We will look at the journey of one man into all manner of paganism. It seems that this is trendy these days, and this man appealed to millions with his pagan roots and his lust to worship false gods and idols. Some of this needs more research, but most of the information below is clearly known and proven. What I am wondering is if God has let America have the same bad choices in the coming election as punishment for leaving the God of the Bible and his Son, Jesus Christ. Psalms
106:13 They soon forgat his works; they waited not for his counsel: What do you think of all the preachers and lala silly asses who are fawning over Donald Trump, laying hands on him, and praying for him as if God is eagerly waiting to exalt the womanizer? The man is every bit as much a pagan as Obama. |
President Obama is honored by a Masonic Ball after inauguration.
If the validity of the first inauguration is questioned, then what about the second inauguration? Lodge number 7 (Singleton Loge) in Washington organized a Freemason’s inauguration ball to celebrate Barack Obama’s inauguration. On the website singletonlodge.org , one can read that this lodge is the first Freemason’s lodge to ever organize a Presidential inauguration ball. It’s therefore striking that it happened to be Obama’s inauguration that was used to organize this maiden ball.
President Obama being sworn in a second time. Photo: Obama is taking
the oath without a Bible on January 21st in the presence of Freemason Benjamin
Latrobe in the background.
The picture of President Obama, published in Newsweek magazine May 24,
2008 which revealed a Masonic emblem in the ring he was wearing on his right hand.
Close-up of his ring at right.
Picture of young Obama at the graduation of Punahou School in Hawaii. Expert observers affirm it is a Masonic handshake. Observe how Obama's hand is practically horizontal, when normally, it would be vertical.
Obama's hand is horizontal, so his teacher can perfectly place his thumb Masonic style. And curiously, a letter G shows up in the image's background.
The Freemason's have stated that Barack Obama is not a Freemason. If not, then why the Masonic ring and other indicators? Could it be that Barry Soetoro is aspiring to become a brother of the order of Jahbulon?
Barack Obama is not a Freemason then perhaps Barry Soetoro is.
So where did all the rumors start? The earliest reported claim is found in a post into the conspiracy website, abovetopsecret.com, on 5 March 2007, in which the anonymous poster claims to have sat in lodge with Obama.
The report comes from a Bosnian discussion forum on 6 May 2007, with another anonymous claim, this time that Obama was a 32nd degree freemason.
Text of this second post was conflated with a news story from the 28 December 2007 Des Moines Register, and within a year over a hundred websites—many of them Christian, all of them anti-Masonic—were reporting that "Jason Clayworth, Register Staff Writer" wrote that "One of their most famous members, and also a 32nd degree Prince Hall Mason, became a US presidential candidate for 2008. His name is Barack Hussein Obama."
Barak Obama's pastor Dr. Jeremiah Wright is a 32nd degree Freemason.
In point of fact, the actual news story by Jason Clayworth, reporting on Obama's 27 December 2007 speaking engagement at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center in Des Moines, does not mention or even imply that Obama was a freemason.
The easily demonstrated fraudulent nature of this Internet posting has not stopped it from being widely repeated. On 14 February 2008, Richard Syrett, a Toronto radio host, claimed that Barack Obama was a 32nd degree freemason.
On 2 June 2008, when Charles Ommanney's photograph appeared in Newsweek magazine, the conspiracy theorists believed they had their proof. But, while it is true that one of the unidentified hands wears a Masonic ring, there is no reason to conclude that the hands were Obama's two years later, tenacious anti-mason "Freemasonry Watch", in his blog of 19 February 2009, reported the 2007 message from the still anonymous poster who had claimed to have sat in lodge with Obama, citing this as conclusive proof that Obama was a freemason.
Neither the Grand Lodge of Illinois nor the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois have any record that Obama was made a freemason. Obama has never said that he was a freemason.
There are no photographs of him in Masonic regalia.
Who should you believe? On the one hand you have the claims of two anonymous online posters and the unknown author of an obviously fraudulent text, and on the other hand you have the denials of two established organizations that would proudly claim the President of the United States as a member, if he was....
Understand this-- This ring clearly means that Barak Obama is a committed Muslim. Thus, all real Muslims believe there are two groups in the world-- Dar ul Islam, and Dar ul Harb, or the House of Islam, and the House of the heathen. If the Heathen, also called Kaffir, will not submit to Islam, they must be killed. In this we understand that Barak Obama, while lying about civil right and freedom of religion, really believes that America should be destroyed because it will not convert to Islam.
