Read his testimony.
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It is a blessing to know brother Cosby personally. We have loaded the CD we sell with plenty of his preaching and singing. Eschol and Joan Cosby have a big family also, and they are all serving the Lord and singing up a storm all over the USA. Here are a few gems to bless you and let you enjoy the zeal of this dear brother. Eschol shares these later years of his life with his sweetheart, trail partner, and fellow worker in Christ, Joan Cosby-- No other wife for brother Cosby-- They have been the only ones for each other.
From his book, Branded For Christ, which is also the name of Brother Cosby's radio program In the fall of 1917, Papa packed up his family and a few belongings, and headed for Arizona. There were no motels then, and of course, no money for such things if there had been. So we slept out on the ground and cooked on a campfire. We stopped to see Grandpa and Grandma Cosby on the way. Then I remember, we stopped at a beautiful apple orchard in Roswell, New Mexico,and there was artisan water flowing by. The next night we went past Carrizozo, New Mexico, to a place they called the Malpais. Anyway, there was no wood to make a campfire, and we have often laughed about the fact that Papa cooked on a campfire, using cow chips to burn. Papa said that even when he was in Montana, he never saw a night so cold or so dark or wet that he could not make a fire. He was a real pioneer. Well, another thing that we remembered about the trip was, just out of St. John's, Mama put glycerin on Cecil's and my hands. We were in a hurry to go out and play in a sand wash, but in a few minutes we came back crying, 'Wash it off! Wash it off! Our chapped hands were "on fire". We met Uncle Flint, Papa's brother in Holbrook and had a short visit with him. He was working on a cow ranch near there. Then I remember, we went over to Fort Apache to spend a night, and we heard the cannon shot the next morning from the Fort. Also, some Indian squaws came by on burrows the next morning and it made them mad because Papa took their pictures. Their pictures were real relics from the trip. From there we went on to Springerville, and the next spring, Papa went to work for a couple named Pat and Joe up in the White Mountains. We were right on the banks of Black River, so we ate fish almost every day during the summer. Of course it was illegal to catch them, so that made them taste better (ha ! That was quite a summer. Once, I remember, we were fishing up on Buffalo Creek, and I saw a wolf about a hundred yards away. I ran back to where Mama and Cecil were, big-eyed and telling them about it. I said, "But Mama, I've got Papa's knife." It was that summer that I began riding horseback, and also learned to swing an axe and chop wood. That fall, as we were leaving the mountains, we were in our Model T Ford with our belongings in a wagon. It came a real snowstorm that night, and we camped just short of the crest of the mountain. Papa made a big bonfire and stretched up a tarp for us to sleep under. Later on, Mama told me that Papa prayed all night as there was danger of our getting snowed in. but the next morning, we got the Model T going, and before we knew it, Mom and Cecil and I were on our way to Round Valley. Papa made it later on with the wagon. This
is Eschol Cosby's Cowboy Band in Los Angeles in the days He rented a house, and I started to school in Eager, then in Springerville. And I remember, it was on Easter Sunday morning that Papa took me out rabbit hunting. He had cut the stock off of a twenty-two rifle for me. It was a snowy morning, but we found a rabbit and Papa showed me how to take aim and fire. I got him the first shot. That spring, we took our belongings in the wagon and made our way out east of town to a lake called Becker's Reservoir. One of the highlights of that sojourn was when Papa shot and killed a duck across the lake. The duck finally floated to shore. and then began what has become almost a tradition with us -- Mom made duck dumplings. To us, that was a real feast. Well, times were squally in those days, and yet, as I remember it, I never had a worry in the world. I felt that Papa could take care of any situation that arose and I always had something to eat, clothes to wear and a place to sleep. What more could a boy ask? We only stayed at Becker's Reservoir for a week or so, and then went on to a place called Cow Springs. We camped out on the mesa west of the draw that first night. The wind was blowing a gale, and Papa set up our tent. He had a stove inside, with a pipe going out through a hole that was made for that purpose. He must have made too big a fire, for soon the blaze was going out the top of the stove pipe. With the high wind you can imaging how squally it must have been. Soon, we contacted a man named Cot Ansil, down in the draw, and he offered us his cabin to live in. During the summer, Uncle Lem and family came out to see us. We really enjoyed playing with our cousins, Virgil, Arvol, and Belva. Arvol and Belva were twins. Well, Cot Ansil became quite impressed with Cecil. He said. 