Fred Fundie
is your average Fundamentalist according to NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, The World Council
of Churches,
Great Liberal PhDs (Piled Higher and Deeper), and all Federal
Investigators, especially John Ashcroft et al.
Fred has an AK 47 in
his hip pocket, and he shoots down TWA planes over Long Island. He hates
nature, and he
runs over frogs on the road every chance he gets. His
pen pals are Muamar Ghadhaffi and Osama bin Laden,
and his favorite book
is Mein Kampf.
is the man who is mature, graceful, restrained, and..........
NOT like all
those Christians who do not use the "F" word in public:
Sig Heil, mein Fuehrer
Three cheers for Botox