So, Barak Obama wears a Masonic ring at times, and he also wears an Islamic oath to Allah ring. But, here is Obama showing someone what he carries in his pocket as lucky charms. What caught my eye in the bottom photo was that tiny icon (or Murti) which did not look like one of god Hanuman as it has four hands, one holding a chakra, the other a trishul or a gada, the other two hands have a lotus and a conch, presumably. These four things are associated with Lord Vishnu (Lord Krishna is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu).
I see a cheap aluminum Mary pendant in the upper photo. It seems that Obama's ecumenical bling bling is generous to the gods after all. In the center photo, I see a pendant of Jesus, a lucky stone with a cross on it, what I suspect is a pendant of the Pope, and to the god of transportation, a subway token. There appears to be a US penny, and a German phennig.
Also, under the god Murti in the bottom photo I detect a St Christopher medal. This is troubling because old Chris was demoted by Pope John Paul II long ago. So, Obama seems to be getting lax about keeping current in his pagan theology. In the bottom photo you can see the Islamic oath ring also.
All over Africa, and I have seen this living there for many years, Muslims mix their Islam with animism and devil fetish worship. Thus, I would suggest that Obama is a good paganized Muslim from Africa. The fact is, if Sharia Muslims take over the USA, the first one they will kill will be the big men who clings to many gods as well as Allah. They especially hate anyone who gives recognition to Jesus Christ. Michelle should grab that Mary and Jesus pendant and throw them in the trash if she wants him to survive the coming Jihad.
Here President Obama is awarded the Order of the Sucker from America Award.
To be fair, George W. Bush also accepted one of these.
President Obama reverently lights the fires of pagan Hinduism and Jainism as the faggot priest to the right chants about the fornicating gods and goddesses of India. These Jains are the people who carry a bowl and a broom with them wherever they go. The broom is used to sweep bugs off the path because they believe the bugs may be their reincarnated ancestor. I am not making this up. The photo above this damned to hell ceremony is that of President George Washington, the Worshipful Master of the Washington DC Grand Masonic Lodge in his day. It seems that paganism was mixed in with our very origins in the USA.Now, watch the video of Obama celebrating Diwali in the White House.
A pop-up tells you that Diwali is a Sikh celebration. That is totally wrong. The Sikhs do have a celebration on the same night, but they call it something else. If you watch to the end, you will see Obama light the holy light, and the meaning is exactly the same as he spoke when, and if, he became a Freemason, "Lead me from darkness to light."
Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!When anyone invites light into their soul which is not the Light of the world, Jesus Christ, they are opening the door to devils. These devils believe they have a right to possess such a person because that person invited the devils in.
President Obama waters Buddha.
Someone should inform Obama that there is no water in hell where Buddhists spend eternity.
President Obama rings the bell of a Buddhist temple.
This is an act of sending prayers and worship up to the gods.Romans 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.President Obama is clearly suffering from some sort of wasting aliment. Whether it is from AIDS or any number of other possible issues, I believe God is taking away the health of Barak Obama as a reward for his blasphemies of God and his trashing of what little Christian salt is left in the American culture.
What about YOU?
God is watching you also, and if you have stopped reading the Bible daily, and now depend on some flashy preacher with a big toothy grin to give you the rush, God will come around soon and reintroduce himself to you. And, Bunky, it may be a very nasty reunion. God chastens those who turn away from him after they have known him.
We end this journey with this last photo of President Barak Obama diving eagerly into paganism:
Revelation 17:1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.Thus, we understand that King Obama is committing spiritual fornication with the Great Whore.
Psalms 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
The worst part of this story is not the wicked wanderings into paganism by President Obama. The worst part of this story is that the American people chose this man to lead them..... TWICE!
But, I suspect America will do worse the next time around. What do you think?
The sign of Baphomet. With the thumb outward it becomes,
"I love you in sign language." So, this is a choice.
Hillary Clinton is getting a blessing from a pagan
American Indian Shaman.
2021- This article was done before Donald Trump ran for office as President. We have seen that he is a totally self-centered man, and his manner is that of a Freemason who believes the world needs him as their savior.