Midi, WAV, and RA Fun!





Sweet to the Saints,
Bitter to Heretics--
Ain't Nothin' in between !!






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The following are buzz words for the trusty robots of the world's search engines.  The reader is invited to browse them if he has nothing better to do.  They are based in Balaam's Ass Speaks and Allah, Divine or Demonic?

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Allah, Mohammed, Mohammed, Hadith, Islam, Muslim, Mecca, Taif, Sumer, Allat, Ishtar, Euphrates, Zwemmer, Medina, Arabia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Haudramaut, Coffee, Saba, Ethiopia, Red Sea, Tema, Egypt, Phoenicia, Israel, Horus, Ashtart, Rimmon, Asshur, Rahman, Brahman, India, Vedas, Hindu, Isa, Yitha, El, Elohim, Abraham, Ishmael, Mullah, Mosque, Piano Repair, restoration, Tuning, piano tuning, tuner, piano parts, piano catalogue, piano parts catalog, catalog, piano sales, Kaaba, Koran, Bible, Nile, Tigris, Damascus, Nineveh, Elam, piano dealers, wholesale, technical support, classified, Yamaha, Kawai, Baldwin, digital pianos, Upanishads, Vedanta, Rodney Howard Browne, Pastor Kilpatrick, Brownsville, Assembly of God, Singapore, Qatar, Kuwait, Arnott, Toronto Blessing, Toronto, airport, church, holy laughter, laughter, vomiting, ectoplasm, Promise Keepers, Philips, McCartney, Raleigh Washington, Robin Kalhorn, Huachuca City, Kali, New World Order, talking heads, CBS, NBC, BBC, Babylon, Nippor, Ur, Bahrain, Oman, Zanzibar, Zinj, Dhow, Camel, Oil, Kuwait, Persia, Paul, Jesus, Fatima, Khadijah, Zamzam, Omar, Nimrod, Semiramis, Epigraphs, Inscriptions, Dar ul Islam, Jihad, Dearborn, Birmingham, Imam, Sheik, Phallic, Moon, Goddess, Sun, Star, Angel, Al Uzza, Manat, Innana, Inanna, Frazer, Winnett, Archaeology, Pholio, Nazareth, Jerusalem, Prophecy, Jinn, India, Oasis, Oases, Rub Al Qwain, Empty Quarter, Bedhoin, Salladin. Patai, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Moab, Amman, Ammon, Bush, Kissinger, Greek, Lato, Lat, Vatican, Grand, Latin, Dagon, Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh, Nebuchadnezzar, India, Sand, Palm, Cairo, Baghdad, Saddam, Nasser, Zionism, Zionist, PLO, Arafat, Rabbi, Jew, Jewish, Palestinian, Terrorist, War, Eastern, Gate, Taima, Negus, Hegira. Hegira, Jiddah, Paradise, Isaac, Abdallah, Al Hadiz, Accad, Akkad, Petra, Bahrain, Abdullah, Ahmed, Akbar, Anabaptist. Lord, Apostle, Nation, Armenia, Aryan, Eritrea, Asmara, Assyria, Syria, Ayatollah, Ayesha, Aziz, Ba'al, Baal, Babel, Basilica, Basra, Beirut, Bethlehem, Boniface, Ghali, Buddhist, Cabbala, Caliph, Calneh, Canaan, Cannibal, Chaldeans, Christ, Circumcision, Clitoridectomy, Constantine, Contextualization, Coptic, Croatia, Cyrus, Daniel, Dar-ul-Harb, Deedat, Dilmun, Djibouti, Dowry, Dubai, Dusares, Eid, El Elyon,  El Elyon, Enlil, Ereshkigal, Faisal, Falasha, Ghadaffi, Gog, Gorbachev, Gulf, Habasha, Hagar, Hajj, Hamite, Hammurabi, Havilah, Hebrew, Herodotus, Houris, Muta, Marriage, Injil, Intifada, Ishmaelite, Iswara, Jizya, Josephus, Judah, Kabbala, Kaffir, Khartoum, Kouraish, Lebanon, Libido, Lilith, Lucifer, Madhi, Madrassa, Marduk, Mary, Rivera, Mass, Mesopotamia, Moses, Moshey, Nabataean, Nanak, Negev, v, Noah, Orthodox, Ottoman, Pakistan, Palmyra, Peter, Phoenicia, Pillar, Qatab, Qibla, Quran, Koran, Rimmon, Roman Catholic , Rome, Russia, Sadat, Safiya, Satanic Verses, Semitic, Serpent, Shem, Shiite, Sinai, Sodom, Sufi, Suni, Sunnat, Tirmizi, Wadd, Waraqah, Wives, Word, Yeshua, Ziggurat, Zwemmer, Fundamentalist, Fundamentalism, Independent, Baptist, Van Impe, Billy