Compiled, and Written by Mary Van Nattan "Must our image of God go?" C. S. Lewis once rhetorically queried the late Anglican Bishop John A. T. Robinson. Robinson, noted thirty-five years ago for (then) avant-garde proposals, had suggested it was high time feminine images for God were introduced to balance out the traditional masculine ones. To this Lewis replied ironically, "I shouldn't believe it strongly, but some sort of case could be made out."
Clive Staples Lewis has been
perhaps the single most useful tool of Satan since his appearance in the Christian
community sometime around World War II. With his strong belief in non-denominational
Christianity, which he termed "mere Christianity", and his apparent orthodoxy
in doctrine, the influence of his pen has reached across many years. When the
light of God's Holy Bible is focused upon his writings, however, his heresy
and outright love of Satan comes into bold focus. Though a highly acclaimed and widely published "Christian" author, when judged by his own words with the King James Bible it becomes clear that he was indeed a fool in the most extreme sense of the word, yet a very subtle one that was and is extremely useful to his father the devil. Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Luke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. Matthew 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. C.S. Lewis was born in Belfast, Ireland; baptized an Anglican at St Mark's Dundela, Belfast; and became an atheist in his teens. His education at Oxford was interrupted by World War I, but after recovering from a wound he returned there to continue his studies. The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church states on p. 594, that "Lewis moved slowly from atheism through Yeatsian romanticism to absolute idealism and finally theism, returning to worship in the Church of England in 1929." Lewis' so-called conversion is described by one of his friends in Light on C. S. Lewis as having come about by thinking. On page 62 of that book it says, "It did not come by sudden intuition, or overwhelming vision, or even by the more usual path of conviction of sin calling for repentance and atonement. It came by taking thought and it added many cubits to his stature." Acts 20:21 Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. Luke 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. It is not possible to be saved without recognizing the need to repent from sin, thus it is hardly surprising that Lewis' life showed no fruit unto righteousness. [Please note the covert blast that this author took at the word of God by stating that Lewis grew in stature by taking thought! Matthew 6:27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?] This same friend states on the same page that Lewis' "Christianity...was also important to him professionally..." and that it eased "the camaraderie with some of his friends..." who were mostly professing "Christians." Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. In short, his "conversion" to Christianity was financially and socially good for him. These may be the only "reasons" for it, but we will learn more about what he actually believed concerning his conversion and salvation in general later in this article. He was considered a medieval literature scholar and was fascinated with mythology and fantasy from an early age, which perhaps explains his tendency toward the occult in his fantasy writings. He was a Fellow of English Language and Literature at Magdalen College, Oxford, until 1954. In 1955 he was elected Professor of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Magdalen College, Cambridge. While many of us have been deceived by this man's apparent spiritual insight, he actually believed many doctrines of devils and by the end of his life was rapidly embracing Roman Catholicism. Indeed, he may have been a Catholic for some time before his death. He believed in purgatory and prayed for the dead. He went to a priest regularly for confession (C.S. Lewis: A Biography , p. 198). He received the sacrament of extreme unction on July, 16th, 1963 (p. 301), a sacrement that was officially ministered only to Roman Catholics at that time. It is enough to cause one to wonder if he was possibly a "plant" for the Catholic church all along, or merely a mixed up man groping for some hope of salvation at the end of his life. He was allegedly a bachelor for most of his life, but married Joy Davidman Gresham at age 58. She was supposedly converted partly due to Lewis' books. After meeting him in England, she returned to the U.S. where she was divorced from her husband. According to two of his friends, Gresham's husband divorced her on the grounds of desertion.(1) She returned to England and made herself available to Lewis, who married her shortly thereafter. [Ask any soap opera junky what the previous scenario means. They will tell you.] So, even in his marriage he was in disobedience to the word of God. Matthew 5:32 ...and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery. As mentioned, he did not like denominational boundaries, and so he made great strides in describing Christianity outside of them, calling it "mere Christianity," which became the title of one of his most famous and destructive books. 1Corinthians 11:19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you. Let's take a look at some the things he taught and included in his various books: Theological BooksThe worst is yet to come. Many of us have been exposed to The Chronicles of Narnia at some point in our lives either through the books themselves or through one of the many spin offs from them such as videos, animated and regular movies, games, etc. My own parents read these books to my brother and I when we were young, but over time became less and less pleased with them as the Lord brought various things to their attention. We eventually discarded them, and my dad, having obtained some information on Lewis' heresies and associations, lost respect for him as any kind of a Christian resource. C.S. Lewis has amazing staying power for many, however, and perhaps no-where more than in his "innocent" fantasies for children. The Chronicles of Narnia are one of the most powerful tools of Satan that Lewis ever produced. Worst of all, these books are geared toward children. Please go the next page to read about this indoctrinating tool of witchcraft. The Chronicles of Narnia - Page 3 Page 4 Liqour,
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