'That's the best boy I ever saw. I'm going to give him a horse." And he did. He gave Cecil a little two-year-old pony we called Pilot. He had a perfect question mark his face, that was turned backward. Later on, I got a lot of experience in bronc riding, as he got to pitching with us. A few years later, Papa, Enos Pipkins and I had been out riding all day. We had nothing to eat or drink all day, so we were hot and tired as we arrived home just before sundown. Coming down the hill, old Pilot broke into a run and bucked all the way down the hill. Papa yelled, "Stay with him! Stay with him!" It was really touch-and-go for me, but I rode him. Papa then got on him and gave him a good working over. Well, while Uncle Lem's family was out there, he and Papa went in together and bought a ranch about twenty-five miles down the draw, north of Cow Springs that they called the Cottonwood Ranch. Papa and I went down first, and spent the night there. Of course, we just slept out on the ground and cooked on a campfire. The next morning, it was a foggy spring morning, and I got up and went up on the hill for a walk. I remember it was so refreshing there among the cedars and pinons. We had the folks to come down, and Uncle Lem's family went back to Clovis, New Mexico where he had a job as a brakeman on the railroad. Anyway, we lived in a tent that summer, and then, Papa took his wagon and team, went to the mountains about twenty miles away, cut logs, and hauled them down to build a one-room log house for us to live in. I would dare say that the entire house never cost over twenty five dollars. We even had a lumber floor. Most people in that area just had a dirt floor in those days. He also built a fireplace out of the native rock. It was adequate to keep us warm. We measured the length of the wood with an axe handle. In
those days, our branding was by roping and flanking. Now, they run them into a
branding chute. Then, we would take a bronc that was as wild as an antelope, break
him, train him and teach him to work cattle. Sleeping in a bedroll out on the
ground was standard procedure. I knew what it was to sleep under a leaky tarp
in an all-night rain. Also, I knew what it was to throw about six inches of snow
back with the tarp in getting up in the morning, and to cook breakfast on a campfire
out in the cold. So again, you see what I mean when I say, I got in on the last
of an era. When I was a boy about four or five years old, we moved to Sanco, Texas. We had relatives there. Three of Papa's sisters had married Bird boys, and two families of 'Birds' lived there in Sanco -- Aunt Julia and Uncle Smith Bird and their five children, and also Aunt Maud and Uncle Ira and their two daughters, although Mary Jo was not born until after we left. Papa bought Mr. Craddock' s blacksmith shop, and then built a new building. Well, about the only buildings in the town were the store and post office, Papa's blacksmith shop, a school, and two churches -- a Baptist and a Methodist. In those days, there was very little difference between these two churches. Jokingly, someone said once that the main difference was that the Baptists were in their church on one corner singing, Will There Be Any Stars in My Crown? while the Methodists were in their church on another corner singing, No Not One! No Not One! They had campmeetings in the summer in those days that would see crowds of up to five hundred. And my, oh my! What preaching, praying and singing! I remember Uncle Lem said once that there was a certain older lady there, who, if somebody got saved that she'd been praying for, you'd just as well clear the aisle -- she'd have to shout a little. I know that would be considered almost unthinkable now-a-days, but I think I understand it better now. Couldn't those people be so overjoyed over someone being saved that it might be expressed in this manner? In Luke 15:7, Jesus said, "I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth. more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance." If there's joy in heaven when someone is saved, would it be out of order for this joy to be expressed among the Lord's people here on earth when someone is saved? We never even considered missing church in those days. And many times, we would have the preacher or someone else out for dinner. I remember, Mama taught me to pray: 'Now I lay me down to sleep; I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.' I also remember Mama and Papa would kneel down beside their bed at night and have silent prayer for a long time. I wondered what they could be praying about for such a long time. There was an old saying that may not be familiar to you. They had, what they called a "Baptist Pallet". This was where they let the babies and small children sleep during the evening church service. I've often said that it takes a good preacher to keep the big ones awake, and put the little ones to sleep. Perhaps you've heard the story of the preacher who was going to preach a sermon on the entire Bible. He started in Genesis, and about an hour and eighty minutes later he said, And now we come to Amos. Where shall we put Amos?" To this, one man said, "You can give him my seat if you want to. I'm going home." Anyway. I was introduced to the "Baptist Pallet". Mr. Craddock was my Sunday School teacher. He usually had picture cards with a lesson on the back side from which he would teach the Sunday' School lessons. Somehow, although I could not have given you a theological definition of it, the Deity' of Christ was something I took for granted. To me, Jesus was God, and that was that! As small as the town was, they had campmeetings in the summer that drew people from as far away as Dallas and Fort Worth. People were baptized in a river, not in a baptistry. On one occasion, my' mother (along with about a dozen others) was being baptized, and they' were singing the old song. Where He Leads Me I will follow
To me, the question was personal. It was just as if the Lord was speaking tome
personally. and saying, "Will you follow me?" And I remember, I was not only willing,
but eager to say, "Yes." The question seemed to be repeated, as if the
Lord was saying. "Do you really mean it?" And there again, I was eager
to say, "Yes! Yes!" In his golden years, brother Cosby has written a song about the autumn of life. This is not a well known song in the world at this time, but we have brother Cosby's permission to put it up for you here.