Graham,Pope, John Paul II, Roman Catholic, Christianity, Balaam, Ecumenism, Independent, Bible, King James, NIV, NASB, Promise Keepers, Benny Hinn, TBN, CBN, Robertson, Paul Crouch, Robert Schuler, Hell, Heaven, BJU, Biola, Missions, Missionary, Good News, Gospel, Hinduism, New Age, Westcott, Hort, London, Genesis, John, Romans, Revelation, Salvation, Sin, Donkey, Cross, Blood, Zeal, Separation, Africa, Graphic, Hymns, Midi, Ladies, Recipe, Textual, Criticism, Faith, Damned, Damnation, God, Holy Spirit, Charismatic,Pentecostal, Godhead, Baptism, Holy, Soul, Heart, Psychiatric, Psychology, Pastor, Home, Home Schooling, Assembly, Saint, Mary, Mormon, Jehovah, Jehovah's Witness, Moonie, Slain, Tongues, Healing, Scripture, Evil, Witch, Witches, Witchcraft, Satan, Satan worship, Satanist, Man, AIDS, Joy, Health, Medicine, Caveat Emptor, Law, Grace, New Testament, Old Testament, Van Nattan, Huachuca City, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Psalms, David, Solomon, Job, Song of Solomon, Sermon, Graphic, Cults, Religion, Caesar, Riddle, Quiz, Stories, Legend, Prayer, Fanatic, Charitable, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Romans, Acts, Galatians, Corinthian, Timothy, Titus, Hebrews, Jeremiah, Adventist, Miracle, Rapture, Deliverance, Government, UFO, Greys, Wicca, Bible, Promise Keepers, Third Wave, Toronto blessing,Caveat Emptor, buyer beware, dangerous products, AIDS, products, Wold News, consumer report, culture, sodomy, consumer, salute, good deal, fundamental, Warnings, Resources, health food, food, food additives, clinton, al gore, president, monoica, hillary, murder, kill, assasinate, impeach, suicide, federal, reserve, y2k, year, 2000, stock, market, oval office, white house, congress, senate, us, u.s., house representatives, bill, hillary, chelsea, tipper, batf, fbi, cia, white hall, parliament, mp, mps, lords, house, commons, prime, minister, number ten, downing, street, herrods, arab, middle east, israel, ararat, jordan, jerusalem, egypt, australia, gingerich, kenneth starr, larouche, lyndon, scotland yard, m-5, m-6, m-7, m-8, england, windsor, hanover, stewart, scotland, prince michael, stone of destiny, magdaline, magdalene, mary, jesus, son, blood, holy, grail, queen, elizabeth, prince, philip, charles, william, diana, di, lady, spencer, abdicate, commonwealth, africa, musaveni, moi, singapore, australia, canada, usa, america, babylon, united nations, un, security council, stanley foundation, mueller, stone, new world order, bilderburgers, council on foreign relations, cfr, trilateral commission, one worlder, one, worlders, conspiracy, gold, federal, reserve, banks, banking, border patrol, police, sheriff, law and order, King James Bible, baptist, balaam, Home Makers, Warnings, good news, Bible believers, Fundamentalist, Fundamentalism, Good News, Gospel, Ladies, Recipe, Psychiatric, Psychology, Pastor, Home, Home Schooling, AIDS, Joy, Health, Medicine, Caveat Emptor, Van Nattan, Good News, Good, News, saints, simple, local churches, churches, fundamental, Christians, Fundamental Christians, Ordinary Saints, saints, down, home, down home, King James Bible, Balaam, good news, missionaries, depression, legends, Fundamentalist, Fundamentalism, Independent, Baptist, Christianity, Balaam, Independent, Bible, King James, Heaven, Missions, Missionary, Good News, Gospel, Salvation, Sin, Donkey, Cross, Blood, Zeal, Separation, Faith, God, Holy Spirit, Holy, Heart, Holiness, Pastor, Saint, Joy, New Testament, Old Testament, Religion, Prayer, Miracle, Deliverance, Bible, Lord Jesus Christ, Apostle