 37:9 and see who the woman in
Rev 12:1 is.
be blown away by Revelation 12! You understand that John said these were about
future event, these were prophecies, these were things that were to be fulfilled
in their season. This is the season!!!"
is obvious to anybody who knows their Bible that this couldn't be the season that
this dipstick says it is. For two main reasons; Rev 12 is in the middle of the
tribulation period and if Rev 12 is being fulfilled right now then the anti-christ
is on the earth and is in charge of world government, sitting in the temple at
Jerusalem showing himself to be God. 2 Thessalonians 2:4, " Who opposeth and exalteth
himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God
sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."
you know that in Rev 12:10 it says, now is the kingdom, now is liberation, now
is the power of God and the authority of Christ. When the woman gave birth to
that adult son, when the church grew up into maturity, now is the time when the
Lord would release his power and authority to the church."
I think that I've already shown that the Bible plainly teaches that the woman
is Israel, the man child was not an adult when he was born, and that the man child
is in fact the Lord Jesus Christ, who was caught up to God's throne at the resurrection.
The important thing that needs to be pointed out, pertains to Norvell's fanciful
private interpretation of Rev 12:10. You see the "NOW" is preparatory for that
time when Jesus Christ returns to set up His kingdom. It does not refer to sometime
in the church age before the tribulation. The last half of the tribulation will
be a time of terrible trouble on the earth. It will be Satan's final attempt to
prevent the return and the reign of Christ, then Jesus Christ will return in power
and great glory to cast down and defeat the accuser. This will be accomplished
by Jesus Christ himself, not some self-appointed Charismatics.
a releasing of power and authority to the church."
as much as you would like to you'll never have the power to cast down Satan. If
Scott Norvell and his followers could cast Satan down and defeat his kingdom now,
then all the Bible prophecies of Satan's work until the end of time would be false.
You couldn't heal a fly with a headache.
advice for Scott Norvell is, James 4:9-10, "Be afflicted,
and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to
heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up."
From all of his teachings this seems to be a lesson he has never learned, he's
got a god complex.
Norvell and his wife Shari and all of their followers are mentally deranged. These
people are sick, sick, sick. Somebody please help them. This teaching is blasphemous,
pabulum puke and that's putting it nicely.
false teachers have to spiritualize, twist and change what the Bible says in order
to prove their false extra-Biblical revelations. The rest they just make up out
of thin air. They lie, pretend & deceive. Scott Norvell is a Bible perverter.
Then he adds his personal revelations which God gives only to him, which no-body
in two thousand years ever heard of. If anyone tried to follow Norvell's teaching
they would be so discouraged and deluded that they could never live a stable,
victorious life in Christ. It is sad indeed that we are living to see the fulfillment
of the prophecy, 2 Timothy 4:3, "For the time will come
when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they
heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;", especially in light
of the fact that the Bible speaks of the importance of sound doctrine over 25
from the book Preaching That Pleases God by Tom Farrell:
this carnal day of the emergent church movement preaching that pleases God provides
a clarion call for preachers and Bible students everywhere to return to Biblical
preaching as God defined it in his word. It is a call to return to God's authority,
to God's mandate, and to God's model of authentic ministry. It is a call away
from the never-ending pursuit of fads and trends, and back to the pursuit of Christ
and the accurately preached word."
quote. To Scott Norvell: I will tell you what my Dad told me back in the 1950's
never did this, and Jesus did not have to ask fifty questions, and Jesus did not
waste time dealing with devils. This is the monkey shines of modern alleged Bible
teachers. Scott Norvell has been taking lessons from such people, NOT from
Jesus Christ.